Chapter 26- HER REASON

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Play music when you see 'Play Song'. It's such a beautiful song, it touched me. I_Sell_Potatoes can testify. (Directed to I_Sell_Potatoes I MISS LEVI)



The paper fell from Kira's hands as she rushed to the balcony and opened the glass doors, calling out, "Jayden?!"

No sign of him.

She rushed back into the room and opened the bathroom. She glanced around.

Still no sign of him.

But there was water running from the tub farther in the bathroom.

She got closer to the large circular bathtub rounded by dozens of grey stones and overflowing with water, and screamed.


In full view was Jayden lying flat on his back in the tub, deep inside the water, eyes closed, wearing a light grey shirt and black shorts, with a huge traveling bag on his upper chest and neck area, keeping him down as the running water overflowed the tub.

"JAYDEN!" Kira screamed as she hurried over to the tub, falling down twice due to the wet floor, receiving an irritating ache in her chin.

Tears began to well in her eyes as she struggled to pull the extremely heavy black traveling bag off his chest, "Don't do this!" She cried.

She had no idea where the massive strength had come from but she was thankful, because she was able to shove the slightly unzipped traveling bag to one side of the tub, a piece of cement coming into sight.


She tumbled into the bath tub, wetting her uniform and pulled Jayden up, "Jayden! Jayden please!" She shook him and slapped him. "Don't do this! Not this way, please!"

She tried to pull him out from the tub, as difficult as it was, and managed to. She didn't care that she had bruised her chin again, that her ankle had almost twisted or that her head was pounding because it had bashed the side of the tub.

She laid him flat on the ground, the water mixing with her tears as she violently pressed her palms against his chest, "JAYDEN!" She wailed, "JAYDEN!"

She leaned forward and gave him a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for about five seconds, then went back to pressing his chest hard.

She repeated the two steps interchangeably, but started to cry feverently when he didn't budge.

It wasn't working. He had killed himself. He said he wanted to be her hero, but this was not the way. This was wrong.

"Jayden, how could you do such a thing!" She pressed his chest and hit his face, "You're stronger than this!"

Just then, Jayden started coughing rapidly and uncontrollably. Kira's face filled up with shock, relief and joy that he wasn't dead.


"Jayden!" She held his face to her chest, "Why?! Why?! Why did you do that?!" She cried.

Jayden coughed a couple more times, his eyes barely opened.

"Kira?" His voice was raspy and drained.

"Yes, it's me!" She sobbed, "Jayden please stay with me!" She begged when she realized he could barely open his eyes and it looked as if he was slipping back.

"Kira..." He breathed, "What-" He slowly shifted his head to the side and to the other side which was her bosom, "Did you..."

"Yes, Jayden! I saved you! What were you thinking?! Huh?!"

"Why...? I wanted to die... This was for you...Why did you bring me back...?" He coughed again.

"PLEASE DON'T SAY THAT." She caressed his wet dark hair, his blue eyes catching a glimpse of the bathtub before closing again.

"I can't live like this anymore." He sobbed, "I'm not normal...Who would want to be around me...Let me go in peace, please Kira," He begged.

"No!" Kira wailed, "You're stronger than this! You have to be strong for the little boy you once were! He needs you!"

Jayden slowly opened his eyes, struggling for breath, his vision slightly blurred, "I don't want to keep hurting you and disappointing everyone...I want to disappear...I need to."

"We will get through this!" She held his face and turned it to face hers, "Everything will be fine! You will be fine! We will work this out, okay?!"

Jayden thought he hadn't heard right. He felt his heart pulse in his chest. He had to have heard wrong.

He weakly gazed into her puffy green eyes and asked, "We...? Did you say we...?"

"Yes!" She cried.

"You'll stay with me...? You won't abandon me...?" His eyes became watery.

Kira wiped her tears although more kept pouring and she desperately smiled, "Yes, yes, I'll stay with you!"

"Even after everything I did to you...?"

Kira felt her heart wrenching in pain. Her hands were shaking and her legs weakened.

The pain stemmed from the sacrifice she was making.

Kira wiped the tear that slid from his left eye with her thumb and held his face, "We will work together to prove Florence wrong! She won't have her way with your life! You're Jayden! Don't cut your life short because of what that woman did!"

Jayden held her and cried, tears running down his face second after second. "I don't deserve you, Kira!"

"We will get through this." Her voice wobbled, pain-filled. Was this sacrifice going to be worth it?

He tried to sit up, but she stopped him,
"No, just relax. Just stay calm, I'm here with you. I'm not going anywhere. But just please don't ever try to solve a problem by attempting to end your life. That is not the way."

Jayden nodded. "I'm sorry..." His voice was still raspy and tears continued to flow down his face. "Everything's going wrong. I keep hurting you. I can barely count the number of people who really care about me, because there's just one, it's only you. My parents don't care. They never did."

"No, they care, Jay. They love you so damn much." She rocked him, with her hands holding his head to her chest, "You matter! You're strong! You don't have to be the victim! Be the survivor!"

He cried, "But how?"

She turned his face towards her,"We will work this out. I will do everything I can to make things right. I promise you."

There she was. Kira, his saviour. She was putting him before her once more. What kind of human being was she?

Jayden tried to even out his breathing, his chest heaving, eyes closed.

Then he slightly opened his eyes, laying his blue eyes on Kira's beautiful face. This girl was a pure gem. She was priceless.

She was an angel. And he loved her.

He looked into her eyes as he said, "I'll be a better person...I promise," He lifted his hand to cup her face. "You make me feel worthy...Thank you for not giving up on me..."

Kira's mouth quivered as she cried silently, eyes still on his, on his beautiful face. She was going to stay by his side, till he was completely fine. Till he was completely fine. Till they both became survivors.

"It was beautiful..." She whispered, "The rose... "

*** A/N:
(It's out now. From victims, to Survivors. The repetition in the last-but-one paragraph is for emphasis. Thank you for reading❤❤, don't forget to vote and comment lovely ones)

(BlaSt from the Past! We're going back to the Present in the next chapter. Are you ready to return?)

Shout out to The_Dweeb She's one of the few people who lift my spirits up when I feel sad or down. I appreciate you so damn much.

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