first impression

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Hi as requested from Ssrilalitha n chakor01

Recap; Chakor has arrived to England Birmingham. She met with Mary the maid. She has start a cute bounding with Madhu n Nikhil somehow is also keen to know her better.

Chakor was sleeping when her alarm⏰ clock rings... 😩 she was very sleepy but the kids needs to get ready for school. With lots of effort she woke up n went into the washroom. A quick cold shower n she was awake.

Chakor walked down to the main hall. Maybe someone is awake? But it was empty. Chakor walked directly into the kitchen. She filled two glasses with milk n made two toast with jam. Not for herself but for the kids.

She walks up to the kids she slowly opens the door. Both were sleeping peacefully Chakor had an unusal feeling a smile appear on her face which expresses alot of mixed feelings.

She put the tray on the desk n walked to Nikhil. She caresses his head n give him a kiss on his forehead. She slowly shake him. Nikhil... beta wake up. Nikhil opens his sleepy eyes he rubs them with the bach if his hands. Chakor stroke his cheek. Here drink. Nikhil shook his head. Chakor; Nikhil please for me? She pout. Nikhil; ok. He drunk the milk. She then goes to Madhu n wakes her in the same way. She too drunk the milk. Both eat the toast n went to brush their teeth.

Chakor went to their wardrob she tookout their school-uniforms. Nikhil came out first. Chakor; Nikhil come. She gave him his uniform n he went to change into another side of the room behind a screen. Madhu comes n Chakor helped her with her clothes.

Nikhil took his bag was abt to come. Chakor; Nikhil u r a boy n older than Madhu right. Nikhil; yes right. Chakor; Madhu seems weak n u seems so strong can't u carry her bag? or at least u could bring it n she would carry it from here. Nikhil got the signal n took Madhus bag too.

They came down earlier than expected....

Suraj was in the kitchen n having a breakfast his life has become a hell. He sleeps goes to work comes home n starts drinking he hasn't seen hus kids over weeks he trues to avoid them as they remind him on his late wife.

Chakor n the kids enters the kitchen. Madhu; papa!. She left Chakors hand n runs to him. Suraj didn't looked at her not a single gaze she is the copy if her mothet he left from their without finishing his food tears rolled down of both Suraj n Madhu. Chakor; Madhu.... she felt the pain. Chakor took her in her embrance n hugs her tight.

Nikhil; Madhu how many times should I tell u he is not anymore our father. He has become a stranger. Nikhil has changed his sadness n live into anger n hate. Madhu; sniffs. Papa 😢 is hurt... Chakor; give him time. Nikhil; oh madam this is personal do ur work u r paid for. Chakor was shicked of his words. Now she understand y he is the brat.  But she could understand it. Chakor; sorry. But now eat n let's go. Madhu; I'm not hungry. Nikhil; me neither. Chakor; ok. Let's go.

The driver was waiting. Chakor opens the back seat door. Madhu n Nikhil were sitting on childcare chairs. Chakor just made her place. Both were confused like the driver. Chakor; please start others we will be late. Driver nod. Nikhil n Madhu looked at each other then to her.

Chakor felt their gaze but ignore it. Chakor was trying to make a map in her mind. Driver stops the car in front of a huge school. Chakor gets off the car n helped Nikhil. The driver came but Chakor told him to wait in the car  Chakor then helped Madhu. She gave them both their bags n went in to meet their teachers to introduce herself as their caretaker.

Madhu; Bye Chakor. Chakor; Bye... wait. She calls her with a finger pointing continuesly to herself. Madhu comes. yeah? Chakor kissed her forehead hace a nice day n learn as much as u can n have fun 😄. Madhu smiled she hugs her. She never felt that kind of love.

Chakor went with Nikhil to his class too. Nikhil; wait u can't come in. Chakor; y?. Nikhil; bcz everyone will know that I have baby-sitter. Chakor; do u think they don't have?  Nikhil just think once. U r 7 years old no parents would leave their kuds alone. Nikhil; my father does. Chakor 😯. I have to meet ur teacher to introduce myself. Chakor n Nikhil walked in. The teacher wasn't pleased to see him. Chakor introduced herself. 

The teacher; please its a free advice leave as soon as possible he will ruin u.  Or better sau destroy u. Chakor looked at Nikhil 😇. Chakor; Ok. I will think abt it. Looking at Nikhil 😉. Nikhil smiled. Chakor hold him. Nikhil; what r u doing? He whispers. Chakor; if u want to keep ur bad boy reputation listen to me carefully. Play pranks but not harmful ones. Learn n get gud marks bcz if ur result will be bad I will make ur life to hell. Got It!. Nikhil was surprise normally the caretakers r scared from him but gere he feels fear of her. Chakor; got it? Nikhil nod.

Chakor; Have a nice day I will try tk pick u up. Bye.
Nikhil; bye...

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