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Hi 😄. Sorry for not replying on ur comments....
Thank u to all the reader n silent reader I'm very happy this story is getting that much love from u 🌷🌷🌷.

Hate wattpad I'm publishing again 3rd time now

Recap; Sukor spend an innocent night with each other. Kids r teasing them 😁.

Suraj was at his office. He had changed alot he was again the same Suraj who had started the business with the love of his life Priya. He has lost more than 2 years ago. It took him that long to be the person again he was once.

Suraj was sitting on his chair looking at the pic of his late wife.

Suraj was sitting on his chair looking at the pic of his late wife

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(I decided to give her a face Anushka from Shastri Sisters).

Suraj took the picture on his hand n starts to caressing it. He turns his chair so his stuff would see his chair back n he wqs facing the wall.

He still had the picture in his hands n starts to talk to her. Hey Priya... tears were rolling down but he hold himself. He starts again... Hey Priya... the voice was broken n filled with pain. He sniffs wiping the tears away. He couldn't talk to her.

Suraj cleaned his face n nose... He put the picture back to his place with a sad look.

He was checking his laptop in which he had a new picture in it was a pic of Chakor with the kids. He hasn't choose it. The kids did it. They asked him y he is having no pictures on the screen of them. Suraj answer was I had no pic now I have one.

Suraj was starting his work when someone come into his office like a storm

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Suraj was starting his work when someone come into his office like a storm.

Suraj stood up. Ajay! U here. Ajay; Haan I'm here what u were thinking I would be? After my sisters death it was me who handled ur damn business n now when I was away for a business trip u comeback. As if nothing happened!.

Suraj lowered his head. Ajay; What the... He goes to Suraj n hold his cheek. He was shocked to find lipstick print on Suraj cheek. Ajay punched him in his anger.

All the stuff members stood up. Suraj anger raised but he let him. Ajay; My sister did in an accident which was created by U. N u survived... it is a shame that my pure soul sister had to die on that night instead of U. Now she is gone n u r roaming around with another woman. Who is she u r betraying the soul of my sister?.

Suraj looked at Priya's picture - Am I betraying u? -.

Ajay hold Suraj collar. Tell me who she is u r spending ur nights with. Now Suraj anger raised again n this time he hits Ajay.

Suraj had pushed him with a slap. How dare u blame her?. Yes I fall in love again. But not to anyone to the one ur sister send to me.

Ajay was looking at him disgust. My sister has send no one to u!. How she is death!. How can u even imagine this?

Suraj shouts. Bcz my heart said it to me. Yes I love ur sister alot still even if she is not present she lives in my heart. But in these two years what I did? Nothing!. U had to take care of the business while I was drinking my sorrow away. I didn't care for children I let them live like orphans being a father I failed. Being a friend I failed. Being a husband I failed again by not loving my kids. By not giving them the hold n support which they desperately needed. Haan Ajay I'm not gud but trust me the one who come into my life like a new hope has changed all. Just meet her once. Please!. Suraj was still trying to hold his emotions back but tears were released n didn't wanted to stop.

He had never cried on his failure. But cried on his lost.

Ajay was seeing it all. Fine I will meet her. But I... I will judge her n if I found her not gud enough u have to stay away feom her.

Suraj smiles he wipes his tears away. Please don't fall in love with her. Was all Suraj had to say. Ajay left the cabin.

Suraj sunk back to his chair. Looking at his wife picture n display his eyes were moving from one picture to the other one picture.

Suraj hides his face behind his hands better say he had folded his hands in front of his face near his nose thinking of Ajays words.

U r betraying the soul of my sister!.

No it is not true Priya I love u!. I will always love u!. But I need to move on n I'm sure u send the angel to me. Who saved me n our kids. Someone who loves ur kids more than her own life. That mad girl was ready to stop her studies to give our nameless relationship a name. But how could I be so selfish. No one would be but she is selfless. She dared to talk to me... haha no not talk but shout at me. She realised me that I was wrong I had left our children alone... Our children who loves her more than me!. But every night when they go sleep she reminds them on u. A big picture is hanging on the wall of urs.... Please give me a sign that I'm not betraying u!. I have waited for more than 2 years to start my life again.

His thoughts were disturbed by a sudden call.

Suraj jumps up from his chair. Ajay saw that from his cabin n follows him.

Suraj was driving to the school. Nikhil had done a prank on a kid...

Ajay was following till the school both entered the class. Chakor was already there.

Suraj looked at her n then up to the sky he knows it was a sign....

Ajay was looking at him in confusion. Who is she...? He whispers.

Chakor pecked Nikhils cheek. U r such a gud boy. U changed so much tell me what happened?.

Suraj; the one...


Hope u liked it 😄
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