Chapter 62

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Valentina's POV

I slowly open my eyes, the small amount of  sunlight is peaking through the blinds. It's a cold morning, I have Luca's arms wrapped around me and my face is just on the crook of his neck.

I get up a little bit, I let out a yawn and look down at Luca who is still fast asleep. He looks so peaceful, I smile down at him before getting my phone from my bedside table. I look at the time, it's only seven o'clock.

I don't know why I am awake this early when it is a Saturday and I have absolutely nothing to do. I get out of bed and put my phone down. I might as well have some breakfast and just get started on the day.

I go to the bathroom, I wash my face with cool water so that I can feel more refreshed. I then brush my teeth and use the bathroom because I need to pee.

After washing my hands, I comb my hair just to look a little bit more presentable. I put on my black silk robe and get out of the bathroom.

I go over to Luca and give him a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. It is still a little dark but I have my eyes wide open when I see Hailey tiptoeing into her room. She has her night  clothes in her hand, and only her bra and underwear is on. The f*ck.

Or just f*ck?

She came out of the spare room that Noah is staying in... No way did she just sleep with him.

Well, I'm sure they didn't just sleep but let's not get into the details right now. It's too early in the morning and I need my breakfast.

But woah. I didn't expect that from Hailey.

Hailey has been in a relationship before, but things ended badly for her. She found out that her boyfriend at that time was cheating on her with one of her friends. She was so heartbroken, I remember it, clearly. She was distraught, she was out of control. I hope she finds her happiness.

Maybe she has already... Who knows?

I go downstairs, into the kitchen. Ugh, the kitchen is always cold. I go over to the tap and fill up a glass of water for myself, I take a sip and then start to make my breakfast.

Oatmeal and granola with croissants, for a little drink I have some fresh orange juice.

After I finish making everything and setting it all up, I look at the kitchen, it looks like a mess. Oops.

I roll my eyes, I am too hungry to think about anything else right now.

I sit down at the table and get started on my breakfast, yummy, this is all so delicious. I take a sip of orange juice and feel content with my breakfast. 

I hear the noise of footsteps and then I see Hailey walk into the kitchen. Well, this is going to be interesting.

Her hair is freshly washed and I can smell the scent of body wash. I look at her and smirk, she averts her eyes and looks down at the floor before sitting down at the table.

"Morning." She says to me with a smile.

"Morning." I say back to her, I bite my lips and laugh, "How did you sleep?" I ask her.

"I... Well-." I cut her off.

"Or did you even sleep at all?" I smirk at her and raise my right eyebrow at her.

She starts blushing, she bites her lips and looks at me, "Yeah, slept like a baby." She says in a mutter.

"I saw you." I say to her, "In the morning, in your um, your lace bra and your underwear... Nice by the way, maybe you could tell me where you got it from and I can surprise Luca?"

She shakes her head, "I was going to tell you, promise." She chuckles, "Oh and it's from Victoria's Secret."

"You're telling me you wear expensive and fashionable under clothes on a normal day?"

"Nope." She mumbles, "Not usually."

"So you were prepared?" I ask her, trying to get more information.

"Stop it with the questions, Valentina." She laughs, "This is embarrassing as enough for me as it is, I don't need you acting all smug."

"Um... You guys were quiet." I comment, trying not to laugh.

Hailey gives me a dead serious look before smiling and averting her eyes down at the table, "We had to be."

"You are sneaky." I tell her.

"How?" She asks me with a confused look on her face.

"I saw the way you and Noah connected last night when we were enjoying our pizzas." I say to her, "The room was full of sexual tension."

"No it wasn't." She gasps.

"Yeah it was." I hear Ariana's voice, she walks into the kitchen and sits down at the table, on a chair, next to me.

"You heard the convo?" Hailey asks Ariana.

"Mhm." Ariana nods her head, "I heard everything, honey, congrats."

"You guys are both ridiculous." Hailey says as she shakes her head and sighs.

"Thank you." I give her a smile and start laughing.

Ariana looks at me and narrows her eyes, I furrow my eyebrows at her. Why is she looking at me like that?

"Did some sort of explosion or some science experiment go wrong in the kitchen?" She asks me.

I look around the kitchen dumbfoundedly and shrug my shoulders, I bite my lips and say, "Maybe."

"I'll clean up, don't worry and I'll make some breakfast for me and Hailey." She tells me.

"You are a gem." I smile at her.

"I'll help you clean up." Hailey says as she gets up from the chair and stretches.

"And I will be back." I say to them both, "Luca has this really important meeting tomorrow, he needs to get a few things prepared."

I get out of the kitchen and go back upstairs to wake up Luca, otherwise he will get annoyed that I didn't wake him up. Yes, if I am awake before him then I am his alarm clock.

Life as a wife.

Obsessed with Mark Ronsons and Miley Cyrus' new song. That's what you call real music, it's so beautiful, pure and her voice... DAMN them vocals are amazing.
* this song reminds me of a friend who died. :/

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