Chapter 52

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Valentina's POV

Just a few minutes ago Luca left the house to go to court, it is the day of the trial and he seems actually pretty confident. He woke up early... Insanely early, 4:00 AM to be exact, my morning sickness was kicking in and he held my hair back while I vomited. It wasn't a great scene but it's cute on how supportive and romantic he is being.

He made me breakfast, he made himself a breakfast and while doing so he was dancing very awkwardly around the kitchen to Nicki Minaj. It was sort of crazy but I didn't question it.

Afterwards, after brushing his teeth, getting dressed and doing his hair he gave me a kiss, he told me he loves me and then he went. He looks very happy and also very handsome in his black sexy suit.

I just love suits.

I hear Emma running down the stairs, I look back and see her, I give her a smile, she yawns and sits down next to me. "Good morning Valentina." She says to me as she rubs her eyes.

"Good morning." I smile and laugh, she is adorable as ever, "Did you have a good night sleep?"

"No, not really." She frowns, she sighs and then says, "I could hear weird noises."

Oh f*ck!

"What sort of noises?" I ask her and I gulp, I close my eyes for a second.

"I don't know." She mutters, "It was like screaming and like 'ahs'." She says in a very confused expression.

Yeah, oops, I am guessing Luca and I were a bit too loud last night.
I bite my lips, trying not to laugh out loud. "I never heard anything... Slept like a baby." I lie to her and then I shake my head, God forgive me.

"You never heard it?" She asks me with a shocked expression, "I thought you would have, it was loud and I got sort of scared."

Oh my god, I feel terrible, I feel like apologising without confessing to her about what happened... Well I obviously can't, she's only eight years old!

I hope she doesn't tell her dad she couldn't have a good night's sleep... It would be awkward for me.

Changing the topic of the conversation, I look at Emma and ask her, "So, what would you like for breakfast?"

"Pizza." She says happily.

"No." I say to her sternly, "It is way too early for pizza and even though I eat it a lot, it is very bad for you and you need a proper breakfast."

"Ugh, pizza is just so beautiful." She says in a mumble, she then looks at me and says, "Okay, since you are asking me, I will have toast with beans, orange juice and a croissant."

I laugh, this girl is so tiny but damn, she can eat. I get up from my chair, "Of course." I say to her with a smile, "You can go into the living room and watch some TV while I make your breakfast."

"Do you need any help?" She asks me with concern as she gets up from her chair as well.

"No, I'll be fine." I respond to her.

"Is the baby in your tummy going to help you?" She asks as she furrows her eyebrows and squints her eyes.

I chuckle and smile, "Yeah, something like that." I whisper to her, she goes to the living room and I put my hand on my stomach, "I love you." I say in a whisper.

I get on with making Emma's breakfast, starting off with putting two slices of bread into the toaster, then baking some beans. After buttering up the bread and putting the beans into a bowl I grab some orange juice from the fridge and pour it into a glass.

I go into the living room and see Emma, her eyes - as usual are glued onto the TV. I put down her breakfast on the table, she looks at me and smiles, she gasps and then says, "Wow, this looks great."

She walks over to me and gives me a hug, "Thank you so much." She says to me.

"It's fine, honestly." I say to her, she sits back down on the sofa and she starts eating her food. I sit down next to her and watch whatever she is watching.

I am just hoping that everything is fine with Luca, I hope everything goes smoothly and I hope that when he comes home he will have good news.

I am just trying to stay positive.

After Emma finishes her breakfast she switches the TV off and looks at me, "Valentina? Can we go to the park before you drop me off to my house?" She asks me.

I think about it for a second, I nod my head and say, "Sure we can." I need the fresh air.

"Thank you." She smiles at me, I give her a smile back. She gets up with her bowl and the empty glass in her hand, I get up as well, "Go on, get ready." I say to her, "I will wash up."

After washing up the dirty dishes, cleaning up the kitchen a little bit, I go upstairs to my bedroom and get ready to go to the park. It's  a bit chilly today so I decide to wear a black long sleeve top, black skinny jeans, my army green coloured long coat and my brown ankle boots which have a bit of heel.

I comb out my hair and put it up in a middle parting low ponytail, I just add a bit of a pink shimmery lip gloss and grab my hand bag. I put in my keys and my phone before getting out of my room, I go and knock on the guest room door - the one that Emma is staying in. The door opens and I see Emma, she smiles at me and then says, "Are we going now?"

"Yeah, are you ready?" I ask her, she nods her head and then gets out of the room, she closes the door and we both go downstairs together.

Around two hours go past in the park with Emma, she goes round and round the park, playing on the swings - I push her - she plays on the slides and the other apparatuses. I smile every time she laughs, I wish I was that young again, free again. It just looks so amazing, not a care in the world, it's a lovely feeling that I miss.

I look at my phone, the time is already one PM, I walk over to Emma who is playing around on the slide, "Emma?" I say as I give her a smile, she looks at me, "Come on, we should get going." I say to her.

"Oh okay." She gives me a smile, she gets off the slide and walks beside me to the car.

The car ride is lively, warm and just crazy freaking amazing! Emma makes me laugh hysterically until my stomach hurts, her jokes, her stories and her humour is just fantastic. We sing along to Michael Jackson which is playing on the radio and we just have a great time.

I park up the car and drop Emma off to her house; Daniel insists on me to stay for a bit and have some tea but I kindly refuse. I must be getting home, Luca will be home by four and it is already almost two.

I get into my car and drive home in a nice and steady pace, there are no bumps in the road and everything feels so good. I feel a sense of peace and tranquility.

I just hope that Luca is feeling as great as I am today and I hope that everything goes well for him...

I messed up the updates, sorry if you've read it and you get another notification!

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