Chapter 45

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Valentina's POV

Luca has been extremely busy lately, he is either at work or he is at home with me - still working a little bit, checking emails and stuff like that.

He hasn't abandoned me or anything though, he will always try making me happy, and I am happy, I just wish he was happy as well; everything is everywhere and I know he is stressed out a lot.

I am lying my head down on his shoulders and one of his arms around me, he is just scrolling through messages on his phone. He suddenly gets up from the sofa, "You've got to be f*cking kidding me."

I get up from the sofa as well, I furrow my eyebrows, I am  confused, "What's wrong Luca?"

"Uh nothing." He mutters, what a bad liar... He kisses my cheek and then says, "I'll be back in a bit." I try saying something but he runs out of the door leaving me even more confused than I ever was before.

I just sit back on the sofa, I switch on the TV, need to keep my mind off things. I just lie my head down on the soft pillows, looking through channels, there is nothing to watch and Netflix only has a few shows that I like. God, I am so bored, help me.

For around ten minutes I watch random shows, there are so many on air right now and a lot of them are for teenagers. I have to say it surprises me, these days there is so much profanity and inappropriate scenes in these teenagers TV shows, I just don't understand how they watch it. If my mum at that time saw me watching something like Riverdale I would honestly get in trouble...

I get up from the sofa, I should call Luca's dad and tell him if he could get Emma over. I miss her, she is so lovely and she is actually very entertaining - what am I doing with my life? I am wanting to spend time with a 8 year old.

I grab the house phone and I dial their land line number, it rings for a while then Emma answers it, "Hello Valentina!" She screams, I move the phone away from my ear for a moment, I think I just got deaf for a second.

"Hello Emma." I say and I laugh, "Did you really have to scream that loud?"

"Eh, yes, of course." She says quickly, I can just imagine her right now, running around with the phone in her hands. "It's you talking! I miss you." She mumbles.

"Well why don't you come over?" I ask her, "Go ask your dad."

"Okay." She says and she laughs, "Wait, I'll just ask Luca, he is here now."

"Really?" I ask as I furrow my eyebrows, "He is there, right now?"

"Yeah, do you want to talk to him?" She asks me.

"No." I say to her straightaway, I then ask her, "Does he look angry? Or angrier than usual?"

"Well yeah, sort of." She mutters and then she says, "He is shouting a little bit."

"Oh right..." I just say, I don't want to say anything else to her. She talks a lot and I don't want any issues. "Anyways, come over when you can okay Emma?"

"Okay, I'll ask in a bit, love you." She says to me.

"We'll talk later, love you too, bye." I say over the phone to Emma, she gives me a 'bye' and then she hangs up.

I am so confused, what has happened? Why is Luca suddenly just so angry?

I am just hoping that it isn't anything too serious, we really don't need any more drama right now. We need some peace and time together.

Well this place needs a little bit of cleaning up, I might as well do something productive. I first go into the kitchen, I wash all the dishes, then I put them away. I clean up the kitchen counter, the table and I also clean up the windows, they look horrible and mucky, it doesn't look aesthetically pleasing. After mopping the floor I wash my hands with soap and look at the time, it has been two hours, where the hell is Luca.

I go upstairs and get my mobile phone, I dial Luca's number, no answer, I keep trying and trying but it just goes to voice mail. I am actually very worried, why isn't he answering my calls?

I call Luca's dad instead, maybe he will have a few answers. He answers the call almost straight away, I feel a bit of relief, "Hey." I say, "Have you seen Luca?"

"Hello Valentina." He greets me, "No, I haven't seen Luca, he was here before but then he went - I was presuming that he would go home but I'm unsure now."

I frown, that's weird, where else could he be? At work? Shopping? I don't know, maybe I am just overreacting. "It's fine, I'm sure he is alright." I say slowly, I am obviously very unsure right now, but I shouldn't be worrying so much.

"If I hear anything from him I'll call you." He says to me.

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem, bye." He hangs up, I put my phone down on my dressing table and sigh. I sit down on my bed, I am thinking a lot right now, it's because when Luca left he was very angry... And when he is angry he does dumb things.

I try calling him again and again, no answer, straight to voice mail. I give up after a while and just go downstairs, I end up ordering pizza - stuffing my face with pizza and binge watching Mr Bean... The cartoon.

The cartoon.


What am I? A two year old?

I hear the keys jingling, I look at the door and then I see Luca come in, he smells of alcohol, and he looks like a mess. I switch off the TV and walk over to him, my eyes filled with worry, my heart shaking, I haven't seen him in this bad of a state in a while. "L-Luca?" I stutter, I put my arms around him and I help him sit down on the sofa. "What happened?" I ask him, he doesn't answer my question, he just puts his arms around me and sighs.

"Babe, come on, what's wrong." I ask him sadly, what on earth is happening? What has got him this stressed out?

I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly and then whisper to Luca, "Come on, tell me what's wrong? What's happened?"

"She's back to ruin my life." He says and now I am even more confused.

"Who is?" I ask with curiosity.

He looks at me, I can see the anger, I can see how annoyed he is as well, he takes a deep breath and then says a name I have never heard from him, "Brittany."

It's Brittany b*tch!

Hmm, love yous, vote, comment and share baby!

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