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PREVIOUSLY ON IAYMNM (now, His Personal Maid)

Jayden had been swimming in Lara's lake with his face when he had received a phone call from his dad.

"What's going on?" Jayden asked, "Where are you?"

"Jayden," his father sounded breathless, "Come to Newton's hospital."

"Why? Dad, what's wrong?" Alarm filled Jayden's deep voice which drew Lara's attention as she attempted to sit up, but avoided it because her throbbing core had said otherwise.

"Your mother..."

"Mrs. Benson!" Jayden heard in the background. Dana's voice.

What the hell was going on?


"What's wrong with mum?" Jayden inquired. The rate at which his heart raced was twice faster than Paul Walker ever drove his race car.

"We're on our way to the hospital right now. I don't know exactly what it is," his father panted, "but she's never had a reaction like this before."

"I'm on my way," Jayden mentioned before hanging up.

"What's wrong with Mrs. Benson?" Lara asked when Jayden had turned around, her alluring nakedness failing to be prioritized as Jayden's mind had been clouded by his mother's wellbeing.

He approached the bed and picked up his shirt which had been lying on the pillow behind Lara. "My father doesn't know yet but they're on the way to the hospital. It sounds really serious, I have to go," he wore the shirt.

Lara began to move off the bed saying, "I'll come with you."

"No," he disagreed, "You're supposed to be at your mother's, remember? And I'm supposed to be out with friends."


He grabbed his phone, cupped her face and kissed her on the top of her head. "You'll be okay? Call me if you need anything. Don't step out," he advised. This had been her first time at the lakehouse.

She placed her hand on his, "I pray nothing happens to her."

"Me too."


"Jayden," Mr. Benson briskly walked to the entrance of the hospital where he spotted his son walking through the automatic glass doors two hours after their phone talk.

"Dad," he returned his father's warm embrace before inquiring, "Where's mum?"

"In the ER. Let's go to the waiting room," he gestured.

Jayden met Katy in a waiting room furnished with twelve Cogswell chairs; eleven unoccupied.

"Jayden, hey," Katy hugged him.

"How are you?" he asked her.

Katy wrapped her arms around her white blouse, "I'm worried. Something like this has never happened before. I wonder what's taking the doctor so long."

"He has to run some tests," Mr. Benson crossed his muscular arms over his navy blue shirt.

"What happened?" Jayden asked.

Mr. Benson spoke, "I was downstairs, getting some water."

Who knew Brie was water? Katy thought as Mr. Benson continued,

"When I got back to the room, Lawrencia was flat on the ground having troubles with her breathing and had an incredible fever. She complained about chest pains seconds before she passed out. I tried to move her but she wouldn't respond. That's when I called for an ambulance."

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