Chapter 1

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Luca's POV

"I'm marrying your daughter." I say as I smirk at James.

James Martinez, he is a always seen at my casino's - I have a few and he owes a lot of money, he has a gambling addiction and he has been telling me that he is going to pay me the money back 'soon'. I have given him way too much time and I don't deal with liars, no one defies me or lies to me.

James is married, he also has a daughter, I am guessing they don't know about his gambling addiction, I bet it will be a shocker when they find out tonight. 

I'm a billionaire. I own hotels, casinos, clubs, bars and so many other things that make me who I am today.
Some people describe me as ruthless, selfish and arrogant... It's just business.

"W-what do mean you're marrying my daughter?" James stutters as he asks me with wide eyes.

"James, you failed to pay what you owe so now I'm going to take something from you, your daughter and I shall make her my wife."

"P-please, I don't want her or my wife to know about my gambling addiction."

"It's a bit late for that don't you think?" I say abruptly, "I'll meet you today, at your house at four o'clock, I can't wait to meet your wife and your beautiful daughter."

"Please don't do this." He begs, "I'll pay... Soon, I'll get the money. I promise you p-please, one more chance."

"Just get the fuck out of here." I groan, "I am a very busy man and I don't have time for your lies."

He looks at me, he looks like he is about to cry. He gets up for his seat and he slowly leaves my office.

 In my casino, when there are people who owe a lot of money I make sure to get a background check done and I find out almost everything about them.
Their age, date of birth, family, work and where they live. If they ever try to double cross me things don't end well for them at all.

You may be all wondering why the hell a billionaire like me is wanting to marry a normal girl like Valentina. It's simple, my dad has been nagging me and going on about settling down with a girl. He always says, "Son you need to settle down."
I've heard it so many times and I am bored of hearing it from him... So I am going to settle down.

Oh yes, I'll settle down.

Well, yes I am going to marry her and I couldn't give a shit if she doesn't want to marry me because either way it is happening. It's going to be a loveless marriage, there is no way in hell that I will stay loyal throughout the marriage.

I've seen a few photos of Valentina, I have got to say that she is a very pretty girl. She has long brown hair, tanned skin and brown eyes, she is tall and her figure is absolutely perfect.
She works in a small cafe; I go there sometimes, she's very polite - maybe that's because she is scared of me but whatever.

I haven't ever had a proper conversation with her but by what I know she loves reading, drawing and writing. She is obsessed with some show called Arrow and she absolutely loves drinking tea. 

I am going to tell her today about the marriage, I can't wait to see the look on her face.
I am obviously going to have to explain to Valentina and James' wife, Angela why this is all happening.

I'll tell Valentina and Angela about James' gambling addiction, it will causes some family drama but that really isn't my problem. 

I'll be nice and I will let Valentina stay with her parents for two weeks, during those two weeks I will try to get to know her a little bit more and then she will be living with me in my mansion. I'll treat her nicely if she treats me nicely and I will buy her a whole new closet and she can have all the money in the world.

In all honesty I don't know why am doing all this for her... I just am but if she ever tries to defy me she will feel my wrath.

When Valentina moves in I will let her have her own room and her own personal space. She won't have to have any sexual activity with me... Unless she wants to, that's alright.
She will just have to accompany me on charity events, parties and other family outings. I don't expect anything else from her.

To be honest, I think I am doing more of a favour for her. I am going to buy her nice clothes, she can have a lot of money, the only thing she has to do is accompany me and that is all. I mean, why wouldn't she want to be with me? Every girl wants to be with me... Just saying. I am a billionaire with good looks - mind you I don't get my good looks from my dad. 

I probably got my good looks from my mum, she was very pretty and I miss her a lot. 

My mum, Alana, she died, giving birth to me. I've seen pictures of her and she was ever so beautiful. My grandmother has always told me how my mum was really smart, she was polite and everyone loved her. 

Sometimes I wish I had qualities of what my mum had but then again, I wouldn't be this rich and respected, I wouldn't have people fearing me if I was like my mum. When you're nice people take advantage of you and there is no way that anyone will take advantage of me... Not again. 

I grew up with Brittany she was my step mum, that bitch, I hated her. She used to act all lovely in front of my dad but she was more evil than anyone in the world. She would beat me up and when my dad was away on business trips she would lock me in my room and she wouldn't feed me. Days would go without proper food, sometimes I felt like dying, it was horrible.

No one knows about that and I don't want anyone ever to know about it. I do not need peoples sympathy at all, I don't need people to look at me any differently. 

My dad divorced Brittany a few years ago because he found out that she was cheating on him and she was stealing his money. 

I get up from my chair and look out of the window, I then look at my watch - It's already four o'clock, well, I guess it is time to meet my 'soon to be wife'. 

Thank you for reading my story.

I'll try to update regularly but I am very busy so I apologise in advance. Also this is a book I'm doing as an extra thing, my main book that I am working on is OUR DANGEROUS LOVE, so check that one out as it has more content!

Song - Zayn, Taylor Swift - I don't want to live forever. 

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