Chapter 43

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Valentina's POV

Luca decided to go to work today, there is so much to do and to sort out that he just has to be there and I totally understand. I can see how this is difficult for him, he is stressed out and he is so determined to get this club; he really doesn't want it to go into the wrong hands and I know how much he despises Henry.

I have just had breakfast and now I am in deep thoughts, what should I do today? I can't just stay at home all day and do absolutely nothing. I need to do something, go out, get some fresh air.

It has been literally months since I have seen Ariana and Hailey... I almost forgot about them.

When I used to work at a cafe, 'Flakes and Cakes', my two best friends with me, Hailey - my boss and my best friend, then Ariana who works with me, also my best friend. We haven't spoken to each other in so long and I really do miss them, I still have their numbers scribbled down in an old book.

Before we used to always talk, I had their numbers on my old phone and we would tell each other everything. We would talk to each other at work a lot, we would talk on the phone a lot and we would text each other as well. No doubt we were close, I sort of just left them and never spoke again. I hope they don't feel weird with me or anything, I want us to be normal, to be able to talk like how we used to.

I grab my phone and look through my old book, it basically has phone numbers of everyone I know. I go through my phone book and find Ariana's number, I dial her number on my phone and call her, for a while it rings, then a few minutes later I hear her voice, "Hello? Who is this?"

"Hey, it's me, Valentina." I say back over the phone, I take a deep breath, for some odd reason I feel anxious.

There's a pause for a few seconds, then I hear her say, "Valentina as in Valentina, the girl who I used to work with?"

"Yes... That's me." I say slowly, I frown, maybe she isn't glad to hear my voice? I don't know, it has been a while.

"Well I haven't seen you in months...How are you?" Ariana asks me; I sigh, hopefully everything will be fine. I have missed Ariana and Hailey a lot, things haven't been the same without them.

For around ten minutes I stay on call with Ariana, we catch up a little bit before I say to her if we could just meet in the cafe and see each other. I also call Hailey, it was a bit more difficult with her, she was extremely happy to hear my voice but she was upset with me because I haven't contacted her in a long time.

I go upstairs, excitement running through my blood. I rush into the bathroom, I brush my teeth and dance around like a kid, I rock my head up and down... Just stop. I look in the mirror and smile, this is getting awkward, I furrow my eyebrows and laugh, I then wash my face with cold water, I use a face wash called 'No zits, no fits' what the fudge... Okay then.

I look through my closet, I need something comfortable. I look around and then see some black skinny jeans, those will do, and then I see a black t-shirt that has white italic writing on it, saying 'love', it's cute and simple - it will do for today. I take off my pajamas and I put on the outfit I've picked out, I also top it up with a black leather jacket. I then comb my hair out, it's a total mess, so many damn knots. I curl my hair, loose pretty curls - looking good - I will leave my hair out today. I wear a pair of white converses, they're comfortable and stylish.

I add some light makeup on my face, tiny bit of foundation, highlighter, mascara, a winged eyeliner and a lovely nude liquid matte lipstick.


I get a little hand bag, just to put in my phone, my keys, a little bit of money, mascara and my nude liquid matte lipstick. I then quickly spritz on a perfume, smells extremely strong but still a nice scent.

I head out of my room and go downstairs, the door opens and Luca walks in, he has a confused look on his face, "Hey, where are you off to?" He asks me.

"Hi." I say to him, I walk over to him and give him a kiss, "I am going to meet my two friends... Sort of my only friends." I mumble the last part and then smile at him.

"In your state?" He questions, I furrow my eyebrows, what does he exactly mean by that? He then stutters and says, "You're pregnant babe, you shouldn't be running around, you should be relaxing."

"I will be fine, honestly." I say to him confidently, "Look there is just going to be more issues if I stay at home... I will literally go insane, that's why."

"What is it that bad here?" He asks me and he frowns.

"Yes, when I am alone, bored, binge watching the same old Netflix shows for hours on end." I say to him, I hope he understands - even if he doesn't, I am still going. I then whisper to him, "I need to get out, get fresh air, talk to people. I can't be alone here, it's boring." I tell him truthfully.

Luca nods his head, he gives me a kiss on my forehead, "Well I love you okay, if anything goes wrong, if you feel dizzy, nauseous, or if anyone tries messing with you, you call me straightaway." He says to me sternly, I nod my head and grin at him.

I give him a bone crushing hug before kissing him on the cheeks, "I love you too." I say back to him.

"How about I drop you off?" He suggests, "There's no point calling the driver right now when you've got me."

"I could walk." I say to him as I shrug my shoulders.

"You can't be serious." He says and then he sighs, "It's a twenty five minute walk."

"I'll be fine."

"Yeah you will, because I am dropping you off." He says firmly, I am about to argue back with him but he stops me by saying, "No arguments, get in the car."

I roll my eyes and mutter, "I have legs, I can walk."

"Yeah, to the car." He says blandly, "Unless you want me to carry you there."

"Uh uh." I mumble, "Like I said, I can walk." I open the door and get out of the house, Luca walking behind me, he opens the car door and I get in. He gets into the car, he looks at me and then takes a deep breath, "I just care about you." He says to me.

"I'm not mad at you." I tell him, "Its just... Sometimes I feel like a prisoner, always being told what to do..."

"I'm sorry." He whispers to me.

"It isn't your fault." I say to him, "I know that you just care about me."

He nods his head, "Yeah I do." He says quietly, "A lot." He starts up the car, he reverses and then he smoothly drives me to my old work place.

There is silence, a nice silence, it's peaceful and it gives me a sense of relief; it gives me time to think about life. The things that have happened, the things that are going to happen... Just everything. This world, our life, it's all so mysterious. There are so much things going on, some bad things, some good, and sometimes in life we have a choice of how we want things to play out but most of the times we don't. 

A lot of the times, shit happens, people get in the way of destroying your hopes and dreams. But we just have to move on, we have to just be the bigger person at times and learn how to handle it all... Even if it's difficult.

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