Sleepover? Its called a brover

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Riley's p.o.v.

Reason number 737483825274 that Austen Carlisle is my best friend:

He always pulls through for me.

I'm sure I seem like a horrible person for shoving Levi off the roof, but I knew Austen would catch her- he had my back. Levi squealed when I pushed her and she squeezed her eyes shut. I heard Austen huff as he caught her and she flailed, forcing him to put her down. I tiptoed to the edge and jumped, landing next to Austen.
Levi opened her mouth like she wanted to say something- probably kill me too, but I held my hand up.
"Wait, you can kill me when you get to the truck."
She blinked a few times before turning, Austen began jogging down the street, keeping close to the houses and out of the street lights and Levi followed, I took the rear and was pretty impressed at how easily Levi kept up with Austen.
Three houses down was Austen's truck.
He unlocked it, and jumped in, as I held the door open for Levi.
She stared at me, her eyes narrow before she turned and climbed in.
"Thanks," she mumbled.
I smiled, Levi Hamilton just thanked me for shoving her off of a roof.
We sat in silence in the truck, not moving as we all calmed down from the excitement, and I found myself wondering how good of friends Levi had if they'd all just abandoned her without a thought.
"So home?" I asked Levi. Her eyes grew dark and an irritated scowl appeared.
"I told you, Larson," she snapped, "I can't go home."
For some reason I thought when she'd said that, it was because Chastity wasn't giving her a ride. Not because she actually couldn't. My eyes met Austen's in the rear view mirror and he shrugged.
"You can come with us, we're staying at my place. Dad won't mind, he will probably think we're having a threesome."
Levi laughed slightly, and i smiled. "We don't have threesomes, just so you know," Austen added. "It'd be weird cause he's my bro."
"You mean you'd rather have sex with some random guy than me?" I asked, Levi was giggling now, her face flushed.
"Well yeah I mean I love you but-"
"No buts Austen I think it'd be weird to have sex with a random guy, I'd rather have a threesome with you," I told him, folding my arms.

We definitely were something else.

"I still think you're wrong, you'd see my ass if we had a threesome. That doesn't bother you?"

Levi nearly snorted, "we've all seen your naked ass Austen, get over it," she said with a giggle.

I smirked, "point proven."
We drove around with the music up loud after that, and Austen, of course, screamed the lyrics to we are the champions as he tapped on the steering wheel. Drummers, I thought as I sang and played air guitar. Levi sat between us singing just as loud wiggling in her seat.

We pulled into Austen's driveway and Levi's jaw dropped. Austen's family came from money, and his house took up it's own block.
Reason number 373629 Austen is my bestfriend:
He doesn't flaunt his money.
We parked and lead Levi through the maze that was his home, until we reached his room. It was the size of a small apartment, with a gaming area, a king sized bed, his own bathroom.

We usually shared the bed. Don't laugh, we've been best friends for years and finally had gotten over the whole "sharing the bed is gay," thing so it didn't bother us any.
Austen moved to a closet and tossed Levi an old hockey jersey, and she caught it. She quickly stripped off the dress she was wearing before either of us had time to turn, and she pulled the jersey on.
I looked at my watch.
It was only midnight.
"Wanna hook up guitar hero?" I asked as Levi pulled her hair up and Austen stripped down to his boxers. He nodded and tossed me the controller, and I set up.
"Alright Austen, the drummer, I'm the guitarist, Levi?" I trailed off and she grabbed a mic off the floor. "Singer," I nodded.
We played for a few hours, Levi being adorable and actually an amazing singer, Austen spazzing out, and generally we were having a great time. It was about 3 am when we decided to stop, and I stripped down to my boxers and watched Levi curl up in the center of the bed, Austen on one side of her, me on the other.

Ten hours ago if you'd have said that Levi Hamilton would be sharing a bed with us, after playing guitar hero and making adorable boyish jokes id probably have slapped you and asked if that had helped clear your head. Instead I was in bed, listening to Austen snore, and Levi make little cat purr noises that were actually adorable.


I woke up at 6 am to the sound of Heartbreak Girl by 5sos blaring through Levi's phone. I immediately started laughing, not because of the song, but because Austen was awake singing every word, while Levi scrambled through the sheets looking for the phone. She found it, and looked at the caller id.
"I have to go," she said. Austen got up to drive her but she shook her head. "Can I borrow some shorts?"

And then Levi left Austen carlisles house in a pair of my basketball shorts and his hockey jersey.

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