Some romance

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I know late n they never had real romance so here comes a chapter of romance.

Recap; Chakor n Teju had a small rift fight. But Teju is just testing Chakor.. 😉.

Chakor was happy she was finally alone with Suraj! Yeah finally she could spend her time with him.

Teju n KN took the kids out for a shopping tour with cinema n playground time.

Suraj was at his office n was thinking of his lovely wife. One call won't harm her or him.

Chakor was cleaning the house when Suraj calls her

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Chakor was cleaning the house when Suraj calls her.

Chakor; Suraj I was just missing u!Suraj; while cleaning the house?! Really?! Oh 😩

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Chakor; Suraj I was just missing u!
Suraj; while cleaning the house?! Really?! Oh 😩.

Chakor; Suraj do u have placed cameras here?!.

Suraj; woh Chakor... don't get angry but whenever we try we get disturbed but today it won't happen na?!.

Chakor; Suraj...

Suraj; hay hay meri wife so sweet u r shying.

Chakor; Suraj please stop staring me like this.

Suraj; but u can't see me! How do u want to know how I am staring at u???

Chakor crosses her arms around her chest. Suraj when u look at me anyhow I can sense it besides u said I'm shying. Stop staring!!!

Suraj; oh Haan sorry... my mistake. I love u!

Chakor; I love u too. Now come home soon!

Suraj; haan I'm on my way..

Chakor; really?!.

Suraj; haan 30 min I'm there.

Chakor; wait wait wait what if u come in 31 min?!

Suraj; what?!.

Chakor; haan if a delivery of pizza arrives later than 30 min the pizza is free. But what will I get?! If u r late??? Tell me...!

Suraj; if!
Okay if I am late between 1-10 min u will get 100 kisses.
If I'm late between 11-20 min u will get 200 kiss
If I'm late between...

Chakor rolls her eyes..

I will give u a night after which u want be able ...

She hung up n left the room... Hiding her blush.

Suraj; now I will definitely come late! 😎😎

Chakor was in the kitchen preparing the dinner.

Spaghetti with meatballs.

She was tasting it but then she hers the door bell... 😱 Suraj!!! So soon he thought he will come late for sure..?!

She rushed to the door n it was Suraj on time. Suraj looked at her. I'm here Under 30 min. What I will get from u know being so punc...

Chakor starts to seal his lips with hers..

Their kiss got disturbed by a call. Suraj kicks the door with his feet n went to the phone.

Suraj; Hello...Maa wait.. what?!

Teju; we r taking .... return.... u ??!


Suraj strange. He hung up. The line was very bad.

Chakor; it's okay come n have some food I made it with love!  

Suraj; haan u always give love...

Chakor was happy they had their time

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Chakor was happy they had their time. They sat n ate from one plate..  Chakor immediately spit it out.

Chakor; Suraj it's too salty.

Suraj; really?! No I can taste only love... he was continuously eating n she was trying to stop him. But he wasn't listening.

He ate his plate n hold her hand.

Suraj; do u want me to make a dish for u?!.

Chakor nods...

Suraj smirks

Chakor; Suraj

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Chakor; Suraj... what r h planning??!

Suraj lifts her... he enters the hall with her when the door opens...

Chakor n he both looked at the entrance...

Suraj left her fall.

Chakor; ouch!!

Suraj; oh Sorry!!! He helped her up n the kids come with Teju n KN.

Suraj; Maa u said u will come later.

Teju; no I called u cause the movie was booked we didn't get tickets n we returning home as it starts to rain the kids doesn't want to play!

Chakor; Oh...

KN; u r early at home?! 🤨😏.

Suraj leaves without a word.

Late in the night.

Chakor; my food was bed n u still eat it.

Suraj looked at her... then he 🤫🤫🤫🤫.

Chakor was confused... she whispers what?!.

Suraj smiles n looks around. No kids...!

He put the duvet on them ... 🙈🙈🙈

U all thought I won't give them their time right 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Pyaar ki saaza

Will be updated today too

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