Chapter 21

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Valentina's POV

"I'm sorry mum, I should have been here to say goodbye to you." I whisper sadly as I hold onto her cold and frail hands. My heart feels like it has a massive hole in it and my head is just spinning. I never got much sleep last night and neither did Luca.

I was crying all night, for hours and hours. Just constant sniffling and screaming, shouting and going a bit mental to be honest. Luca stayed up with me and tried his best to calm me down but nothing worked.

It's my mum, the woman who gave birth to me, fed me, held me in her arms and told me that she loved me. I would watch movies with her, go to parks with her, argue with her about stupid things and now she's gone, just like that. It's so unfair and it's so heartbreaking.

I hear the door opening and I look back, my dad just stands there; upset and still weeping. I go over to him and give him a bone crushing hug, holding onto him so tightly, never wanting to let him go. "I'm sorry dad." I frown as tears go down my cheeks.

My dad kisses my forehead and nods his head, he then sits down on a chair next to her. "Should I leave you alone?" I ask him quietly.

"Yes please." He says sadly, I give a little touch on his shoulders and then leave the room.

I see Luca and he gives me sad sort of smile. "Sorry about your mum." He says to me, I nod my head and frown.

He puts his arms out and I can't help but go over and fall into his arms, crying again. He whispers soothing words to me and kisses the top of my head.

I sit down on a chair, Luca sits down next to me and I just wait for my dad to get out of the room. It's time to talk about funeral arrangements and I'm dreading it.

Luca has been constantly telling me that he will pay for the funeral and that he will help out in any way that he can; at first I was reluctant and I was constantly saying no to him, then I realised that my dad and I are broke so we might as well have some help from Luca.

The relationship between my dad and Luca has been alright, there is still that awkward sort of vibe but I don't think they hate each other. Luca was actually, very surprisingly being nice to my father and that for some odd reason warmed up my heart and gave me a sense of hope.

I just don't want to fight and argue with anyone, not anymore. There's no point, life is too short. Breaking friendships, families, ruining lives - there's no point in it.

My dad walks out of the room, his eyes are red, swollen and I just can't imagine what he feels in his heart right now. Maybe that feeling of emptiness, a feeling of sickness in his stomach.

The woman he fell in love with, married and had a kid with. God, life is so cruel.

I remember my dad telling me his love story, how special it was.

At that time my dad was classified as a 'lower class man', to people he had no value, no worth. That's so sickening. He was at such a low point in his life until my mum sat next to him on a bench in the park and from that they started talking.

They fell in love...

I wipe a tear from my cheeks, sometimes I feel like I just want to die but then I think about it again and for some reason I never want to leave this world. It's special, the people here are special and I never want to leave. I want to be with them forever...

I get up from my chair and give my dad another hug, breathing in his scent. "I'll call you soon, just go home darling, I'll be fine." He says softly, I look at him in the eyes and shake my head, "No no, I can't leave you." I tell him.

"Sweetheart, I just want to be alone. We will talk soon about th-the funeral arrangements."

I furrow my eyebrows but I can see that my dad is very adamant on me leaving. I slowly nod my head, "Okay." I kiss him on the forehead, "I love you so much dad." I whisper sadly and then I look back at Luca.

Luca smiles and gets up from his chair, we both leave together and go into the car.

As I'm sitting down, from the corner of my eyes I can see Luca looking at me. I turn my head and look at him, "Are you alright?" I ask him.

He nods his head, "Yeah I'm fine, of course I am." He says nonchalantly, "I should be asking you that."

"I'll be fine." I take a deep breath, "I hope." I whisper and he holds my hand and places a kiss on the top of my knuckles.

"I know I've said this before. I act like a d*ck head at times." He chuckles, "But I am there for you and you can tell me anything." He says to me and I nod my head, I give him a soft smile. He let's go of my hand and then starts up the car. I sort of liked it when his hand was on mine, it felt nice and warm.

It was pretty much a silent car ride, all you can hear is the car moving smoothly. I glance at Luca, he has been there for me a lot - yes, sometimes he is a pain in the ass but he hasn't been that bad.

Maybe we are getting somewhere, I don't know.

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