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Josey was the one who broke the silence. “Now,” she shifted her glance between Jayden’s parents, Jayden, and Kira, as she spoke, “Florence was a sick motherfucker. A fucking child predator with no scruples. Nothing will ever excuse her palpable actions."

Josey went on, "However, what you don't know is that she had not just woken up one morning, deciding to abuse a child for five fucking years. As sick as she was, this woman appeared in your life for a reason," she looked Jayden dead in the eye. Shifting her gaze to his parents, she inquired, "Isn't that right, Mr and the wonderful Mrs. Benson?”

This has got to be the most intense chapter ever written.

the lyrics of the above song is perfect for this chapter. perfect song.

All these miles, feets, inches
they can't add up to the distance
that i have been through, just to get to
A place where even if there's no closure, I'm still safe

Jayden whipped his head around to his parents who simply gaped at Josey after her statement. “What is she saying?” he turned back to Josey with curious eyes as he implored, “What are you trying to say?”

Mrs. Benson screeched at Josey, “Who do you think you are to-” but Tess shut her up,

“Zip it, Mrs. Beast. If you knew who your husband really was, you'd shut your ugly mouth up.”

Tess decided to add, “But then again, you know exactly who he is.”

“What?” It was Mrs. Benson’s turn to skeptically shift her gaze to her husband who stood beside her with an arm around her waist. “What is she talking about, Jared?” she muttered undertone, very well aware that everything the girls had been spitting was hardcore truth.

She would bury him alive if he did anything behind her back.

Mr. Benson grew a defensive stance, “What are you insinuating?” he asked Tess, inwardly hoping that she would see the glint of plea in his eyes.

However, Tess could care less. “Would you tell her, or should I do you the honours?”

“Tell me what?” Mrs. Benson demanded to know, pulling herself out from her husband’s hold. Daggers shot through her gaze towards the man she had been married to for twenty years. She trusted this man with her life because he had risked everything to be with her. And there was no way he would be stupid enough to throw it all away.

Josey chose to take over, putting Mrs. Benson’s impatience on hold as she asked, “Jayden, did you know that you’re the product of a raunchy one night stand?”

Jayden simply stared at the girl in front of him who had been filling him with more information. No, he did not. His parents had told him that he had been born out of love; that they had conceived him after being together for six months.

Now Josey was telling him that those six months was actually a couple of hours.

But she wasn’t done yet. There was more.

She dramatically went on, the air thickening with suspense, “A one night stand between an engaged to-be-wed man and a woman who could care less.”

Registering the shocked looks on everyone’s faces except for the subject matters, Josey meticulously revealed, “Your father was engaged to-be-wed to Florence’s little sister.”

“What?” The question chorused through the gathering, soaking in every word Josey vomited.

His father had been engaged to Florence's little sister in the past?

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