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Enjoy the update.

Brie descended the never ending stairs with a devious smile upon her pretty face as she relished the plan of removing Mrs. Benson from their lives; permanently.

Mrs. Benson had been a pain in her butt for too long, it was only a matter of time she got what was coming to her.

Very soon Mrs. Benson would be out of the way, and no one would stop her from making Mr. Benson hers, for good.

If this was what it took to get Mr. Benson back, she would do it. She was capable of worse.

Brie strolled into the kitchen where she found Katy, Emma and Dana engaging in a conversation as Katy and Emma stood in front of the operating dishwasher, and Dana brewed some coffee with the coffee maker.

Brie leisurely picked up an apple from the fruit basket and ferociously sunk her teeth into its wetness and crispiness, her noisy chewing stealing the attention of the three maids.

"Emma." Brie called out with her mouth full, her facial expression reeking of indifference as Emma reluctantly turned to look her way, prompting her to continue, "Where's your sister?"

Emma replied, "She's taking a nap."

"Good." Brie said and jumped onto the laminate countertop, her relatively soft behind coming into contact with its hard surface as she began to swing her long legs, taking another large bite of the apple then transfixed her hazel eyes on Katy and Dana. "We can talk about Jayden and Lara."

She shifted the fruit basket to the edge of the countertop as she adjusted herself on the table, eyes only dropping to glance at her now quarter-eaten apple, then returning to Katy and Dana who hadn't turned to meet her gaze.

But Dana spoke, "Brie you've been talking about them since they left." She fixed her eyes on the running coffee maker, jerking her head to throw her long dark ponytail behind, as she went on, "Give poor Lara and Jayden a break. Aye Dios."

"Keep your español to yourself, girl." Brie scoffed and went on, "I can bet my life that when Lara gets back, she won't be a virgin."

"Because Lara's pussy told you that?" Dana retorted.

"No?" Brie answered half-confused, half-annoyed as Emma and Katy stifled their laughter which had been begging to erupt.

Brie went on, "You know, Jayden won't spare having sex with Lara tonight. He'd have to be such a wuss to not take advant-"

"You spoke to Jayden's dick too?" Katy's question took Brie by surprise. Katy wasn't supposed to side with the opposing team.

Dana burst into laughter and slapped Katy's back and Emma giggled.

Brie gave Katy a death stare. Even though the six maids were in a tight group, they were divided whenever debates occurred. Three on one side; Brie, Katy and Ella, and three on the other; Lara, Emma and Dana.

Brie's group usually suggested the risky, insane and immoral ideas whereas Dana's group suggested the contrary; safe, sane and moral, respectively.

Brie had suggested Lara seduce Jayden back into her arms, which had backfired big time. Whereas Dana had suggested Lara not be desperate and play things cool. But the pressure from the 'naughty' team had weighed down on Lara as she had listened to the nefarious young lady, who had given her a couple of glasses to drink.

"Whatever." Brie fixed her eyes on the half-eaten apple in her hand, "I know he's going to strip her of every pure gene in her body. But seriously though, am I the only one who thinks their 30 day no sexual stuff is the stupidest idea on earth?"

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