Chapter 33

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Valentina's POV

I slowly open my eyes, I try having my eyes adjusting to the bright light but failing I close my eyes again and groan. I open my eyes and then realise - no, this has happened again?

This isn't my room, this isn't my bed... Hell this isn't even me. Well it is but god what was I thinking. I turn my body around and see Luca peacefully sleeping next to me.

Yeah last night was very good but now my body feels sore and I feel like an idiot. I know this has all got to end, he will somehow find out that I am the one who took the money, that I am the one who has been betraying him.

Luca is going to hate me so f*cking much and I am so afraid about what's going to happen. Sometimes I get scared that his anger would be the cause of someone's death. He gets very angry and he starts smashing things up, it scares me - it really does.

When he is angry I always to calm him down and you know what, there are sometimes that he just relaxes and it sort of makes me feel like I am in control, it makes me feel happy that I can have that sort of impact on him and his feelings.

Okay, now it is not the time to procrastinate, I need to get out of this bed. I take the sheets off, yeah I am fully flipping naked, where are all of my clothes?

I got the answer - all around the damn floor, beautiful, I love this sort of decoration, it's very new and pretty stylish as well. 

I get up from the bed and sigh, I need to be as quiet as possible and not wake Luca up. I get my clothes, underwear and bra, I put it all back on and then go out of his room. I enter my room, I need to have a shower.

I undress myself again and hop into the shower, the warm water goes down my body and it feels great. I then hear a noise, footsteps to be specific with you all.

I turn around and see Luca behind me, I gasp, "Ay get out now L-." Yeah I don't finish my sentence, he slams his lips on mines and our lips just dance together, they connect and our bodies go closer together, like they are meant to be together.

I then look at him, I glare at him but both him all I know that I enjoyed that. "You need to get out of here." I say to him sternly.

He touches my hair and with his fingers he smoothes it down, he smirks at me and chuckles, "Nothing I haven't seen before gorgeous." He says to me.

I raise my right eyebrow up, "True." I whisper, I touch his hand and kiss it. I can't resist him, I just can't and it makes me feel so weak. I kiss him again and then next thing you know we end up having sex in the shower... I am screwed - literally and metaphorically.

After forty five minutes Luca leaves, he kisses me on my forehead before doing so and that obviously makes me blush like an idiot, it's just so affectionate the way he does that and then he always has that sexy smirk on his sexy face, it drives me crazy.

I finish off my shower, wash myself properly with a honey and vanilla shower creme; yum it smells so good, makes me want to eat it.

I wash my hair and then wash my face again, I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I flip my hair over and wrap an old shirt on my hair, I then look at the mirror for a few seconds, yeah I've forgotten what I was supposed to do.

I then remember, it's like a light bulb in my head flashing when I remember something, honestly.

I grab my toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it and brush my teeth for two minutes. I then wash my mouth out and then I get changed into a casual outfit; black jeans and a crew necked striped t-shirt but not before moisturising of course.

I take my hair out of the shirt and I just comb it out, I let it air dry and I go out of my room. I then realise I've forgotten to get my phone, "F*ck." I mumble, just as I am about to go back into my room Luca walks past me and says, "Me."

This guy is too much, I just shake my head and laugh. I go to my room and get my phone before going downstairs, I go into the living room and sit on the sofa. I get my laptop and just sort some stuff out for my new organisation - I don't like to call it a business, I don't know, I don't want this to be all about money, I actually want to help people.

I check some emails, I then look at Luca who is walking down the stairs, "I'll see you later." I say to him and I give him a smile.

He walks over to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek, "Yeah, sure." He says in a whisper before walking off.

Wow, that was cute, damn.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I can also feel that he is getting very close with me and me breaking his heart will ruin him. I need to fix this shit, but what can I do, Mel the dumb f*cker is creeping me out, she knows everything.

Speak of the devil, I get a ping from my phone and look at the notification - a message from Mel, I bite my lips anxiously and I punch the wooden table. Great, I have a bruise now, "This is f*cking ridiculous." I say to myself, I sigh and tears of frustration just go out of my eyes.

I look at the text, 'Just a friendly reminder for the money' it says, I am so angry right now, I feel like killing this b*tch.

I text her back, 'F*ck off, it's not happening' I don't think about it and I just send it.

'Oh seems like Emma won't be here for her ninth birthday' She replies.

'Mel, I am warning you. DON'T! Leave Emma out of it' I text her.

'Okay, I guess I'll just have your dad dead, give it a few minutes and he will be joining your mum' It says and I gasp.

'Stop, please.' I text her, I feel more weak and pathetic, I am so scared. 'I don't know what you want from me, Luca knows something is going on, I can't get that money' I text her again.

'Yeah, I know' Mel replies back, 'Don't worry about the money, there are others way to ruin your life' I get the text and furrow my eyebrows.

What other levels of crazy is this cow going to go on? I am scared but you know what, now I can't think about all this I feel tired from vexing.

I need sleep right now before I go insane, I go upstairs to my bedroom and just lie down on my bed, I feel sick, I feel tired and I feel so stressed. I don't want anyone hurt, that can't happen.

Thanks for reading, some crazy shiz is going to go down in the next chapter, stay tuned.

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Love you all so much.

I am gone *cries, faints, exasperates*

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