Chapter 27

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Valentina's POV

It's week two - so last week I transferred the forty thousand pounds into Mel's account. She texted me and threatened me a few times so I just had to do it, I can't put anyone's life in danger.

Luca was on the phone with someone after a few days of me transferring the money. I can't recall much of what he said but he seemed angry.

Luca is a billionaire, and he constantly spends money so I think it took a while to see that forty thousand was gone from his account. Damn, he is so rich, it's almost unbelievable.

I honestly feel disgusted and ashamed for doing this but I really have no choice.

Another sick feeling that I have is that Mel is listening to everything I'm saying or she has someone else keeping tabs on me. I feel scared to do a lot of stuff and I'm always cautious.

In a few hours I will transfer another forty thousand pounds into Mel's account, but now I am going to try and relax. I'm eating out, having dinner with Luca who has been very nice to me...

"You haven't even touched your food." Luca states as he furrows his eyebrows and points at my plate which has a chicken burger on it and a lot of salad.

I get my fork and literally stab a piece of cucumber and I put it into my mouth, "I'm just not that hungry I guess." I lie to him.

He takes a deep breath and then takes a sip of his champagne, "I don't believe that for a second." He chuckles and then he gives me a smile, "Your belly was rumbling throughout the whole car ride."

I laugh and then sigh, I look at the burger that I have to say looks so delicious. I take the burger and take a bite, "Yeah I lied, I am hungry." I say and he shakes his head with a smile on his face.

I grin at him and then I proceed to finishing off my food, there's no way I'm letting it go to waste.

After we finish we get up and go outside; the weather is beautiful for the first time in a while and that makes me happy, I look at Luca and then ask him, "Want to go to the park?"

"I'm sort of busy-." He says and I roll my eyes. I hold onto his hand and he knows that I'm not going to take that for an answer, I literally drag him all the way to the park.

We sit on a bench and I rest my head on his shoulders, "Let's talk." I whisper and then he averts his eyes at me again.

"About what?" He asks me, I stop resting my head on his shoulders and look at him.

"Anything." I sigh, "How are you?" I ask.

"Me?" He asks with a confused look on his face, he then chuckles a bit and then mumbles, "No one's ever really asked me how I am."

"What did you say?" I ask him and smile even though I know what he said.

"Nothing." He shrugs his shoulders. I give him a hug, "What was that for?" He asks me.

I look up at him, "No reason." I grin at him and he lightly pinches my cheeks.

It's so nice seeing him like this, it warms my heart up and makes me really happy.

"I got an idea." He says to me, I look at him and then he says, "How about we go to the beach, watch the sun go down and then look at the stars together."

I look at him, I'm shocked - really shocked. I don't give him a mocking remark, I just smile and nod my head, I want him to feel comfortable with me.

So we both get up and walk to the beach, my hands holding onto his, I can sense that he is shocked with all affection I am showing him but it's cute, he doesn't say anything he just holds onto my hands as well, we talk and laugh...

We get to the beach, sit on the sand next to the sea and I rest my head on his shoulders watching the sun go down.

There are a few people in the beach at this time so it's nice and peaceful.

We talk to each other about life, a little bit about our childhoods and some funny or embarrassing stories. "This one time I was looking for my best friend, Mike, we used to mess about a lot and we would always get in trouble. He said he was upstairs, so I went upstairs and right in the damn hallway was his parents full on snogging and I just stood there like... Crap." He tells me one story and I laugh until my stomach literally starts hurting.

"Oh my god what did you do?" I ask him and he laughs.

"Well they were still snogging, they didn't even know I was there. I walked back down and then saw Mike sitting down on the sofa laughing." He says and he smiles. "Those were funny times." He nods his head and grins at me.

"Yeah I miss being a child, not having to worry about anything." I say quietly as I look at the beautiful sky, Luca looks at me and I then look at him, his eyes are mesmerising and hypnotising. His face goes closer to mine, and so does mine, his lips hit my lips and I kiss him back and hold him.

We look at each other, I don't regret that, not one bit, I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

"You're beautiful." He whispers and that makes my heart flutter.

"Thanks." I mutter shyly.

It's getting dark pretty quickly, we look at the stars together and talk for a while till it gets cold, then we walk back home together.

On the way there I get a notification on my phone, I check it and feel sad straightaway. I'm going to try and tell him now, "Luc-." I try saying but I get another notification on my phone and it's from Mel again, it says 'I have people watching your every move, say anything and you will live to regret it, give the money as soon as you go home or someone will die'.

Luca looks at me, waiting for me to say something, I give him a smile, "I had a really lovely day, thanks." I say to him.

"It's fine." He whispers to me. We walk home, and as soon as I set foot in the house I sigh and take a deep breath. I have to transfer the money or someone's going to die.

"You coming up?" Luca asks me as he walks up the stairs.

"Yeah in a bit, just going to get a glass of water." I say to him and he nods his head. I watch him go upstairs and then I sit down on the sofa, tears blur my vision but I quickly wipe them away.

I get my laptop and transfer another forty thousand pounds to the b*tch. I quickly get another notification on my phone, I get my phone and see the message from Mel saying 'Good... Now nobody is going to die or get hurt. Don't make me remind you next week to give the money or someone will get hurt.'

I don't reply, I just switch my phone off and look down at the floor, I feel numb, sadness and guilt as well. I look at the clock, it's almost midnight and my eyes are going to close any second.

I go upstairs and into my room, I go to the bathroom and I wash my face, I brush my teeth and then I hop into my pajamas. I go into bed and I literally fall asleep crying. I feel so guilty and sort of disgusted at myself.

Drama Llama! Oh God - I need food, I'm so hungry.

I'm dead - I mean I'm alive but I confessed my love for a guy and he never really gave an answer but we're friends still so it's cool #friendzoneisstillazone IDK

BUUTTTT please get this chapter to 50 votes for the next chapter, I'm only doing this because there are SO many ghost readers :(

And follow me please, I'm going to go to sleep and cry that I got no zoned?

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