Chapter 12- TONIGHT

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Mature Content.

Read at your own risk. You've been warned.

(Play Music above my lovelies. I'll let you know when to replay it lol)

Jayden opened the door and Lara felt her anxiety climb the ladder once more.

He was wearing a grey sweatshirt and black sweatpants and his dark hair was ruffled.

He stepped aside for her to come in, and closed it after she entered.

The moonlight thrown into the room through the glass doors breathtakingly illuminated the room.

Lara turned to face him. She didn't know where and how to begin. She didn't know if she should start with why he hadn't been answering her calls, or why he hadn't come the day he said that he would. But, she had to say something.

"Um, you didn't-" She began to say but was immediately silenced when his hand grabbed her hair and his lips seized hers.

It happened like a heartbeat. The kiss wildly intensified as they devoured each other's lips and ran their hands over each other's bodies, like vampires who had been deprived of blood for decades.

The more they kissed and devoured each other, the more they didn't want to stop. Lara didn't want to stop. His scent was enough to draw her in, and his manly touch topped it.

Jayden carried Lara, holding her thighs and never breaking the kiss and she put her arms around his neck.

He walked towards the bed and sat on it gently, so he wouldn't have to break the kiss, with Lara sitting on him now, her bent knees at either side of his waist.

He rubbed his hands along her back, waist, and thighs, feeling every inch of her, before he pulled out from the kiss.

"Have I answered any one of your questions, Miss?" He asked and Lara felt her cheeks burn up.

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her body was still reeling from the unexpected passionate kiss, and his gaze sent chills running up and down her spine.

"I haven't?" He assumed for himself, "Okay. I'm ready to answer your questions, with words." His voice was husky, and there was a tad of amusement in it.

"Sir," Lara found her voice, which came out like a whisper.

"We're past that, Lara. You know it."

Lara hung her head and closed her eyes, trying to regain the vigour she had had when she had made up her mind to ask him directly.

She managed to gain just a little bit, but it was enough to push words out of her mouth.

"You ignored my calls," She began and was glad she had begun that way because a little bit of the annoyance she had felt when he had been ignoring her calls had returned.

"I called you several times but you never answered. Not a single one of them. And you never bothered to return them. Why? What did I do? Did you suddenly get tired of me?"

Lara was expecting a quick answer. She needed it to rid herself of her troubled mind, but instead, he only smiled at her.

Then he leaned in and kissed her neck, with his hands on her hips.

He kissed her slowly, taking in her delicious taste and scent, his grip tightening on her waist.

She let out a soft moan and unconsciously tilted her head for better access, which he appreciated.

He sucked on her delicate skin, ravishing her neck with bites and kisses which emanated gasps from her.

Jayden withdrew from her neck, deciding to answer.

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