But dont you have to be a meathead?

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I didn't start reading the book until March 8th and when I did, I couldn't put it down. The next day at school, I made a point of looking for ashby. When he pulled into the parking lot and swung his leg over his bike, I zoomed over to him.

"No one can catch the motherfucking fox," I said excitedly, like I was finally in on some big inside joke.

He blinked at me, slowly, before smiling. "See, reading isn't that bad."

I didn't tell him that the main reason I did it was so I could start talking to him. He was driving me insane with the silent treatment. "She killed herself," I said with a nod.

He shook his head, "no she didn't," he scoffed as we walked towards the front doors. He opened the door and held it for me.

I rolled my eyes, "she killed herself, obviously, no ones dumb enough to do that on accident."

Ashby's eyebrows pressed together as he studied me. Then he shook his head and wandered down the hall.

This time when I sat down at his lunch table, I didn't say a word, but Maleia and Jess followed me.

"What are you doing?" Jess asked me as I sat down, "isn't mr. Kent ignoring your existence?"

I blushed as I glanced at him, he didn't look up but he was smiling, smugly.

"Well I read the book he's not allowed to anymore," I replied. Jess shrugged before her and Maleia trotted off, probably going to rehearse some stuff for dance.

"So you're so obsessed with me, you've been telling your friends?" He asked with a smirk. I elbowed him.

"Jesus no, why are you so stuck on yourself?"

He pretended to think for a minute before he clicked his tongue. "Because apparently I'm superman."

I was walking outside to my car when I felt someone staring. I didn't look up at first, but when it didn't go away and my skin started to crawl I finally started searching. Neal Clark was sitting with Chastity and Travis, watching me. That wasn't it. Ashby was staring back at them, then his eyes moved to me, and he frowned, before swinging a leg over his bike.

"Wait!" I yelled, and he glanced at me, irritably shaking his head as he climbed down.


"We should meet up, start on our project, or at least the screenplay," I told him. He nodded slowly.

"Okayyy... Well they lock up the school at 3, and I have some place to be until 5, the diner will be having their dinner rush...." He trailed off, and I knew he was trying to say we had to go to someone's house and he didn't want it to be his.

"Okay," I mumbled, sticking my hand into my bag and pulling out a pen. "Hand." He gave me his hand and I wrote my address, praying my mom wouldn't be home, or she'd be sleeping. Toby would be fine, he'd been cooking dinner for us and had supported me through all my break downs because of Riley.

"I'll be home all night, so show up whenever," I told him. He grunted and climbed back on his bike, revving the engine a few times before smoothly taking off.

I got home about 10 minutes later and put on some cotton shorts, through my hair up, and tossed on a raggedy tshirt. After I do my other homework for a few hours I slide into the kitchen counter, sitting as Toby cooked dinner, his eyelids droopy. It was already 5:30, and I wasn't sure when Ashby would show up.

"Can you make a little extra?" I asked slowly, Toby glanced at me.

"Do you want to be fat?" He replied.

I chuckled, "um no, I have my senior project, ya know, and my partners coming over soon, figured he will be hungry."

Toby studied my face. "Too soon Levi."


"Riley died a month and a half ago, I get it, and I know you weren't super close, and I know because of mom and dad and me, things don't affect you and keep you down the way some people would, I just think you need to give it more time."

"Give what more time?" I asked in confusion.

He shook his head, "just don't go falling for your partner," he grumbled before ruffling my hair. "I'm leaving pretty soon, meeting, but study hard."

There was a knock on our door at 6:05 and I skipped down the three steps to answer. Ashby had traded his jeans for sweats and a muscle tee, and let me tell you I wanted to drool.

"Oh, um, come in," I said awkwardly, rubbing my neck. His eyes gave me a once over and I prayed he found me attractive.

Wait, now was not the time to be horny Levi.

I started up the stairs as toby came down, eyeing ashby.

"I'm Toby," he said crossing his arms, "I'm her brother."

Ashby held my brothers gaze, and it was like some unspoken telepathic mind link was going on.

"I'm ashby, her partner."

Toby nodded before grabbing his coat and heading out the door.

Ashby was silent as he followed me up, and I made my way to the kitchen making myself a bowl of taco soup to take with me.

"Want some?" I asked. Ashby started to grunt but stopped, "actually yes please," he mumbled. I handed him a bowl.

"I usually study in my room," I said awkwardly and he shrugged.

"Lead the way."

We ended up on my bed, him at one end, me on the other, as he carefully highlighted good points from the book and I took notes on what we should use.

"This soup was delicious," he murmured when he was done.

"Toby made it."

"Where's your mom and dad?"

I froze. Ashby never made a point of asking personal questions, so I almost wanted to answer, but I was kind of embarrassed to tell him, because he obviously was the one person in this town who didn't know.

He must have seen my hesitation because he waved the question off and looked down again. Frustrated that I'd blown the first real conversation he'd tried to have with me, I picked at the end of my shorts.

"What were you up to before coming here? I mean, looks like you were working out or something, you play a sport?"

He chuckled, pushing the long strands of hair out of his eyes.

"I box," he said quietly. I studied him for a second, and he laughed slightly, "not competitively, for fun, I can feel your eyes judging me," he said softly.

I blushed. "I didn't mean- it's just I thought you had to be some kind of meathead to box," I said honestly.

He shrugged, taking his glasses off and setting them on the bed before rubbing his eyes.

"I answered your question, so answer this: what's the tattoo on your finger for?"

I studied his face, taking in every line, every curve, and making sure his question was sincere. "Riley. He killed himself. Was my ex."

Ashby's eyes fell to his book, "oh. I heard about him. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I loved him, and I will always have him in my heart," god I sounded cheesy. "He was miserable here so atleast he's happy out there."

Ashby glanced up, and reached over, squeezing my hand. "You're strong," he said quietly. "Maybe I should teach you to box."

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