Shitty shitty friends

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It's kind of weird, looking back and seeing how for four years I had lost my best friend, the girl I did everything with, and how she showed up on my doorstep that night.

It December, and I'm sitting at our lunch table watching her push her food back and forth. Her hairs pretty, her skin clear, she doesn't have a scar from her lip ring, so why am I worried?

Because I can see it in her eyes. The way she glances at him, and they water up. How they get glassy. I also can see how her clothes don't fit quite right. Her hip bones are more prominent, I can see her collarbones all the time. I'm scare for her. But I don't say anything.

Levi is a fighter, I know that from experience. I know that she will snap out of this shit slump and save herself. I'm just not sure about Riley.


You know what fucking sucks? Is that I have a gorgeous girlfriend curled up in my bed and I'm so happy but all I can do is sit here and think of Riley.

"Jess," I mumble. She groans, knowing where this conversation is going.

"Baby no," she growls.

"Jess he pierced his lip and yesterday he turned up at school high as a kite," I exclaimed.

Riley was losing it.

I don't know what exactly happened, but whatever it was- he was gone.

He quit the hockey team. He doesn't hang around us anymore. He's constantly skipping school.

"She's doing fine though," Jess murmurs.

Sometimes Jess is dense.

Levi isn't fine.

Riley isn't fine.

They need to be together.

I'm worried Riley might pull some crazy shit.


I'm so sick of Austen talking about Levi and Riley. They need to figure their crap out on their own. That's really all I have to say.

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