Gimme a bro talk

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Holy crap.

What did I do? I thought as I trotted over to Chastity.

"Let's ditch," she told me as she grabbed my hand. I nodded, following like a lost puppy. We found Travis after he showered.

"Babe, we're ditching come on," Chastity begged, tugging on his arm. He rolled his eyes.

As much as I loved the two, I knew Travis wouldn't be putting up with chas for much longer- they'd dated for two years now, and i could see his patience with her dwindling. She was demanding.

"Uhh... I have a test today I can't," he mumbled, looking at the ground. She frowned.

"Whatever, let's take your car then," she said, pulling me along. My eyes closed briefly, in annoyance.

"Yeah." We walked down the hall to my locker and grabbed my keys. When we exited the building I saw Riley's truck parked just a little ways from mine and I closed my eyes, inwardly kicking myself for the situation i had gotten myself into.

In a matter of two days, I, stoic Levi, had become a starstruck teenage girl for none other than Riley Larson.

We pulled out of the parking lot and Chastity instantly lit a joint. I rolled my eyes. I loved getting high, but sometimes I wanted a normal conversation.

"Is Travis going to dump me?" Chastity asked swiftly.

I looked out my window, driving to the outskirts of town where we'd be less noticeable. I stopped in a field, and put my Subaru in park as we climbed out.

"Really Levi, should I be worried? Yesterday, I totally did a strip tease and after, he told me he had homework to do, HOMEWORK!" She yelled the last part.

"Maybe he had homework?" I mumbled.

She sighed. Her hair was streaked with blue today, and she wore a tight black minidress and combat boots.

"I wish I was like you," she said quietly. "You're like emotionless, it's amazing."

I flinched inwardly. Emotionless. Thanks chas.

"I hope we don't play football again soon," Chastity said. "I hate playing with those stuck up bitches."

"Maybe they aren't that bad," I mumbled. She scowled.

"Levi, Maleia is one of them," she snapped. I nodded. "Fletcher, is one of them. They are horrible snooty people."

I grunted. "Yeah, yeah," I mumbled.

We sat out there talking, well Chastity talked, and I was forced to listen. My mind wandered though, and I found myself wondering, what if I hadn't changed freshmen year, would it be me Chastity was so determined to hate?


Riley's p.o.v.

I didn't tell Austen about the date. In case it didn't go well. Plus I was afraid it would scare her off, because I just knew Austen would have to go and make a big deal about it.

I sat on my bed, mind racing. It was 6, and I'd have to leave.

I remembered where Levi lived, Clark was only a few streets over and one time when her parents left her friends had thrown a party i had attended.

I was nervous. I needed a bro talk, but if I called Austen I would have to tell him. So I picked up my phone and dialed mason.

It rang three times before he answered.

"Sup man?" He called through the phone.

"I'm freaking out," I admitted, "I have a date with a girl, and I don't know her too well, but she's definitely different and-"

"Whoa who is it?"

"It doesn't matter, point is, I need someone to tell me that I'm the man."

We both chuckled.

"Riley?" Mason said quietly.


"You're the man. And I swear whoever it is will love you." There was a silence before he laughed, "I'm bad at this, can I pretend to be Austen for a minute?"

I laughed, "yeah man."

He cleared his throat, "baby you so fine," his voice was higher and I could hear laughter in his voice, "if that girl don't want you, I do, mmmmhmmm."

I almost fell over in laughter. "Thanks mason,"

We talked for a few more minutes, discussing games, school, and we talked about his mom who had been sick.

"I'll see you tomorrow man," I mumbled before hanging up.

I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys.

"Mom!" I yelled. She popped out of the kitchen, dark hair falling around her face.

"Stop yelling," she mumbled.

"Bye mom I love you," I said anxiously.

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously.

"I have a date."

She smiled before disappearing. "Have fun baby."

Her house was about five minutes away from mine. I pulled onto her street with panic! At the disco playing loudly.

Why did Levi Hamilton make me nervous?

Because freshmen year she'd been arrested so many times I lost count. Because she was funny and fearless and didn't throw herself at me.

I'd chosen to wear dark jeans and a sweater, along with a beanie. I didn't want to dress up too much, but I wanted to impress her. If I tried too hard Levi would notice, if I didn't try, she'd notice. I parked my truck at the end of a single story house. It was dark blue with grey trim and there was one car parked in the driveway.

I waited five minutes for Levi to come out before deciding maybe I should knock.

I climbed out of my truck, wiping my hands on my jeans nervously. "Here goes nothing," I mumbled as I walked up the porch and knocked.

I didn't hear anything from inside, no lights turned on, no voices, no nothing and my brows pressed together.

I knocked again. Nothing. I pulled my phone out to check the time. 7:10.

I sighed and walked back to my truck, giving her a few more minutes, I mean girls were always late, right?

At 7:45 I pulled out of her driveway.

Levi Hamilton had stood me up.



One hour earlier.

I was really nervous for my date with Riley. I sat on my bed, staring at the two outfits I'd picked out. One was a blue crop top, that showed my naval piercing, paired with floral print shorts and flip flops. It was pretty yet plain. The other was a yellow and pink sundress with frowny faces all over, a leather jacket, and gladiator sandals. I stared hard before deciding that I really didn't want to look like I was trying.

I don't try for anyone.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The sweat from football mixed with the heat of being with Chastity had caused my blue hair to get a somewhat crimped look, and I ran my fingers through it before nodding. I couldn't be bothered to do my makeup.

I looked at the clock. 6:45.

And then my phone rang.

"Levi he dumped me!" Chastity wailed through the phone.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "He likes another girl Levi," she whispered.

I slipped my flip flops on and grabbed my keys, running down the stairs. "I'll be there in ten."

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