Chapter 14

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Valentina's POV

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" I hear Luca shout at me as he walks outside.

"Out dad." I smile at him and walk past him, "Now if you will excuse me." He grabs my arm and I slowly turn around to face him.

"Val!" He snaps and I flinch a little, "Go back inside now."

"No." I grit my teeth, "You can't tell me what to do." I tell him straight. This is absolutely ridiculous, it's annoying as well, I have a right to do what I want.

"Oh honey, I'm not telling you what to do." He chuckles, "You're just going to do it. Get in, now."

"No." I say stubbornly, "I am going." I stomp my feet.

"No you're not." He shouts angrily, "Get in or I'll have security to drag you in."

"No you're not." I roll my eyes, I run past him really fast. I don't look back I just run and I can hear him shouting after me. Bye b*tch. Catch me if you can.

I walk around, it's dark outside but the moon and the streetlights are making me see a little bit better. I feel like in my head I can hear Luca shouting at me, I'm trying to ignore it but it's sort of bothering me.

I go into the café, it's called Vicki's Café. It's a very old café, it's popular around town and it's very cosy. I haven't been here in a long time, not much has changed but I have this weird feeling in my stomach.

I look around, I then see Darren sitting at a table. He looks at me and gives a little smile, I smile back at him. I walk towards him, "Hey." I say to him.

"Hello." He replies, "Come on, sit." He says to me.

"Yeah I'm just going to get myself a hot chocolate or something." I tell him, "You want anything?"

"No." He responds. I go over at the front to order a hot chocolate,I wait for a few minutes and then get my hot chocolate after paying for it.

I walk back to where Darren is, I have a weird feeling in my stomach. I just feel awkward now and sort of scared - what will we both talk about? How should I talk to him? What if he doesn't have that same connection with me..?

Oh fudge, I am over thinking things again. I sit down opposite Darren and I take a sip of my hot chocolate. "So how are you?" I ask him and I give him a smile.

"I'm good." He responds as taps his shoes on the floor. "What about you? How is life?"

"Okay." I say, "Yeah it's fine. Things are just great."

"Well." He starts off with a little smile on his face, "I missed you. It's been a while, right?"

"Yeah." I give him a nod and a little smile back, "It's been a few years, I missed you too Darren. A lot."

"Yeah I'm sorry." He mutters, "For the way I was talking to you over the phone, it's just been so long and I just sort of-." He sighs and I shake my head.

"It's fine." I assure him, "I'm sorry about how our friendship ended." I frown and he gives me a little nod.

"Me too." He says with a sad smile. He gets up and I do as well, we give each other a little hug. "I missed you." He whispers.

I look at him and say, "I missed you too."

We sit back down and for a few minutes we catch up on each others lives. A lot has changed and it's kind of scary, life just passes by so quickly.

"Get in the car." I hear someone whisper in my ear - that voice... Luca. Oh f*ck!

I look at him and give him an awkward smile, "Hey babe, how are you?" I ask him gritting my teeth. I can see Darren from the corner of my eyes looking at me weirdly and suspiciously.

"Yeah I'm good darling." Luca says with a smile. He shakes Darren's hand. "You must be Darren, right?" Luca says to Darren. How the hell did he find out Darren's name?

Stupid question actually. He obviously has sources and sh*t.

"Eh, yeah that's me." Darren replies awkwardly, "So what has Valentina been saying about me?"

"Oh a lot of stuff." Luca chuckles, he puts his fingers through his hair and gives Darren a little pat on the back, "It was nice meeting you but Val and I must be leaving."

"I-." I try to object but Luca glares at me really angrily. I let out a weird laugh, "Yes, it was lovely catching up with you Darren and we shall again. But I must be off... Extremely busy." I give him a smile, a quick hug and then I walk out of the café with Luca.

The cold air hits my face, the wind blows my hair and I look at Luca. I glare at him and shake my head, he looks at me and grits his teeth.

"You're f*cking testing my patience here Val." He says firmly, "You do that again and I won't go off on you so lightly, take this as a warning-."

Before he can finish off his sentence, I look at him and grab his hand. "Let me remind you again babe." I bite my lips harshly, "You can't control me. Yeah, you always use my parents against me... That just shows how pathetic you are. I can do what I want, leave me alone." I mumble and then I walk into the car.

Luca just stands there for a few seconds, I look at him. He looks kind of upset. Yeah well, the truth hurts. I'm getting fed up of his controlling ways, he needs to stop.
I'm trying my best here, I'm trying not to really get angry and give him a damn slap.

But I swear to god if he pushes my buttons even more I will snap!

Please don't beg me to update because I've already said there will be slow updates and I'm sorry about that.

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