Meet Riley

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{ don't hate me this story is gonna be cheesy I've never written anything like this before }

Riley's p.o.v.

Sometimes I think back to the simpler days, before our last 8th grade party where everyone decided who they wanted to be in high school. I remember leia and Levi, the (adorable) geek squad, along with fletcher.

I remember Jess Adams, before the skanky clothes, Travis Barkley before the tattoos and motorcycle.

I DONT remember Chastity Taylor's, but that was because she didn't arrive until freshmen year.

I'm Riley, the kid who never went to parties because he was too busy in his backyard hitting baseballs into the fence. But I went to that party. I saw Everything go down.
I think I was the only one who really went unchanged.


Flash forward: junior year

I tried out for three teams freshmen year, baseball, hockey, and soccer.

Surprise surprise I made varsity for all three teams. Today I'm captain of the hockey team, and co captain of the baseball team. I hang around my team mates mostly, as I watch the people around me change.

I'm a good kid, a good boy. Sure I go out to parties, drink a bit, have fun, but I could be worse.


I sat at the lunch table, my back pack at my feet. A bat and my skates filling it completely. I shoved a few French fries in my mouth as my best friend patted me on the back.

"You going to that party tonight?" He asked, his eyes bright. Austen Carlisle was my friend for many reasons, partly because he was the only freshman who made all three teams like me, but mainly because we grew up down the street from each other, and because we just clicked.
"I'll go, if you go," he gave me a nod, "there's gonna be hotties," he gave me a wink, and pretended to blow me a kiss and I punched him.
Austin and I were in what you could call a bromance.

"The only hottie you'll be looking at is me," I joked, finishing my fries and pulling my bag to my shoulders as I stood. He followed, grabbing his bag as we headed out to practice. Today we had baseball.

We mostly ran bases today and I was grateful when coach said we could go and I pulled my shirt over my shoulders, letting the air cool my skin.

Austen did the same and a two other guys, Matt and Fletcher, copied him.

"Alright, so party's at 7 so we show up round 8," Austen called over the shower water.
I chuckled, "yeah man!"

I was lucky to have Austen. He understood popularity but he was a genuine friend to me.
He had got me pumped for the party, and I quickly got dressed.
8 pm is when the real party would start.
Little did I know that this party would change a lot.

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