College / time schedule

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Wow I never thought u would like this story 😄😄😄😄😄.

Thank u 🙄🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷.

Recap; Chakor has made a bounding with Madhu... Nikhil is still not fully convince. Suraj is avoiding his kids with his actions he is hurting them n most Madhu who is much effected after losing her mother she needs a fatger but... Chakor meet the teacher's to introduce herself as the new Au Pair.

Chakor left the school of the kids to visit her college. She was trying to make time schedule n planning her daily tour.

Chakor found thr college she enters it to meet the principal to talk abt the start of her semestry.

She knocked on the door of the principal. Come in a voice shout.
Chakor enters the big room which had a large wood desk with a modern Notebook. A man in his 50's was sitting on a leather chair wearing glasses he had grey but full hair.

The principal; yes. Chakor; Hi Sir I'm Chakor Laal we talked abt the admittion. Pri; oh ya right... u r the au pair of industrialist Mr. Suraj Khanna. Chakor nod. Pri; how is he?. Chakor made a sad face the principal understood.

Pri; please have a seat. Chakor; thank u. Pri; the formalities r almost done I just need a copy of ur work contract signed by Mr. Khanna n ur Passport/Visa copy. Chakor; I will get them asap. Pri; I'm sure u will. Do have any specific classes?. Chakor; yeah actually I thought abt engineering or business classes. Pri; well we r one of the best universities take ur time to choose. Chakor; no... Pri; no? Chakor; I wil choose the classes depending on the time schedule of the kids. Pri; that's very kind of u. Chakor smiled shyly. The principal was doing something on his notebook suddenly his printer starts... He handover her the time schedules for her classes. Chakor; thank u sir. 😊. Pri; u welcome.

They shake the hands n Chakor left she was at the campus it was huge n new for her. She saw the facilities n was excited to do some sports there. Chakor went to the trophy hall the was a huge cupboard with archived trophies of the previous students. Chakor was shocked n happy to see the picture of Suraj as an American football player. He was an outstanding running back. Chakor instantly smiled.

Chakor was lost in the time but her mobile rings an alarm signal. School is over in 30 min. Chakor smiled n walked back to the kids school she was waiting outside the main door for the kids.

First Madhu appear she was happy to see Chakor as she promised her to be here n waiting for her. Madhu; Chakor 😀 She comes n hugs her Chakir too hugs her. After a while Nikhil appear another boy pushed him but Nikhil didn't do anything. Chakor; Hey! How dare u to push him on the stairs? where is the teacher?

No one ever fought for him only his mother did but after her death he was left alone. His eyes became big seeing Chakor's angry eyes on that boy. Chakor; how old r u? which class do u attend n what is ur name?!. She asked so many questions that the boy runs away. Chakor; don't u dare to do it ever again. I'm watching u!

Nikhil smiled. Chakor; Nikhil r u fine? Nikhil nid n hugs her. Which very surprising for her bcz this was a hug from his heart. Chakor hugs him back. Let's go!. Nikhil nod. Madhu come. Chakor calls her n the 3 walked home.

But before they reached home. Chakor had an idea. Hmm if u both show me ur homework now we will have an ice-cream. Both looked at her with big eyes n nod. Chakor; fine. There look. She showed them an Ice cream parlour. We will go their they have large tables.

Nikhil; but Chakor this is not an Ice cream parlour only look. Chakor; it's even better I will give u a treat. Madhu; means? Chakor; we will have lunch n ice cream. Both smiled but didn't get the trick.

Chakor orders healthy food with lots of veg n chicken.  Chakor; show me the homework. Both showed her their books Madhu had to learn the alphabet while Nikhil had some maths works of add up figures. Chakor worked with Nikhil first. She explains him.

3 + 9 = ? Chakor; if u count til nine do it. Nikhil did counting till 9. Chakor held 3 fingers up. Add them. Nikhil 10 11 12. 3 + 9 = 12 😀. N he did others on his own. Madhu was learning abc... but not more. Chakor; hmm u know a stands apple. Madhu nod. Chakor; b...? do u have a fruit object or toy?. Madhu 🤔 ...😄 banana. Chakor; yes. next is C.... Madhu looked at her she hold her cheek. Chakor. Chakor made eyes ya 😄.

The kids eat healthy food while working they were full there was no place left for an ice cream... 😎.

Chakor n the kids walked home. Mary got a call from Chakor that they will eat outside. Mary; Sir is angry with u. Chakor; what ... y?. Mary; the kids r not allowed to eat outside. Chakor; oh but we just eat healthy food. Mary; sorry but wants to talk to u. After the kids r sleeping. Chakor nod.

Chakor tool the kids. Nikhil go wash urself. Nikhil did as said n come after 15 min. wearing his pj. Chakor washed Madhu who wore her pj. Chakor again cuddles with them n both slept on her lap. Chakor later put Madhu on her bed n she couldn't hols herself n gave them.again a kiss on their forehead...

Sorry to end here 😋.
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