Chapter 12

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So there we were, six people and a camera squished into one small car. I'm pretty sure we were breaking multiple laws.

“Seriously guys... one person to drive me would have been enough...”, I said.

“But we want to know what's with you finger and it booooring anyways.”, Mitch said.

“It's just a damn finger not my spine...”, I said and rested my head on Avi's shoulder and closed my eyes. First the bus, now the finger... What's gonna come next? We soon were at the hospital.

“Hi, how can I help you?”, the nice lady in the hospital looked at me.

“Hi, I think I've broken my finger.”, I said holding up my finger.

“What's you name my dear?”, she asked.

“Kirstie Taylor Maldonado”, I answered.

“So when and how did this happen?”, she asked me, tipping on the keyboard and looking at the computer screen in front of her.

“About half an hour ago... I fell on my finger.”

“Okay, just sit in the waiting room. We'll call you.”, she said, directing us the way to the waiting room.

“Thanks”, I said and we all went there. We had to wait AN HOUR until the lady came in and called my name. The doctor just looked at my finger for a second...

“It's turning blue, it's swollen, and it has a bend to the side... We don't need to do an x-ray... it's broken. I'll give you a cast and you'll have to wear it for 6 weeks.”, he said. He seemed to be busy and stressed out, because he was not really polite. I came out to the others, with my whole lower arm in a incredible fashionable red-pinkisch cast.

Seriously, why? I've broken a finger not my arm... whatever...

“FINALLY! It's been soooo boring...”, Mitch exclaimed.

“Hey, it was YOUR idea to come with, not mine.”, I laughed.

“Okay.... LET'S GET THIS TOUR STARTED!!”, Scott said running out the hospital, sticking his fist up like superman...

“Oh god...”, I laughed, shaking my head...

So yay we were finally on the road. It was the middle of the night, but we had to drive to be at our first performance in one day on time. The good thing was in the middle of the night the freeways are empty and it was a smooth drive. We were all hanging in the back lounge. Avi and I were cuddling and all of us were on our phones. Quality time with your friends!

An hour later everyone was asleep. Avi was quietly snoring, which was adorable. Kevin was literally dead... he wasn't snoring and you could barely hear him breathe. Mitch had his head on Scott's lap and they were both sleeping as well. The rest of the people who seemed to had just randomly spawned in the bus were also asleep. The only ones still awake were me and Jenevieve, who was still driving. I was about to pass out, when suddenly the bus got of the road, crashed into the guardrail and finally drove into some trees. We all literally flew through the bus. There was screaming and things crashing. It was terrifying! I flew to the side and crashed into the wall. I felt pain.... a lot of pain in my head and shortly after that blacked out...

I shot up and looked around. I was sweating and breathing heavily. Avi looked at me concerned. We were in the back lounge and Kevin, Scott and Mitch were sleeping. Only Avi and I were awake.

“It was just a dream...”, Avi said, pulling me in for a tide hug. It must have been obvious that I just saw terrible things. "You want to talk about it?", he asked, but I shook my head. “Try to sleep. I'm here!”, he said, kissing the top of my head.

“Just one thing...”, I said and stood up. I walked to the front to Jenevieve.

“Hey Jenevieve? Can you please stop at the next resting place and we drive again tomorrow?”, I asked her.

“Why?”, she asked confused.

“Please just... please...”, I begged.

“Alright... I will...”, she said.

“Thank you...”, I said and walked back to Avi. I cuddled up to him. We could have just went to our bunks, but it was nice to cuddle with Avi and the others were already sleeping, so we just slept in the back lounge. Avi passed out before me. I was wide awake, until Jenevieve stopped the bus and also went to sleep. Now I finally was able to sleep...

A/N: Heey queeeeeeens! So here is a little, short something for you. Even though I'm busy, I couldn't leave you without ANYTHING, so I wrote this. I hope you guys like it. I LOVE you!!! Over 2.3k reads and 200 votes?!?!?!?!?! I am just... I have no words! I love, love, love, love you!! Stay #fcute!

Love you guys! -Anna

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