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Jayden had been so unaware of his senses as a huge horn boomed from a vehicle he had not seen. His eyes widened, suddenly realising that he had lost concentration on his surroundings for a mere second, a mere bloody second, the grey specks in his riveting blue eyes shining from the headlights speedily approaching him. In a gruesome, detrimental moment, an SUV brutally collided with his body, smashing him before he could react.

“Jayden!” was the final word he had heard, Lara and Kira's voices, before like a burning flame coldly put out, he was embraced by utter, abysmal darkness.


"How dare you?" Brie yelled and tried to slap Mrs. Benson after the woman had landed a dirty one on her. The woman was no longer her boss, she was completely an enemy now. Her competition. And boy, did she love opposition. It boosted her fire.

"I'm the one who put the beta-blocker in your food, not Rachel." Brie confessed, "That's right. I wanted you to OD but your bitchass survived it."

Mrs. Benson nearly crushed the girl's neck with her fist, when Josey barged into the hall, screaming,

"Jayden!" she yelped, drawing their attention, "Jayden he-"

"Where's Jayden?" Mrs. Benson immediately let go of Brie as Mr. Benson demanded,

"Where's my son?"

"Jayden he-" Josey gulped, worry etched on her face, eyes fretting fearfully, "He got hit by a car."

Gasps resonated within the hall. Even Brie had widened her eyes in shock.

"What?" Mrs. Benson's screech was loud enough to shatter glass windows.

"Where is he? Where is my son?" Mr. Benson roared.

"Quick, let's go."

"Where's Lara?" Brie asked with Dana.

Josey answered, "She and Kira went to the nearest hospital with the driver who had hit him. He's fighting for his life. These could really be his last moments. He's badly injured- we need to hurry!"

Mr. Benson with his wife, Tess, and Josey rushed out of the house immediately. Brie and Dana had joined them to provide support for their friend, Lara, as she had no one.

The night was deadly.

A couple of hours after having painfully waited in the waiting room, the doctor had come out to reveal that Jayden had been plunged into a coma. Earlier, Jayden's family had been informed that he had broken a few ribs, had sustained a concussion with major injuries to the left side of his body.

Prayer and painful anticipation were all they were left with.


The soft blue sky adorned with irregular shapes of mystic puffiness stretched above the green lands where Jayden had found himself in.

Where was he? It looked like he had awoken in an amusement park, but without the gigantic slides, the Ferris wheels and the water rides.

Not having a moment to decipher his whereabouts, a scene up ahead his path of mushy grass quickly caught his attention. A younger version of Florence had agonizingly been trying to strangle a younger version of his father.

As Jayden instinctively stomped over to the two, his father instantly disappeared into thin air, leaving Florence behind with Jayden.

Then it happened. Giggles. Giggles haphazardly erupted, coursing through the clouds, carried by the wind from a source unseen.

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