Chapter 57

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Luca's POV

I sit down on a chair and wait for my coffee; here I am, waiting for my dad. He wants to talk to me about something. I don't know what he wants to talk about but either way, it's good to see my dad around and to just have a conversation with him.

A waitress walks over, she smiles at me and says, "Here is your coffee." She hands me my cup of coffee and I thank her before she leaves.

The heartwarming smell of coffee beans hits my nose, I really do love the smell of coffee.

The door opens and I see my dad walk in, he catches my eye and smiles at me as he walks towards me. He sits down on a chair opposite me and says, "Hello son, how are you?"

"Hello dad." I respond to him with a smile, "I am doing well, how about you?"

"Yes, yes, I am fine." He nods his head.

"Would you like a coffee or a tea... Or something?" I ask him.

"No, no, I just had something to eat." He says to me, he looks at et me and then says, "There is something else I wanted to talk about... Well ask you about."

"What is it?" I ask him with curiosity.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk here." He says in a whisper, he looks annoyed, he is staring at someone behind me. I look back and see a woman just listening in on our conversation.

There is never any damn privacy.

I get up from my seat, "Come back to my house." I suggest to my dad.

He gets up from his seat as well and says, "No, my house."

I don't object.

What can I do, say no?

I take my coffee with me and walk out of the café with my dad, I get into his car and he sits down on the drivers seat beside me.

Now I am suddenly feeling anxious, why is he taking me all the way to his house to talk?

The whole car journey is filled with awkward silence, the only thing that is heard is the sh*t jazz music playing from the radio.

My dad parks the car up in his garage, I get out of the car and so does he. None of say anything, he opens the house door with a pin and key - he has like double security - we get into the house and I just go into the living room.

I sit down on the sofa, he sits down next to me and I just have to say something because the silence is deafening. "Dad, what is it? What do you want to say to me?"

"I... It's serious but not that serious." He mumbles, I look at him with an even more puzzled look than before.

"Dad, I am confused."

"Yes, your face says it all." He chuckles, "Well, it's about time that I apologise."

"For what, dad?" I ask him and then I sigh, "Please, if this is about Brittany the b*tch then let's forget about it."

"We can't though." He says to me, "Can we? It's always going to be there and you need to stop ignoring it son."

"Well we are sorting it out, aren't we?" I say to him in a 'duh' tone - whatever that means -

He looks at me and takes a deep breath, "No, we are sorting her out." He finally says, "I am sorry for what you had to go through, I guess I was blind and stupid... I couldn't see through her evil ways."

"Dad, what she did to me... It's not your fault." I say to him for the thousandth time.

"But it is though!" He snaps, I can see his eyes getting teary. My heart breaks whenever he is emotional.

"Dad-." I try to speak but he cuts me off.

"No, let me talk." He whispers to me as tears fall down his cheeks. "I left you, abandoned you! Son, I'm not telling you this so that I get some sort of empathy from you, I don't even deserve that... When your mother died, my whole world just felt like it stopped-."
The tears now are falling down from my cheeks, I can't help it, I wipe them away with the back of my hand and look at him, "I am so sorry dad, I am so sorry for what happened to my mum."

"Oh Luca, that's not your fault." He tells me, "There's nothing that anyone could do about that... I love you and care about you so much, I miss your mum... I do but if she could see what an amazing man you have grown up to be, then she would be so proud of you, she wouldn't care where she is."

"That's how she was, wasn't she?" I mumble sadly, "She always put everyone before her."

"Yes, that is how she was." My dad gives me a sad smile, "She was the love of my life... She is the love of my life and I will always remember her."

"I never knew her..." I say to him, "But I wish I did."

"She adored you - even before you were born." He looks down at the floor before looking back at me and giving me a smile.

"I miss her... And I don't know her, I haven't met her." I whisper to myself as tears roll down my cheeks, I wipe them away with the back of my hand.

"Look after her." My dad says to me, "Look after Valentina."

"I will." I answer truthfully, "I'm going to try my best to make her happy... She deserves it."

"Yes she does." My dad agrees with me.

I miss Victorious. & Sh*t I might as well say it before someone else does in the comments. 'I think we ALL miss Victorious'. That joke thing is so overused and that's why I have to say it, I won't feel bad because I actually love Victoria Justice

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