Chapter 24

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Valentina's POV

Today it is Luca's birthday; I don't know much about him - I sort of find it weird to search him up on Google and find out more about his life, but I do know when his birthday is. He is obviously at work and I thought that I will cook up something nice to eat, get some cakes and some candles.

We're on good terms and I want it to stay that way. Besides he has actually been alright towards me and quite helpful as well. I don't know, I guess I'm in the mood to be nice to him for the day.

He should be here in twenty minutes, I have already got the cake it's in the fridge. It's just a small cake, with a lot of vanilla, a lot chocolate and definitely a lot of icing! I want to just eat the whole thing right now, I'm getting extremely tempted.

I decided to roast up some chicken, make some white rice, fries, pizza and a lot of salad on the side. I've also got some nice and expensive selections of wines - they all these weird and fancy names but I just decided that I will go all out tonight.

I go into the dining room and set the table up, I'm so excited - a bit too excited, it's not even my own birthday I need to calm down.

After setting up the table, getting in some food into the dining room and then tidying the kitchen up a bit I sit down on the sofa, and go through my twitter. Agh nothing interesting.
I put my phone down and sigh, I'm tired now. I'm wearing a rose coloured bodycon dress and white heels which are killing my feet. I'm only wearing some eyeliner, lipstick and mascara, my hair is put up in a bun - I made quite an effort.

I hear the keys jingling through the key hole, I get up and Luca opens the door. He comes in and he looks exhausted, a little angry as well as upset. I frown and bite my lips nervously, I was about to scream "Surprise" but I don't know, it's not the time.

I walk over to him and take his coat, I hang it up on the rack. "Hey, what's wrong?" I furrow my eyebrows. He sits down on the sofa and sighs, I sit down next to him.

"Nothing." He whispers, "I'll be fine."

I shake my head, "I know when you're lying." I say to him and just looks at me sadly, I just want him to open up to me.

"Okay maybe there is something making me feel this way." He takes a deep breath and puts his fingers through his hair, "But I'm home, and I shouldn't bring in all this negativity so, it's fine, I'll be fine."

I nod my head, I'm sort of shocked right now. Am I really talking to Luca Marino? Is this seriously the real him right now? Woah, he has already changed a little bit and it's amazing and a little scary as well but I'm happy for him.

I smile at him and then he chuckles, "Well if you ever want to talk, I'm here," I whisper to him and he nods his head.

"So, um." He stutters and furrows his eyebrows, "Why are you all dressed up?"

"Oh yeah, about that." I get up from the sofa and hold both of his hands gesturing to get to get up, "I know it's your birthday and-." I put my right hand over his eyes, "No peeking, come on get up." I tell him, he does exactly what I say - good he is learning...

I take him into the dining room, guiding him and making sure he doesn't trip or fall. I take my hands away, "Open your eyes." I whisper in his ears, he opens his eyes and I see a sad sort of smile on his face.

"Wow... Thanks." He says and he looks at me, "I-It is lovely." He gulps and then scratches the back of his neck, "But I don't really celebrate my birthday."

My heart feels like it's just been stamped on... It's not Luca's fault at all but I just spent so much time and energy into this. I frown and sit down on the chair, Luca kneels down next to me and holds my hand. "Its not because I don't like it, it is beautiful, it's one of the best things that have been done for me." He kisses the top of my hand, I look up at him and smile, "Its something else." He sighs.

"Oh." I look down at my hands and then back at him, "What is it then?"

I don't know if I'm being too nosy or anything but I have this thing when someone doesn't appreciate or I think they don't appreciate something I've done for them, I just get all upset and offended and I feel like I've done something either bad or wrong...

"My mum." He whispers sadly, "She died giving birth to me, she lost so much blood and... I don't want to celebrate something that reminds me of her death."

I massage my head and sigh, "Oh f*ck." I mumble, "I am so sorry, I-I forg-" I ramble on apologetically.

"It's not your fault." He gets up and shrugs his shoulders.

Then I just say, "It's your choice, but if you want to we can eat together, just normally eat and we can do a toast in memory of your mum." I suggest to him, I look at Luca who looks like he is again in deep thought.

He then nods his head and he sits down on the chair opposite me, "This food looks really amazing by the way." He smiles at me, I smile back at him and then he says something that surprises me and makes me feel butterflies in my stomach, "And you look absolutely beautiful."

I feel my cheeks going red... Red as tomatoes, I look at him and awkwardly laugh, I fiddle with the rings on my fingers and bite my lips, "Thanks." I give him a really big smile.

"You're welcome."

To be honest with you all I don't really know where this story is going, I seriously have no motivation or anything and I'm sorry... A lot has been going on at the moment as well so it doesn't help.

SLOW UPDATES - Sorry loves, but can we try getting this chapter to 80 votes?

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Song - Selena Gomez - Back To You.

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