The arrival

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Recap; wedding

Now it's been 2 months since Sukor got married n Chakor has become the mother of the two naughty kids who doesn't allow their parents to have a single night together! Not only this no. Suraj parents has announced their coming!

Haan finally Chakor is going to meet her in laws. For Chakor it is a whole new situation but still she will do her best to prove them she is gud enough no she is perfect for Suraj n the kids.

Suraj was making coffee when the doorbell rings. Chakor pecks his cheek. Gud morning. Suraj; gud morning baby... he was abt to kiss her helps when.

... Suraj?!
Suraj turns n saw his mother on coming in through the kitchen door.
Suraj; u told me u will come tomorrow...
Teju; so what?! Can't we come earlier to meet our only son n his kids n NEW WIFE.

Chakor steps away from Suraj. Chakor knee this was bad. Her first impression went all to vain... she had prepared everything for tomorrow not for today n now she was caught red handed while trying to kiss her husband on his lips.

Suraj; Mom... hmm. Meet Chakor my wife. Chakor goes to Teju n bend down to get her blessing. Teju; bless u. Very dry n disinterested. Suraj gave her a look like really?!

Chakor didn't mind she was expecting something like this as it is typically Saas n Bahu drama. Chakor; I hope u had a great flight! Teju nods with a fake smile.

Teju - I will check u from top to toe! There must be something fishy with U! -.

Chakor - I will prove u! That I'm the best choice for ur son n grandchildren's! -.

Suraj - shit this has started wonderful! -.

The kids come running down the stairs.

KN was in the hall sitting on the couch.
Madhu jumped on him like Nikhil did.

KN; aww u two grow! U look so happy! He hugs then tight.

Madhu; Chakor is our mom now! KN; haan I know! I'm very happy but shh ur Daadi isn't. Nikhil; ya we thought that too! But Daada when she will get to know her better she will love her so much! KN; I think so too! Madhu; u got gifts for us, right?!.

Chakor; Maa u sit I will serve u food n coffee or chai what u want!

Teju sat on the chair. KN come into the kitchen.

The kids; oh ho! KN n the kids come into the kitchen.

Suraj; Dad! - this is the most awkward moment of my life I want to die! -.

KN; son! - this is the most awkward moment of my life I want to die! -.

Teju; sit our new DIL wants to serve the food she hasn't prepared yet!

Chakor - oh Gosh it already started? -. Maa Papa what would U like to eat?!.

Nikhil; Maa Parathe! Madhu; me too! Suraj; I will eat everything u will make... he looked at his watch. Oh no I'm getting late. Sorry I have to leave. Chakor looked at him. She very well know his schedule n there was not any meeting or important work he has to do!

Chakor n Suraj hugs. She whispers in his ear. I come home I Will show u hell!

Suraj gulps n leaves...

Hope u liked it

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