Night rides.

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I was with Chastity until midnight, when Travis finally answered his phone and she shooed me out of her room. It was exhausting. She went on and on about how she loved him and how they were supposed to be together and how he was ruining her life plan.

I grabbed my phone and car keys as I headed out the door, Chastity bawling her eyes out as she mumbled incoherently to Travis.

Honestly I'd always known they'd break up eventually. I put my car in reverse and rolled the windows down, listening to all time low as I drove. I had the nagging feeling I was forgetting something, but was too tired to remember. But I didn't want to go home.

So I drove to McDonald's at 12:15 am listening to my punk rock music as my blue hair flew through the wind. It was a surprisingly free feeling.

That was what I wanted my whole life- to simply feel free.

I got out of my car and sat in mcdonalds after ordering a milkshake and fries. It was deserted.

I was there about ten minutes before someone walked in.


He saw me and immediately sat beside me.

"Hey Levi," he smiled. I frowned before nodding in acknowledgement. "I assume you know, and I figured before Chastity made a big deal out of it, that I'd tell you I really like you."

I closed my eyes letting a dramatic breath out. Why did my life have to suck balls?

"Look Travis-"

"And I see how off you've been acting, it's cause you like me too? Huh?" He smirked at me and I nearly barfed.

Lucky for me that was when Chevy Royce walked in and yelled at some girl behind the counter to hurry up, or she'd walk home alone.

He turned and saw me and Travis, and waved.

"Help me," I mouthed. His eyes narrowed before he nodded. He turned to the girl who came running from the back and said something to her before walking over to me.

"Levi hey!" He said in an overly friendly voice. "Just the girl I wanted to see, you wanna go for a drive? I wanna go for a drive," he smiled and I nodded, playing along.

"Yes! A drive sounds delightful," I stood up, and walked towards the door, "see ya Travis."

Chevys little sister was nowhere to be seen, so she must've left.

I walked out to my car, Chevy right behind me.

"What was that?" He asked curiously.

"Him and chas broke up and I guess he wants to date me next," I mumbled. Chevy nodded.

"You look like you could use a friend, I can listen if you need to talk," he said gently.

I know for some people, talking to the person you had a one nightstand with who took your virginity, it'd be awkward, but again, Chevy and I had never had a problem, so I nodded and we climbed into my car.

We drove around until 3 am, when I dropped him off as went home.

Chevy was a real friend to me, and I knew I'd miss him next year after he'd graduated.

I climbed into bed as soon as I got home, not bothering to see if my parents were home.

It never occurred to me that id forgotten about Riley.


I'd stayed up playing call of duty til midnight trying to get my mind off of the fact Levi had stood me up.

When I woke up the next day, the thought lingered, but I forced it out.

What bothered me the most was that Levi seemed so genuine- if she hadn't wanted to go with me, why'd she tell me she did?

I got dressed and wandered down the stairs to where my mom had made pancakes.

"Hey baby," she mumbled, "how was your date?"

I groaned and let my head smack against the table. "I got stood up."

My mom frowned, "well she doesn't know what she was missing."

She came over and kissed my head, before going upstairs. I finished my pancakes before leaving.

When I pulled into the school parking lot, Levi pulled up beside me. She looked tired.

I watched her get out, to see that she wore baggy sweatpants that hung low on her hips and hugged her ankles. She wore flip flops, and her blue hair fell messily around her waist in it's natural curls. There wasn't a trace of makeup on her face- not that she needed it, so her few freckles were noticeable today.

Had Levi stood me up to go party?

I sighed and grabbed my bag from the seat, preparing to face the day.

I made it to fourth period without thinking about Levi, but when she ran into math late, and the only empty seat was by me, I groaned. Her eyes locked with mine and she sighed sitting next to me.

I stared straight ahead.

When it was over I heard her start to say something but I left.

Lunch was when hell broke loose.

Levi was half asleep at a table, which was surprising. Usually her outcast gang left during lunch. Travis sat on the other side of the table, jess and the rest of them were there too.

It was ten minutes into lunch when Chastity Taylor came marching into the lunch room, wearing power puff girls pajama pants, a ratty hoodie, and her hair hadn't been streaked today.

"You bitch," she yelled, "you stole my boyfriend, I thought we were friends!"

Levi looked up sleepily. "What?" She mumbled, wiping her eyes.

"Did you sleep with him? What what did you do that made him not love me?"

Levi rolled her eyes, standing up, "chas calm down I didn't do anyth-" the angry blonde lunged foreword and slapped Levi. My jaw dropped and it sounded like one ominous gasp over took the room.

Levi cupped her cheek, licking her lip. "Wow, thanks for showing me just how big of a bitch you really are," she snapped. I saw a faint trickle of blood and realized Levi's piercing had cut the inside of her mouth. I stood up just as Chevy Royce walked over and began to slowly try to calm Chastity down.

I felt bad for Levi, but at the same time, it was like a victory. She stood me up, and then lost her best friend. I watched Austen get up and follow Levi as she left the lunch room.



Chastity and Maleia are a lot alike. I always knew that. But Chastity was never as bad as Maleia, or so I thought. I reached the girls bathroom and stared at my lip that was puffing up as the door opened and Austen shuffled in.

"Are you a drum set? Cause I could bang you all night," he said softly. I laughed a little, and he sighed.

"What happened?" He asked as he sat on the counter next to me.

I told him about Chastity and Travis, and the night before. And then something clicked in my mind.


I'd forgotten my date with Riley.

In my sudden thought I almost didn't hear Austen. "You can eat with us, c'mon," he said as he hopped down and took my hand. I followed.

Riley must hate me, I thought to myself. We entered the lunchroom and I expected him to let go of my hand but he didn't. Jess smiled at me from our table, probably proud that she was no longer the only one of us who associated with the jocks.

Austen cleared a spot for me, right between him and Riley and I gulped.

"Hi Riley," I said softly, nibbling my sore lip. He glanced at me before standing up.

"I'll catch you later Austen."

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