Chapter 14

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After driving for hours, I was literally climbing around the bus, because I was so bored and needed to do something. I climbed from bunk to bunk, being handicapped by my left arm being in a cast and I almost fell a couple of times, but Avi was always by my side to hold me.

“Babe... we're almost there. Could you please stop climbing around... it's scaring me. I don't want you to fall and get hurt!”, Avi held my waist, while I tried to get from the left top bunk to the right one. I looked down at him and frowned.

“Fine...”, he helped me down and hugged me.

“Thanks”, he whispered. “Tour hasn't even begun, so don't you dare getting hurt... again.”

“I'll try...”, I giggled and looked him in the eyes. He smiled at me and stroked my cheek with his thumb, while cupping my face with his hands. Just the look of his eyes... how they were staring into my soul. Say it, Kirstie! Say that you love him! Do it! I took a deep breath and... nothing. What if it's to early and I ruin everything?

“You alright?”, Avi asked.

“Yap...”, I said and moved my face closer to his'. Our lips were really close, but not touching. That's the best moment of kissing. The short moment before the lips touch. So much tension! I finally brought our lips together for a long, but sweet kiss.

“Awww. You guys are so disgustingly adorable...”, Mitch said from behind me. “And I don't mean to ruin the moment, but we just arrived.”

“Well in that case...”, I looked at Avi and then at Mitch “LET'S GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!”


“I'm sorry!”, I laughed. “I just need fresh air and I feel like I could run a marathon right now.”

I was so happy to be outside again. We grabbed our stuff and walk inside the hotel. Mitch shoved something into my face... like LITERALLY. It was the key card to the room, I'll be sharing with Esther.

“Room 421...”, I read out loud.

“Wait. I have the sa-... Mitch!!”, Avi said.

“You'll be sharing a room with your girlfriend!”, Mitch said.

“But what about Esther and Kevin?”, I asked.

“Don't worry about that. We got it!”, Esther winked at me.

I was so happy to be sharing a room with Avi and to be honest I didn't really care about whom Esther is going to share a room with. The only thing that mattered to me right now was that I would be with Avi... alone. I was off my period really early (@stn_ptx ;) ) so that meant: FUN TIME!

We made our way to our rooms. Mitch and Scott were in the room next to us, but the others were somewhere completely different. As soon as we were in the room Avi just flopped on the bed.

“How can you be tired after driving for so long? “, I asked sitting down next to him.

“Holding you, so you don't fall can be exhausting...”, he mumbled into the pillow. He turned his head and smiled at me. There was this look again. This unbelievably sweet look. I leaned down and kissed him. Our lips moved in perfect sync. Avi sat up and pressed me down onto the bed. He lied down half next to me, half on top of me. His hands were cupping my face while mine were in his hair and on his chest. His left hand moved down to my neck and then down to my waist. He tugged up my shirt slightly and stoked my skin. His lips moved from mine over to me cheek, to my jawline and eventually my neck, while I was clutching his hair, well kind of... it was hard with the cast.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Avi tilted his head back and groaned. He rolled off me and I got up to open the door.

“Hey!!”, Mitch said excited.

“Hey”, I replied.

“Did... I interrupt something?”, he asked looking at Avi, who was laying on his back, staring at the sealing.

“No...”, I lied.

“YES!”, Avi grumbled.

“Oh... I'm sorry...”, he said, bouncing his eyebrows “Kirstie. Scott and I are going down to the hotel bar and we were wondering if you guys maybe want to come with...”

“Yeah... sure!”, I smiled.

“What about Kevin?”, Avi asked, now standing behind me.

“Nah... he didn't want to.”, Mitch shrugged.

“Have fun you guys! I'll search for Kevin. Bro time and stuff”, Avi said. He pecked my lips and walked out. Mitch and I looked after him.

“Well.. come on let's go!”, Mitch exclaimed.

Mitch and Scott were going iiiin! They were really drunk... I mean REALLY drunk. I was tipsy, but at least I was able to walk straight, but still I was very giggly.

“Kirstie, Mitch...”, Scott said wrapping his arm around our shoulders. “I love you guys! Like I really do, you're the best friends a man could ever ask for!”, he slurred.

“I love you too!”, Mitch slurred, kissing Scott's cheek.

“I love you both. You crazy bitches!”, I giggled.

After that I helped them to find their rooms, they were screaming and singing and dancing. I was trying to put them to bed. Mitch actually was able to find his bed himself, but Scott almost just passed out on the floor.

“Oh come here big boy...”, I said, while trying to pick him up. He stood up and I guided him to his bed. He just flopped on it starfish style and immediately passed out. I giggled slightly and walked out to go to my room. Avi was lying on the bed, sleeping. I was trying to be quiet I threw my clothes on the floor and decided to sleep in my underwear because I was too lazy to search for my PJ's in my suitcase.

I got in bed next to Avi and tried do make myself comfortable, but it didn't work. I was rolling around, trying to find a position that I could sleep in, but... nope. Suddenly a strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me towards him. Avi kissed my forehead and I snuggled into his chest. That was comfortable.

“I didn't mean to wake you up... I'm sorry.”, I whispered.

“I wasn't really sleeping anymore anyways. Mitch and Scott were... LOUD. They will be so much fun to be around tomorrow...”, he chuckled.

 "They will be the devil in person!”, I giggled...

A/N: Heeeey queeens! A new chapter! Sorry, I wanted to upload sooner, but I had a mental break down so yaaay, but whatever. I'm fine now and yeah... I looooooooooooooooooooo *takes a breath* ooooooooooooove you guys! Thank you so much for everything! Stay awesome!

Love you guys! -Anna

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