Hate or Love

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Recap; misunderstandings by misunderstandings... Suraj shouted at Chakor she is just a caretaker not more...

Chakor numb hearing it... Haan I'm just a caretaker maybe I misunderstood everything... I was blind in love with u... I was blind in love with kids which r not mine but urs... I'm sorry Sir! I crossed my limits... that I come into ur life n fall for u was my biggest mistake in my life.

The kids were scared Nikhil hold Madhus hand tight he even hugs her to make her calm...

Suraj; yes the biggest mistake was to hire u as a caretaker u used my situation for ur benefits. U  used my kids to come closer to me! U had planned it!

Chakor was shocked... what?!

Suraj; just leave! There is no need for a caretaker like U!

Chakor was crying she couldn't see him anymore she leaves the kitchen....

Nikhil; Papa this was too much!
Suraj; was it? Really?
Madhu; Haan papa this was very bad I'm scared..

Suraj looked at them. Wanna hold my hand?. He forwarded his hands to his kids n both took the hands...

Chakor was at the living room she couldn't believe her eyes.... the tears were blurring her view... but she was sure abt the room....

 but she was sure abt the room

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Chakor; what is this all???

Suraj and the kids were sneaking into the room....

Nikhil; OMG what is all this?
Suraj; Madhus idea!
Nikhil; and u took her ideas all of them?!
Suraj looked at Madhu then to Nikhil... u both r too much! Now let's see what she says...

 u both r too much! Now let's see what she says

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Chakor was reading it I Love You!

Suraj comes into the living room the kids were following him..

Chakor looked at him with a confused expression... what is going on here???

Suraj bend down on one knee...
I have enough of the caretaker but never of Chakor! Today I want to ask U for a gift...

I have enough of the caretaker but never of Chakor! Today I want to ask U for a gift

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Chakor would u marry me?!

Chakor was looking at him in anger... Suraj after what u said u think I would marry u?.

Suraj; haan! bcz u love me that is y gave that guy a slap! So I didn't interfere as I know u r independent! U can handle everything if u want u r handling me... that is something everyone should salute u for!

Chakor; U don't hate me?

Suraj; No I don't hate U! I love U! I just hate the caretaker it is a word which brought a barrier between us n I won't to remove it. I know I said I will wait till ur studies r over but if I wait any longer than it might be possible that someone else will come n take u away. But I don't want this I want u to be mine only mine! Not as a caretaker but as my wife as their mother... as our life!

Chakor was looking at them.

Madhu; the decoration was my idea how u liked it???

Nikhil; I told papa to give u an extravagant proposal but papa obviously over acted!

Suraj; kiya yaar ek to idea tum dono ka aur gunaah mera??? {what u both gave this idea n now all is my fault}?.

Suraj; Chakor u tell! Do u want to marry me... I mean us??!

Chakor bend down on her knees... she took Madhu. I love that flower arrangement n u know the balloons r so cute... she kisses her cheek.

She took Nikhil.. extravagant hmm over act absolutely right! This man is an idiot never cares abt other's n their feelings.

Nikhil; wohi to {exactly}. I told him to scold u slightly but he burst out in anger... uff!

Suraj; Bas {enough}. He stood up. U don't want to marry me?

He turns but she hold his hand... no I don't want to marry... Suraj turns tears were forming in his eyes... Chakor; I want to marry u all being ur both mother n ur wife.

Suraj comes Down n cupped her face. Chakor hold his hands... Suraj kisses her lips...

Suraj; sorry over acting but they told me to show u all I have... both hit him. Suraj pouts. But Chakor kisses him.

Suraj; I will talk to ur parents n if necessary I will call them here!

Chakor shook her head. No Suraj their is no need for them to come! I love u! I want to marry u! I don't need the permission of my parents I'm an independent woman who can take her decision by her own. I don't need anyone else!

It is my life! I want to spend with U! N my two kids... no one else has a right to say something anything!

Suraj; really?

Chakor nods!

Suraj; gud next week we will get married but I will wait for u as long as u want u will finish ur studies as planned just one change ur name will be Chakoriya Suraj Khanna.

Chakor nods n gave him a kiss too!

The kids were happy n Suraj made them all sleep on one bed the kids were sleeping between them. Suraj was the right side of the bed n Chakor on the left side of the bed.

As a happy family...

I know u want me to continue. I think with the sudden marriage it will be nice to portray the way of Chakor how she will manage a new situation in her life? Only if u want to.

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