Chapter 11

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Valentina's POV

I am at my parents house, I felt extremely bored at home. The house is so big but so empty, there isn't much to do. I could probably cook or watch TV but I'm scared I might break something.

My mum is being awfully quiet, I don't know what's wrong with her. I've tried to talk to her but she just gives back one worded answers and it's really frustrating.

My dad is out, he's gone shopping to buy some groceries and I'm here making a cup of tea for my mum. I have no idea what's wrong with her, she just seems so upset. It's sort of scaring me, I hope it's nothing to bad.

I go to the living room and see my mum sitting down, she looks like she has been crying. "M-mum?" I stutter sadly, I put down the cup on a table and sit down next to her. I put my hands on her shoulders, "What is it mum?" I ask her but I get no answer. A tear falls down from her cheeks, she just looks at me with a blank expression... And now she is really scaring me.

"Oh it's nothing sweetie." She gives me soft smile, but I can see that there is something else. Something is wrong and she isn't telling me.

"Mum, don't lie to me." I say to her, "Tell me, please. What is it?"

"I can't." She sobs, "I can't... I-It's-." I give her a hug and hold her tight.

"Please mum, it's okay." I reassure her and hug her more, "Ssh." I try to calm her down.

"I don't know how to say this to you because it's going to really really hurt you and... There's nothing anyone can do about it anymore. It's just too late."

"What are you talking about mum?" I ask her, my eyes start watering up, I feel like this is going to crush my heart. The way she's talking right now, it's really scaring me.

"I'm." She cries some more, "I'm... Dying." She says in a whisper. I shake my head, no. This can't be true, what is she talking about?

I take a deep breath, "What do you mean mum? You're ill, I can help."

"No dear." She sobs, "You can't help me. It's too late, I've left it too late." She cries on my shoulders. I start crying as well, not my mum... Please, not my mum.

"What is wrong?" I ask her as I wipe my tears with the back of my hand.

"Leukaemia." She finally says making my heart feel like it's dropping... No. This can't be happening, this can't be true.

"How long have you been like this?" I ask her but she doesn't give me a reply, she just cries.

She then says, "Stage four leukaemia, I can't do anything anymore."

"Why didn't you tell me mum?" I ask, "You should have, I could have worked more hours, got money, got some help-."

"I'm sorry baby." She wipes her tears, "But I don't have long at all. I didn't want to upset you, that's why I didn't tell you."

"Well obviously it's going to me mum." I say in a mutter, "You should have told me... Oh mum." I whisper as I cry and give her a hug.

Why is this happening right now? Why my mum, she's always been my rock. She's always been there for me and I can't lose her.

"I'm sorry darling." She says, "There's nothing I can do now-."

"You can't give up mummy." I tell her, she has got to find a way to fight this thing. I can ask Luca, maybe he will able to help. I need to find some way, I can't lose my mum.

"Baby, there's nothing we can do... Nothing at all." She says softly, "I wish there was. I promise you dear, I'm not giving up. Life is just giving up on me." She starts crying again and I just hate to see my mum like this. She's always been very smiley, enthusiastic and loving towards everyone.

Why is it that good people always die or leave us too quickly

Life is so unfair. All those bad people, the ones who destroy other people's lives get everything including happiness. They get what they want and it makes me think sometimes, why?

I hear the door unlocking, I look and see my dad. He puts down the shopping bags and I think he can already sense that something isn't right.

He walks towards my mum and I, "You told Valentina?" He asks my mum and I take a deep breath. Of course he knew about this, I can't believe the both never mentioned this to me. I'm their daughter, I have a right to know.

"So what? When were you actually going to tell me?" I ask them both, I shake my head when they give me no answer. I get up and frown, "I'm sick of it, I love you both but you guys never tell me what's going on. I just don't understand why?" I put my fingers through my hair and then I sit back down.

"We're sorry love." My dad whispers, "It's just a difficult thing you know and it took me a long time to process it all. Then you had to get married and I just want you to have a happy life you know."

"A happy life?" I retort, I'm trying not to irrational here but they really should tell me what's going on. "When the truth unravels... It's never something that's going to make me happy." I frown, I give my mum and dad a hug. A tears slip down from my eyes and down to my cheeks.

"Sorry." My mum says again and she holds my hand. "I'm sorry."

I nod my head, "Yeah, we can get through this right?" I mumble. I'm trying to be strong here but it's not really working. I have just found out that my mum is close to dying and I can't do anything about it. I wipe my tears and stand up again, I can't make my mum and dad even more upset - I will just cry at home.

"Bye mum, bye dad." I give them a kiss on the cheek, "I should be going, it's getting late and I really don't feel like arguing with Luca today."

"Sure you can't stay for a little longer sweetie?" My mum asks me.

"Sorry. No mum, I'll see you another time though." I tell them both, I give them one last hug before leaving the house.

Remember, really slow updates on this book. Sorry.

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