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All of this happened 5 years ago. I'm now 27 and Avi is 30.

I remember it as if it was yesterday, how Avi got down on one knee in front of me on one of our shows. The audience gasped and so did I. Scott knelt down next to him and held a microphone in front of Avi. Scott and Kevin were watching from behind him. Avi took my hands and spoke:

“Kirstie... I smile every time I see you and when you smile it makes me the happiest person alive. I love the way you're always positive and happy. I love it, when I wake up next to you. I love it when we cuddle on the couch all day long. I love your voice. I love your eyes. You are the prettiest girl I have ever met. I love everything about you. I love YOU! I am the happiest man ever, to have you as my girlfriend. We've been dating for 2 years now and I wanted to ask you...”, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black little box. He opened it and revealed a silver ring with an emerald. It was as green as his eyes. Tears were rolling down me cheeks and I was shaking. “Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”, everyone was waiting for my answer. I couldn't believe it. I started crying even harder.

“YES! Yes of course!!!”, I exclaimed overwhelmed. The fans were going crazy. He stood up and wrapped me into the tightest hug, we had ever shared.

“I love you so much!”, he said.

“I love you too!!”, I said.

Avi let go and held the black box between us. He took the ring and put the box back into his pocket. He shakingly took my left hand and put the ring on my ring finger. It fit perfectly. I looked up at Avi and saw that he had tears in his eyes too. He took my face in his hands and kissed me. It was the best kiss I have ever shared with anyone. It was a perfect amount of passion and innocence. As we broke apart I turned to the audience. All the girls were crying and I did the most teenager thing I could think of. I held up my left hand, started screaming and jumped up and down. Everyone started screaming, laughing, crying and clapping at the same time...

8 moths later Esther was helping me to get into my wedding dress. She was my bridesmaid.

“You look.... amazing!”, Esther was wiping tears from her face. “I can't believe my little brother is getting married to such a beauty as you!”

“Awwww... Esther, don't cry....”, I pulled her in for a hug.

“It's a wedding... everybody cries at weddings...”, she laughed.

She was right. As I walked up to my father, he had tears in his eyes. I had never really seen my dad cry before.

“Are you ready?”, he asked.

“Yes...”, I nodded. We started walking down the aisle. All the people that came stood up and turned to look at us as music started playing. I saw my family and Avi's family. Mitch and Scott were holding hands and crying together. They looked good in their suits. Kevin was standing with Star. I knew he was planning to propose to her too, but he hadn't done it yet. All of their families were there too. They looked so good. All of them! And at the end of the aisle, there was Avi with his groomsman, his brother. He looked.... I can't even describe how good he looked. Seeing him struggle made tears form in my eyes too. We stopped in front of him. My dad gave me a kiss on the forehead, took my hand and laid it into Avi's.

After we said our 'I do's and exchanged our rings, which by the way are gorgeous, Avi was now allowed to kiss me. It was our first kiss as husband and wife. It was unforgettable.

My name was no longer Maldonado, it was Kirstin Taylor Kaplan. That sounds so good!

I get chills every time I think of our wedding... it was just perfect. Everyone was enjoying themselves, dancing and laughing. It was THE perfect wedding. And the wedding night was... wild. The honeymoon was beautiful and... it was just perfect... EVERYTHING.

Even more perfect was the birth of our daughter. Two years after our wedding I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We planned on having a baby for a long time and stopped using any protection after the wedding and a year later it worked and I got pregnant. Avi was so excited. He was wishing for a daughter and I was too. I would have been just as excited for a boy, but as we got the information that it's a girl Avi got so excited he started to tear up and I full out cried.

Avi wanted to name our daughter Anna and I wanted her to be named Victoria... We decided to wait with the name until she was born and as Avi held her he had tears in his eyes again.

“She looks like a Victoria... Victoria Anna Kaplan...”, he whispered and looked at me to see if I agree with that...

“It's perfect... just like her...”, I said weekly. Exhausted from 10 hours of labor and let me tell you.... giving birth is not fun... but it's so worth it and as soon as I held my little princess in my arms all the pain was gone. Avi was by my side the whole birth, he truly was a great husband.

Speaking of husband.... MITCH AND SCOTT GOT MARRIED! Gay marriage was finally legalized in all states and Scott proposed to Mitch and well... they are the cutest husband and queen I have EVER seen... Like for real. Mitch wore a little tiara at the wedding...

Life as a family was great and for some reason, when I think of the first months I always think of this one night. Avi and I were sleeping as suddenly I heard Vikki cry. I groaned and rolled over. Avi was laying with his back to me. The crying got louder.

“Avi...”, I groan, muffled by the pillow in my face. He didn't move at all. I put me feet on his back and pushed him.

“Gooooosh.... your feet are so f-... SO cold!”, he almost fell to the ground.

“It's your turn...”, I chuckled sleepily.

“Ugh.... on my way...”, he made his way over to Vikkis room.

“Heeey.... what's wrong? Huh...? My little dragon baby...? Shhh...”, he said in his daddy voice. She was probably hungry... I got up and walked to them. Avi was rocking Victoria in his arm. His eyes were closed, he was still half asleep. I looked at them for a while. It was such an adorable sight. How he was rocking our little girl to sleep. I walked to him and put my head on his shoulder.

“Isn't she perfect?”, I whispered.

“She looks like you... just a lot smaller... You're perfect little nose, you're big, brown eyes...”, he whispered, still rocking her slightly.

“Yeah, but look at the shape of her eyes and her mouth...”, I pointed at her little face “you can definitely tell she's your child.”

Avi turned his head and kissed my temple.

“She's our little princess...”, he whispered and put her back down into her cradle. He turned to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Thank you for letting me be the husband of the most beautiful women and father of the most beautiful baby girl in the whole entire world... I love you.”, He whispered and kissed me softly.

“Thank you for being my amazing husband and the loving father of my daughter... I love you, too.”

Family life with Avi and our baby was the best that could have ever happened to me and eventually led to my sight right now. I'm standing in the doorway of the living room in our apartment. Avi is lying on the couch, fast asleep. And on his stomach is lying a sleeping Vikki... I pull out my phone to take a picture. This will be the cutest #sleepwars ever...

A/N: Heeeey my lovely, flawless people. That's the end... I hope you liked the story and enjoyed reading it... I love you all for everything. I will not be writing a sequel. I'm sorry, but I realized that writing is stressful. xD Maybe I'll write another story sometime, but not any time soon. Thank you to my very, VERY good friend Larissa for helping me.

I love y'all so, so, so, so, so, so, so much! - Your fucking queen!

I'M OUT! *drops the mic*

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