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I WANNA KNOW YOUR SHIPS. Who are you shipping who with? @AddHeading please refrain from this paragraph.😂😂

"You didn't need to read it out loud. I know what I said." Lara said.

"We said to each other we weren't going to cross boundaries. I'm keeping my word." He let her know.

"I'm not."

"I'm not going to touch you, Lara."

"Wanna bet?"

Jayden chuckled at that, rubbing the back of his neck, then returned his hand to his pocket.

"I'm just really surprised at how tables have turned."

"Did something happen between you and Kira?" Lara suddenly asked, crossing her arms across her bosom.

She needed to know. She had a hunch that Kira was up to something. She had sent him away for three weeks when she had initially said two.

The jealousy in Lara's eyes was quite visible even though she tried hard to conceal it.

"Why would you think that?" Jayden asked, curious as to how far Lara was willing to go.

"Well, for starters she kept you for three weeks, instead of two-"

"Kept me?" He had a confused expression on his face.

"She's probably the reason you cut off communication during those three weeks. Something happened?"

Jayden got closer to her, "Lara, I don't think you're in any position to ask me that."

"I don't understand what you mean." She replied grimly. Why was he behaving that way?

What did Kira do?

"Nothing happened." He decided to answer nonetheless, "We needed that extra week, plus she and I share a bond."

Lara felt her heart begin to sink. She and him shared a bond?

"And We don't?" She tightened her arms across her bosom with a scowl on her face.

"I was attracted to you."


Her heart dropped lower. "Was? Past tense? You aren't anymore?"

Jayden sighed, "Please don't make this any harder."

"Then explain it to me," She almost yelled. Almost. "What happened? Is it because of her? What did she do?? Did I suddenly become unattractive to you?"

"No." He answered, way too fast for his liking.

He rubbed his forehead and explained, "What I feel for Kira has nothing to do with physical attraction. It's different. It's deep."

"And when did you realize this," She airquoted, "Deep connection?"

"When she came back into my life. I have you to thank for that."

Lara's eager words had forced themselves back into her mouth and had refused to come out. They had felt defeated in advance.

The Jayden she had met in the kitchen that fateful night was not this Jayden. That Jayden couldn't keep his hands off her for even a second. His room door was always open for her, his lips always craved her taste, his hands always craved her touch, and his eyes undressed her every single time.

But this time, his gaze was different. It lacked the hunger and the raging desire it used to possess. His hands weren't aching to wrap themselves around her waist, or to fondle her.

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