Chapter 4

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Valentina's POV

This week has been so dramatic, terrible, stupid... Yeah you get my point right? It has just been the worst. I'm getting married to an idiot who thinks the world revolves around him.

Here I am now at his mansion; it's absolutely beautiful. His whole place is spotless, the white wooden floors look lovely, there's a huge fireplace, there are so many rooms and paintings in the hallways. It's freaking amazing.

I'm at the moment, sitting at the table discussing wedding plans with Luca. Today he isn't being as much of a dick head, I think he can sense I am not in the mood for bull shit.

"I'll give you the money for your wedding dress. If you want I can also get a designer in and you can personalise it." Luca suggests.

"No I will pay." I say, "I'll just find a pretty wedding dress and walk down the aisle with you... It's not a big deal."

"I thought girls like big weddings and stu-."

"Well they would if they were marrying the person they love and if they weren't forced into a marriage." I groan, "Fine... Since you're willing to pay I shall buy the most gorgeous dress ever."

"You give me a headache." He mutters.

"Well it's great to know that we both annoy each other." I say sarcastically and I give him a smile.

"Whatever." He mutters. "Come on." He says as he gets up, "I am taking you to dinner."

"I'm not hungry." I lie. I am really hungry but I rather go home than go to dinner with my fiance.

"You haven't eaten all day." He says, "You've got to eat something. Come on, if you want you can have pizza."

"Why are you being nice?" I ask as I put my right eyebrow up.

"This isn't me being nice." He says, "I just don't want my gorgeous fiancee to starve."

"Fine." I say, "I'll go to dinner with you." I walk out of his house with him and his Chaffeur opens the door for us, "Thanks." I say as I go into the car.

Luca sits down next to me... Like really close to me. He is invading my personal space.

"You don't need to thank him." Luca mumbles, "He is doing his job and he gets paid for it so-."

"Look Luca." I say to him, "Just because you have no manners doesn't mean that I'm not going to have any."

"No need to get all defensive." He says, "And... Don't ever raise your voice at me."

"Or what..?"

"You don't want to know." He whispers in my ear. He smells really good, it's a strong cologne that he is wearing and it is amazing.
"Leave you speechless do I?" He says and then he smirks at me.

"Please just don't talk." I say nonchalantly, "It is so much better when you don't talk."

"Your wish is my command darling." He says.

The rest of the car ride is silent, I am actually surprised, he made no sound at all. Wow, he can't actually be a little bit considerate, I smile to myself.

"Thinking of me?" He asks and I groan. I really just jinxed it!

"Definitely not." I say, the car stops and the Chaffeur opens the door, I get out of the car and Luca does as well.

Straightaway there are hundreds of lights flashing everywhere. Oh god it is the stupid Paparazzi. Luca walks in front of me and holds onto my hand, he quickly tries to get me away from all the people. He gets me into the restaurant and before he gets in he puts his middle finger up at the cameras. "I will sue all of you." He shouts and I laugh at his immaturity.

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