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"We are here," Tess glanced at Josey beside her, then back to the family and maids, "To tell every single truth this family," Tess roared with disgust, "has hidden for so many years."

Josey continued, "Every single secret. Things even you, Jayden," she seized the gaze of the man who had not only gotten older but more attractive as well, "things that have been kept from you by your twats of parents."

"Where do I even begin?" were Tess' words before hell was dragged onto earth into the main hall of the Bensons'.


Mrs. Benson marched towards Tess and demanded whilst grabbing her arm, "Leave this house before I call the police!"

"The police?" Josey chuckled, dragging Tess' trapped arm out of the woman's grip, "Don't make me laugh. We're not leaving here till everyone knows everything that's been hidden for so long."

"If you don't-"

"Mum," Jayden cut in, stealing her attention and everyone else's. "Let her speak. I want to hear her."

Josey's gaze softened. Turning to her counterpart, she gave her a nod.

All the attention shifted to Tess now who joined her hands before her. Slowly, she approached Jayden.

"Jayden," she breathed, staring into his dark blue orbs with her light blue ones, "It's about time I revealed some things that have been kept hidden for many years."

Jayden gave a nod, gracing her with permission to tell him whatever she had to say.

Sucking in a silent breath, she held his gaze, a question tumbling from her lips, "Remember the shower incident?"

How could he not? It basically was the prominent moment he remembered her by.

"Yes," he simply answered, willing to make this encounter less awkward than it already was becoming. He failed to cast a glance at his parents' disturbed facial expressions as he solely focused on the girl before him.

Lara had backed away when things had gotten intense with Tess' entrance. She now stood with the other maids a couple of feet behind Jayden, backs against the wall. However, Kira had still maintained her position inches next to Jayden.

"What you don't know is," Tess paused. She dramatically turned to her right in the direction of Jayden's parents.

Anger swirled in the eyes of Mrs. Benson, a daring glint that was meant to threaten and frighten Tess.

However, it didn't in the slightest bit. The woman had done worse to her than a mere glare in the past.

"What happened in the shower with you was not by chance," she said, "It was planned."

Gasps and murmurs escaped the lips of the maids as confusion coursed through their minds, tumbling out in bits of whispered questions.

Jayden confusedly asked, "Planned? How?"

How was it a plan for Tess to invade his shower cubicle and inappropriately touch him? Whose sick plan was that? Why on earth would someone plan the harassment of another?

Straightening up, Tess carefully informed, "It was a plan set in place by your mother. I was her pawn."

"What?" The maids chorused their shock, widened eyes and gaping mouths littering the wall they stuck to.

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