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She immediately shot her head up and he was standing at the door.

"Sir..." She trailed off and couldn't move.
"Sir I'm-"

"You shouldn't be sniffing through things that aren't yours." He approached her and stood before her.

She tried to stand up from his bed but he came closer and stood directly in front of her.

"Care to explain yourself?" He stared at her and she tried to look away but she couldn't.

"I didn't mean to. I-"

"And you're sitting on my bed." He added and she pleaded,

"I really didn't mean to. It's really unprofessional of me. Please I'd like to get up and continue with my duties." She pleaded because he had blocked her way.

"Why?" He asked, "I like you on it."

"Sir..." She trailed off and caught his searing gaze. He directed his gaze to her thighs and she immediately looked away with a flustered face and tried to cover her exposed thighs, which wasn't really working because the uniform wasn't as long as she was wishing it was at that moment.

"Sir, please."

He remained silent after a couple of seconds and took a step back.

She moved to her left so that she wouldn't directly be in front of him when she stood up, then she got to her feet, after a small stumble.

"You know you haven't really said sorry for invading my privacy?" He said and she turned,

"Oh I'm really really sorry. I'm really sorry and I didn't mean to."

"It's fine." He picked his phone from his bedside table, "Just put them in the drawer beneath the table. I'm heading out."

He left her in the room and descended the stairs.

Her hands immediately flew to her mouth. Oh my God, that was the most uncomfortable situation of my life, she thought.

She quickly reached for the lower drawer and dropped the five condoms in. Then she turned and something from his first suitcase drew her attention.

"This is so wrong." She said as she got on her knees and skimmed through his clothes and items, "So why am I not stopping?"

She pulled out the box that had caught her eye and her eyes widened. It was an empty condom box and on the box was written 40 Premium Latex Condoms.

"40?? And there's only five left."

"You sound surprised." Lara heard a voice say and looked up to see Jayden's male friend closing the door behind him.

In trouble again! Second time in five minutes already, she thought as she dropped the box and got to her feet.

"You're new here." He lazily sat in the chair beside the bedside table. "Lara, is it?" He stared with his light brown eyes.

"I came a few of months ago," Lara replied, folding Jayden's clothes neatly, "Yes, Lara."

"I'm Michael. Jayden and I went to the same university."

"I picked that up, sir." Lara pushed the suitcases to the corner after folding the clothes in them and arranging all the items.

"Sir?" H e laughed, "Just call me Michael. How old are you?"

She took off her footwear and got on the bed to lay it. "I'm 19."

"Dropped out?"

"Saving money for college, Sir- Michael." She added quickly and bent over to push the covers to the end.

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