Chapter 19

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Valentina's POV

I have a problem, a really big problem. All the time, all I do is procrastinate like crazy. I over think so much that I think my head is going to burst. I don't know what it is, but I just can't help myself, I'm always overthinking about everything.

It's annoying.

Here I am, at some really weird but sophisticated business meeting. Luca is sitting opposite me, he is wearing a black suit and he looks so hot.

I fan my face with my hands and take a deep breath, I get a few awkward stares from two women who are asking me questions on how I'm going to plan my business and what I'm going to do to contribute to everything.

There's also a man here, goes by the name Aidan; rich, famous and extremely good with business just like Luca. He is giving some really good points which I am taking on board.

The girls - I don't really know their names, I think ones called Lizzy and the other called Mel, they're both just getting on my nerves. They both keep staring at Luca, gosh, I know he is flipping unbelievably sexy but he is a married man, leave him the f*ck alone.

On second thoughts, I do remember him telling me that he won't be loyal to me.

But that's not the point, look which b*tch got the shining diamond on her ring finger. Hm, yeah, that's me.

"So what do you think Val?" Luca asks me, snapping me out of thinking about everything mode. I look up at him, confused, what? What's going on?

"About?" I narrow my eyes with confusion, oh this is just embarrassing, unprofessional, humiliating...

"Are you even listening Mrs Marino?" Ditzy or Bell ask me - I don't know which one. I look up at her, she has long brunette hair, piercing eyes and a figure of a model, it's ashame her attitude is just full on ugly.

"Well I'm not deaf." I mumble as I look at her, she rolls her eyes and takes a sip or water. Luca looks at me with a confused expression and whispers, "You okay?" To me, I give him a nod and smile.

The other girl, the one with ginger hair looks at me and cuts her eyes at me, I sense jealousy. That's what I was feeling like minutes ago.

"So Mrs Marino." Aidan says, "We can first start off with doing a charity event, I will have people to spread the word about your idea through social media, posters, anything that will expand and grow your plan."

You see, at least he gives great and relevant points.

"Do you think you can go this?" Ginger hair asks me with an emotionless expression her face, I wonder what she means by that. "I mean, you're just a normal girl, worked as a waitress, nothing special. How are you going to-." Before she could carry on saying anything else to me Luca intervenes.

"I suggest you shut up." Luca sneers as he looks at her, I look at him, well I'm shocked. "I find your tone unacceptable and I find what you're saying to my wife very rude and foolish. Apologise."

Damn daddy, that was *cute*.

I look at him, give him a smile. That was really nice of him. Ginger hair looks at me and purses her lips.

"I apologise Mrs Marino, I didn't mean to offend you." She says with a really fake smile on her face.

"Oh don't worry love, you didn't." I give her a fake smile back and then do one of them awkward coughs.

I can see Luca and Aidan trying to not burst out laughing. God the drama in my life is like greater than an episode of EastEnders.

"This is actually really good." Aidan nods his head, I look at him and smile, from the corner of my eyes I see Luca tense up. What's wrong with him now?
"So next week, we can plan to do a charity event, start promoting it all and see if people are interested." He says.

"Yeah I think that would be really great." I say with a smile. I really can't wait to do this, it's something I've had on my mind for a while now and I really just want to go out there and help teenagers, it would mean the world to me and to those who are suffering.

"Right meeting over." Luca says nonchalantly, "We can decide everything else over the phone." He gets up from his chair and looks at me, waiting for me to get up. I just get up and nod my head, there's no point making a scene right now and asking him to stay longer.

"Thank you so much." I say as I fiddle with my fingers, "This was really helpful."

Luca already leaves the room and I follow behind him, the driver opens the door for us and I get into the car with him. He looks sort of angry, I don't really know what has got him annoyed now.

I sit next to him in the car, I bite my lips anxiously and look at him. It looks like he is trying not to break a wall or something.

The car ride is awkwardly silent, I try to start a conversation but all I get from Luca are yes and no answers. I just sulk and look out of the window, Luca is an idiot.

As soon as the car stops at a halt, I get up and open the car door. I walk out and Luca does as well. He closes the door and then we walk to the front door, I purse my lips and narrow my eyes, "Okay." I shrug my shoulders and sigh, "What is it that is wrong with you now?" I ask Luca.

He looks at me and gives me a death stare, he opens the house door and walks in, I follow him inside and then he looks at me. "You." He says blankly.

Oh that's real helpful.

"What the heck did I do now?" I whine angrily as I furrow my eyebrows.

"You were looking at Aidan like you wanted to flipping eat him like a piece of delicious mea-." He tries to carry on blabbering but I stop him.

I scoff and chuckle, "You're jealous." I say to him.

"No." He laughs and tries to hide his emotions but I know that he is lying, it's so obvious. I shake my head and bite my lips, why is he being like this?

"I was not looking at him like he was a delicious piece of meat!" I say to him defensively, "I'm a vegetarian." I roll my eyes, trying not to laugh.

"What?" He furrows his eyebrows and looks at me with confusion, "You are not a vegetarian!"

"Well I'm not hungry either..." I say stupidly, I sigh and then look at him. "You need to see a jealously therapist." I yawn and I walk away from him.

Valentina makes me laugh - sometimes I wish I was more like my fictional characters (some of them) not all...

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Song - Marina and the Diamonds - Bubblegum Bitch.

Check out my YouTube channel where I do video edits, my YouTube channel name is : KAIZERELL

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