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Mrs. Benson scanned the room of people who now harboured confused and intrigued facial expressions, “Where is she?” she yelled. “Where is Lara?”

Lara's spine had a shiver doing cartwheels on it as Mrs. Benson's horrendous voice called out her name. What on earth was going on? Why did Mrs. Benson want to see her, especially with such rage?

"Is something wrong?" Kira asked Lara, the same questions running through her mind. Mrs. Benson's voice was drenched in absolute fury.

"I don't know-"

"Lara!" Mrs. Benson maneuvered her way through the midst of people who gave her way when she marched towards them.

Suddenly, the air in the room started to depreciate. The solid walls started to close in, and the warmth had been replaced by coldness.

The minute Mrs. Benson's eyes had landed on Lara, Lara's soul had left the building.

The woman's eyes weren't the usual cocky, self-centered orbs she knew. These were dangerous eyes, daggers metaphorically shooting right from them into Lara's heart.

Gulping, Lara braced herself for what the woman was on about. Had someone set her up just like Rachel had been set up?

Was Brie behind whatever that was going on?

What exactly was going on?

"You!" Mrs. Benson roared. "You conniving girl. I trusted you!"

"Mrs. Benson, I don't understand," confusion and fear washed over Lara as she scanned the room which was now filled with curious eyes.

Where was Jayden? She feared she would have to face his mother alone, especially in front of all these people.

"Oh, I'll make you understand." Mrs. Benson said, pulling out her phone, pressing a button and tilting the phone screen to Lara.

"Explain this!"

Gracing the screen was a picture of Lara from the very night she had dreaded for months. She was in Jayden's room in nothing but the robe Brie had given her. In the picture, the robe had pooled around her feet and Jayden stood in front of her, half of her face showing, head tilted up to hold his gaze. Jayden had blocked ninety-percent of her nudity, only her hip bone and a side boob on display. It was the night Jayden had returned from his trip with Kira, and Brie had advised her to seduce him, having stated that it was her last resort.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mrs. Benson roared.

She had paid this girl to be her son's personal maid. This picture changed everything she had ever thought about Lara.

Lara's lips had parted but no sound had come out of her mouth. She was rendered speechless. How on earth had there been a picture of her from that awful, humiliating night?

Mrs. Benson dragged the phone away from Lara's face and turned it around to Jayden's friends.

"Just look at this!" Many curious eyes got a glimpse of the sensual picture on the screen, shocked and uncomfortable facial expressions spreading throughout, especially since it was Jayden's mother showing it around.

Turning her gaze to Lara, she reprimanded, "You harlot!"

"I-" Lara found her voice, but Mrs. Benson immediately cut her in,

"Shut up!" And with a promising hand, Mrs. Benson landed a heavy slap on Lara's precious cheek.

Loud gasps resonated within the hall and even the music had stopped. People stiffened, wondering whether to leave, interfere or to just stay out of it. The relentless had started pulling out their phones to record the unbelievable scene before them.

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