Chapter 20

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Luca's POV

It really is extremely weird and annoying how I have this sort of attachment to Valentina. Honestly I have no idea why, she really gets on my nerves a lot of the times but I feel like I just want to protect her.

She's just so sarcastic, witty, strong willed; her innocence, she's just so pure. I feel like I need to sort of look after her.

No, I don't love her.

She's just very mysterious...

The way she talks back to me is thrilling, it's no way that anyone else talks to me and it really does take me by surprise. I really do like that about her, she doesn't take crap from anyone and it shows how strong she is.

She has a kind heart, sometimes a bit too kind and with that, people can take advantage of you and manipulate you.

I'm not even emotionally attached to her either, it's something else and it's weird, it's really complicated to explain.

Her personality is just like a fire ball. She's just so powerful and demanding - I've got to admit that I find that really hot.

I sit down on the sofa and then realise I've been thinking about Val for over five minutes, and I was just standing there. Well that's not creepy at all.

I shake my head and try to get her off of my mind. Stop thinking about her Luca.


Ugh. How do I stop thinking about something?

It's literally impossible.

The phone starts ringing and I smile, this could get my mind off Valentina. Whoever it is, I thank them... They have saved me from going insane. I answer the phone, "Hello?" I say.

"Hi." I hear James' voice, oh its him. Not that anything is wrong with him but he isn't exactly my favourite person.
"I-Is Valentina here?" He asks me and I can hear the shakiness of his voice. Something is wrong, I can feel it.

"She's upstairs." I tell him, I get up from the sofa. "Should I pass the phone over to her."

"Yes, please." He says quietly, I go upstairs and go into Valentina's room, straightaway I hear a groan from her and she rolls her eyes.

"Don't you know how to knock?" She says blankly.

"No, not really." I sigh as I pass the phone over to her, she gives me a confused expression. "It's your dad." I say to her and she nods.

I just sit there while she talks to her dad, I examine her room, it's freakishly clean. Wow.
I look at Valentina, suddenly a gasp and a cry escapes from her. I can see her struggle to breath and the phone just drops from her hands.

I hold onto her, "Hey, calm down. Breath." I say slowly as I furrow my eyebrows, what's going on with her?"
She starts to sob into my chest, I caress her hair. "What's wrong?" I ask her softly.

She starts crying more and more, "She's gone." She holds me tight and grips onto my shirt, "My mum is gone." She cries and yells.
I try calming her down, I whisper to her that things will be fine... Even though when a parent is gone from your life it isn't.

I get the phone and give her dad my condolences, this is so upsetting. After a few minutes of talking with him we hang up and I put the phone down, I put my focus back on making sure to calm Val down.

Her breathing is faint and tears are pouring out of her eyes like a burst water pipe. I feel useless, I want to help her but honestly what can I do?

"My mum's gone and I didn't even say goodbye to her. I wasn't there with h-her." She says in a whisper and she hiccups. I kiss the top of her head and hold her hands which are now really cold.

"Ssh." I whisper sadly, tears forming in my eyes. Losing a mother is unexplainable, it's the worst thing ever. She's the one who gave birth to you and you feel such a connection with her as she carried you in her womb for nine months.

"Why..." She mumbles, "Why did she leave? I..." Her words just come out as murmurs and things don't really make sense.

"I'm so sorry." I tell her quietly as I still hold onto her. "I know it's hard but you have to be strong."

"I wasn't there with her." She whispers again and she starts crying hysterically.

Another ten minute passes, me trying to get her to relax a bit. She will stop crying for a few minutes and then she will remember something and then start crying again. I really don't know how to help her, seeing her like this is paining me.

She's always so happy, sarcastic and sort of scary. Now, she's crying, yelling and blaming herself for everything that has gone wrong in her life.

"Do you want to go see her?" I ask her in a mumble, she sniffles and frowns, she then nods her head slowly but with unsurety.

She bites her lips and looks at me sadly, "I don't know if I should." She says and at the end she mutters her words. "I'm probably going to get my dad even more emotional and then-."

"It's your mum." I say to her in a whisper, "I'm sure that she would want you there."

Slow updates - I'll try updating as quick as I can but I'm sorry as I am very busy.

Thanks for reading.

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