Chapter 42

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Valentina's POV

The love of my life,  my everything, my world - Luca- he is so stressed out and it is terrible... God I am so dramatic, very over dramatic.

But yeah he is very stressed out right now with everything, I just want him to be stress free and happy, I want him to explore the world - which he has the money for - I want him to just feel free, not be worrying all the damn time.

Right now he is in the office at home, he is working his f*cking ass off; I don't understand everything that he does but he just looks through all the money coming in and he does calculations, he looks at what is needed, the security and the people working at his establishment - he will start his work at five o'clock AM and then join me in bed at ten o'clock.

He now works at home because I am pregnant; Luca has become extra over protective over me. Honestly, sometimes I feel loved and sometimes I feel annoyed because he doesn't let me do anything. I know he just cares about me and that he doesn't want me to lift a finger, but sooner or later if I don't do something I will go insane.

Well I need to get out of this bed, god, it is so beautiful, so comfortable and soft, I would love to just lie my head down on the silky pillows forever... But I can't, it is already ten o'clock AM and I just should get out of bed and not be such a lazy kangaroo.


I don't know hun.

I get out of bed and yawn really loudly... Like really really loudly, an over dramatic yawn. I then close my eyes for a minute, hmm, I would love to just go to sleep again, but I can't and I shouldn't, so I am not going to do that.

Not happening today honey.

I stretch my arms and my legs, sh*t that felt awesome. I look at the clock again and roll my eyes, "Why is it ten AM? Huh? I want to go to sleep again." I frown and then scoff, I probably took some unknown and unspecified drugs.

Who knows? Maybe it was gods plan.

F*ck, it is going to be one of them days when you just say everything that pops up into your head, you're going to just act stupid and sulk, then you're going to ruin your whole life and cry for ten thousand, trillion, million, zillion hours.

I go to the bathroom and I wash my face with cold water, the cold water instantly wakes me up and I feel refreshed already. I brush my teeth and then I comb through my hair before pulling it up in a bun.

I get out of my room and then look into Luca's office through the clear windows, to my surprise he isn't there. Where could he be? I frown, I want to see his beautiful face.

I head downstairs and then the smell of food hits my nose. I then see the table set, I see a bottle of water, two glasses, orange juice, croissants, toast and bacon all set on the table, there is also a bowl with granola and yoghurt in it and I smile, this is so incredible.

Luca walks into the room, he smirks at me and then gives me a warm smile, "Good morning babe." He says to me, I walk over to him and I literally grab him and kiss him, "God I f*cking love you so much!" I exasperate.

He smiles at me and then kisses my forehead, "I f*cking love you too."

"Is this all for me?" I ask as I look at all the glorious food set on the table.

"Well... No not really." Luca shrugs his shoulders and chuckles, "I am eating as well."

"Righteo." I laugh, "But I mean... This was all done for me, right?"

"No." Luca says blandly as he pulls out a chair for me, I sit down and then he sits down opposite me, he looks at me and smiles, "Of course it was for you my little pumpkin."

My little pumpkin.

I raise my right eyebrow up at him, "Are you okay?" I ask him as I scrunch up my face, I'm trying extremely hard not to laugh. He called me 'Little Pumpkin' ... That is just terrible and just absolutely reputation ruining. No, I am overreacting again. But to be honest it would be better if he called me 'Lil Pump'.

"Yeah I am, I am totally fine." Luca says to me, he takes a bite of toast and then says, "By the way... Tell anyone I called you 'Little Pumpkin' and you're dead." He laughs and coughs awkwardly, "That's just terrible and eh reputation ruining."

"Ha ha ha." I say awkwardly, I laugh and then say, "Definitely won't be telling anyone that one."

I take a sip of orange juice and then smile at him, "Thank you... For the food." I say to him, "Wait, not just for the food, thank you for everything. You make me so happy and I am so glad to have you, I am so lucky."

"It has been a stressful few weeks, I just want to make you happy. I put you through so much bull crap - I was selfish - and I am so sorry for that." He says to me in a whisper.

"I forgot about that bull crap, I love you." I say to him honestly. Lately he has made me so happy, he has cared for me and showed me love, he has made me just forget about all the bad stuff he has done, I have forgiven him and he has changed. Luca is now so much more caring, he has become a better person and I am so pleased with him.

"I love you to Valentina." He says to me with no hesitation, "I love you so much, don't ever forget that."

Thank you for reading, love you guys!

Sorry for the late updates, I'll try getting better with it all...

And btw the songs I insert at the top are random songs that I like, and that you may like, not all are necessarily linked to the chapter.

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