Chapter 10

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I woke up in a bed. It wasn't my bed. I looked around. I'm in Avi's bed. He was laying next to me fast asleep. (ok I'm sorry about the laying/lying thing... I get really confused with that) He must have carried me here, because I fell asleep on the couch. I yawned and stretched overdramaticly. I rolled on top of him... He was laying on his stomach so I was laying on his back now. He groaned into the pillow.

“What are you doing?”, he said into the pillow with his sexy, rough morning voice.

“Ah you know... just stretching...”, I said and stretched my arms and legs.

“On top of me?”, he chuckled.

“What do you mean on top of... oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there!”, I laughed and rolled over beside him. I looked at him. His eyes were still closed and his hair was sticking from his head in all directions. I moved closer to him and stroked his hair out of his face. I just looked at him, while his breath got calm again and he drifted off into sleep again. I kept on stroking his hair. I kissed his forehead and decided to let him sleep. I got up and walked out the room. Kevin was in the kitchen in his PJ's, making some coffee.

“Good morning Kevin!”, I said sitting down at the table.

“Oh hey Kirst...”, he said smiling at me. “Where's Avi?”

“In bed...”, I said “...sleeping. Where were you last night?” He sat down across from me.

“Ok... I can trust you and Avi to not tell Scott and Mitch. I don't want them to ask me silly questions and say stupid things and well... you know them. There is this girl I was testing with for a while now. Her name is Star. And she is such a nice girl and beautiful... and last night I went on a date with her. Our first date. We went to see a movie and after that we got something to eat. We talked for hours and hours and she is perfect. I walked her back to her apartment and she kissed me. There was this strange feeling I had, deep inside of me and I loved it.”, Kevin was smiling the whole time.

“Aw... I'm happy to hear that! I hope she knows how much she means to you. She truly seems to be a star”, Kevin never really got the chance to talk to girls and go on dates so I was so happy for him. He really seemed to care about that girl. I hope she doesn't hurt him, Kevin really deserves this. But why should she?

“Thank you... I came home yesterday and saw you two. You were asleep, cuddled up to Avi. He was stroking your hair and the way he looked at you... He always talked about you for the last like 4 months. I think you real got him. I've never seen him like this before. And that's when I started to realize that there is something between you two. Something special. You were becoming closer and then you started looking at him the same way he did. I hope Star and I are going to be the same...”, Don't cry. Don't cry. My eyes were watery, that was so sweet. For the last for months. Even though I actually never realized it. Thinking about it now, I think I really was into Avi the whole time. Kevin chose us as an example for how he wishes his relationship to be...

“Thank you Kevin... I don't know... what to say...”, I said, still tears in my eyes.

“Then don't... just leave it there!”, he smiled.

The last days there was a lot of sexual tension between Avi and me and it was great, I'm not gonna lie but... THIS is what truly means the most. The little moments. Laughing together, making each other happy, and just cuddling. That's what love is... and hearing stuff like the things Kevin just said is just... I don't know what to think...

“Do you want some breakfast?”, he asked me and stood up.

“Um... yeah sure.”, I smiled and helped him making the breakfast....

“Should we wake up Avi?”, I asked after we were finished making the food.

“What's more important to him? Food or sleep?”

“Hm... that's a tough one...”, I laughed “I'll wake him up...”, I said and walked to his room. He was laying in the same position I left him. I walked to the bed and sat down. I kissed his forehead and stroked his hair.

“Avi?”, I whispered. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled as he saw me.

“Hey..”, he whispered barely audible.

“Kevin and I are having breakfast... you want some?”, I asked and stroked his hair again.

“How could I say no to those beautiful eyes?”, he said. I leaned down and kissed him.

“Now get up!”, I said and jumped up and down on the bed.

“Yes ma'am...”, he groaned and stood up...

We were still sitting at the table after breakfast and just talking about random things.

“So what are we doing today?”, I asked.

“Lazyday?”, Avi suggested.

“Sounds good.”, I smiled. It's a good idea to relax the day before tour. Tour is fun but exhausting and tiring. Were going on North American tour so there is no big problem with jetlag and stuff but still.

“But don't forget to pack...”, Kevin said.

“Alright dad!”, I laughed...

So that's what we did. We laid in bed, cuddling, kissing, talking. Seriously, I am impressed we still find things to talk about.

We were laying in bed, cuddled up to each other and just enjoying the time it was getting quite late and we haven't done anything at all.

“Kirstie... we should probably start packing...”, Avi said quietly.

“No, I'm so comfy right now...”, I said nuzzling into his chest. I knew that we should get ready but I didn't want to.

“I know you are, but we have to...”, he kissed the top of my head.

“Okaaay...”, I sat up and looked around. “Wait... you should start. You don't need too long and then you can drive me home and I'll start then...”

“Baabe... I will drive you home now. Then you can start and I can start packing and then we can get a good rest and Kevin and I will pick you up tomorrow morning...”, he said and kissed me.

“Fine let's go then...”, I stood up and he drove me home. I packed my things and it seriously took me FOR EVER. But eventually everything was packed I went to bed. Tour starts tomorrow. Ahhh. I'm so exciteeed!!!

A/N: Heey queeens! Yaay an updait. Thank you so much for reading and being patient with me. And I hope I can updait again soon, but I don't know if I can. I'LL TRY MY BEST! Stay #fcute!

Love you guys! -Anna

A Kirstie & Avi StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang