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"What's the matter, Brie?" Lara asked when Brie was silent, "You can't remember?"

"Nah, I'm wondering if I should include the details of that mind blowing sex." She smirked and the other girls went like "Ooooo."

"It was recently. Very recent." Brie answered and Katy immediately asked,

"Brie, who??"

"Uh-uh." Brie waved her finger, "It's not part of the question. My turn."

"But you haven't answe-" Lara tried to say but Brie cut her in by announcing the person she was directing the question to,


Technically Brie had not lied about the sex she had. It really was recent and from the looks of it, very mind blowing.

Brie had won, yet again.

"Have you ever done butt?"

The other girls 'ooo'ed' again and Dana, who was munching on a slice of pepperoni pizza, answered with her Mexican accent,

"No! I'm never doing that."

"Why not?" Katy flipped her hair with a smirk.

"Because it look nasty." She said which sent the girls roaring in laughter and she continued,

"Like that's my hole for shanking, not for sex. This pizza is so good." She said with a mouthful.

"Okay, Dana, who's next?" Ella asked.

Bad Liar by Selena Gomez was on.

"Your twin sister, Emma. Little Miss Quiet." Dana replied, and Emma paused on her ice cream as her insides screamed, 'No!'

She hated playing truths because some of their questions were revolting, plus she didn't like to air her dirty laundry.

"Hit me." Emma sounded so confident.

"Okay girl, imma go easy on you Princess."

Brie laughed out loud and so did Katy.

"Who is your Celebrity Star Crush?"

"I need not think twice." Emma chested out, "RIHANNA."

"I so fucking know right," Brie said.

"Rihanna is goals." Lara put a spoonful of vanilla ice cream in her mouth.

Emma glanced at everyone to find her prey. She settled on Katy.

"If your husband and your 6 year old daughter were dying and you could only save one of them, who will you save?"

"Wow, that's a tough one." Brie said and turned her gaze to Katy, like everyone else did.

"I'm saving my boo." Katy answered and Lara said,

"Katy that's so shallow and mean of you. At least pretend you're thinking it over."

The twins agreed with Lara.

"Is my daughter going to pay my bills, give me money, and warm my bed?" Katy asked while staring at Lara.

Lara stared at her in shock. "I can't believe I'm actually listening to this."

Lara took out her phone and diverted her attention to it, but Katy wasn't finished.

"So you're saying you would save the girl and let the love of your life go?"

Lara looked at her, "The girl, as you refer to, is your daughter. She's six. She has her whole life ahead of her. She calls you mommy. She looks up to you. Mommys' are the embodiment of sacrifice for their children. I will give my life for both of them, if ONLY he is really worth my saving. If he isn't, I'm saving my baby."

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