Repeating Cycle

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I feel like I'm living a repeating cycle, and every time it advances faster, therefore finishes faster and starts all over again faster.
Have you ever felt that?
I don't mean it as in, let's say, a couple that breaks up then comes back together then breaks up again just to come together once more. No.
I mean it differently, as in, if your life is repeating itself over and over again. Like yea, you're getting older, wiser, and all, and you're experiencing different stuff, but have you ever felt like those stories are repeating themselves?
Let's say for example, you go on a trip to California for two days. You go to museums, then supermarket, but sandwiches to take, then a resort, dinner at a fancy restaurant and sleep. Then on another trip, let's say to Mexico, you do the same thing those two days. But you don't realize it until later.
Another example could be having a group friends, changing schools, losing them, and then getting a new group of friends exactly as the ones you had before, maybe even same birthday, taste, height,etc.
Yet another one could be ending a story with someone and having another one start exactly how the last one did.
It's weird how life functions sometimes. Or maybe it's just humans, if they changed a couple things, about them, let's say, hide some personality traits or changed their life styles, maybe that would make stories change. Conversation topics would be different, meetings, gatherings, trips, clothing...
Maybe that's why I feel this repeating cycle everywhere. 2017 is kind of a cursed year, and maybe I gotta hide some things about me next year.
Maybe writing will be one of those things.

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