Chapter 64

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Valentina's POV

I am sitting in a black Bentley, on very comfortable leather seats. My mind is a mess right now, I have a million thoughts and questions just circling around in my head; I just know I am not going to get answers, but that's not going to stop me from trying to.

This is Noah's car, he is seated beside me on the drivers seat being awfully quiet. I look at him, it takes him a few seconds before realising that, he then look at me and asks me, "So... How are you?"

"How am I?" I repeat the question as I narrow my eyes, I ask him  again in a sharper tone, "How am I? Oh God, just tell me what's going on."

"Valentina, you know I can't tell you anything." Noah sighs as he lies his head down on the seat, "I want to... But your husband will murder me and dump my body in a river."

"I think that's being a little bit over dramatic." I comment.

"No, he will murder me and dump my body in a river." He chuckles, "He loves you and he would do anything to keep you safe - to protect you."

"Please just tell me." I ask Noah, "I need to know what he is about to do, I don't need him to get in trouble with the law right now."

"Look I promise you, he isn't going to get in any trouble." He assures me with a smile, "He just doesn't want you to think about anything that is going on with Brittany right now, he wants you to not stress about anything."

"Him wanting me not to stress about anything makes me stressed." I state and then laugh.

Noah shakes his head and laughs along with me before starting up the car and saying, "Let's just get you back to the house."

"Yeah before Luca sends out a search party." I say humorously.

The car starts driving in a steady pace, some old and great songs start playing. The Backstreet Boys, I want it that way starts blasting and obviously I have to start singing. After the song finishes playing I look at Noah again, he looks at me for a second and then says, "What? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah." I nod my head, "You haven't told me what's been going on with you and my best friend."

He keeps his eyes on the road, he chuckles and then I can see him smiling, "Well nothing much really." He says quietly.

Aw he is shy.

"Nothing much?" I raise up my right eyebrow, "I'm definitely not asking for any details about what you two get up two, but something is going on, so tell me."

"She's just really sweet." He says to me, I smile, that's just so lovely. "I really like her." He tells me.

"Have you told her that?" I ask him.

"No but I intend to." He responds back to me as he nods his head, "Yeah I am going to tell her, I can't wait any longer."

"Good." I say with a smile, "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you." He says as he tries to park the car up.

"But if you hurt her I'll murder you and throw your river in a body." I say to him in finality, the car stops, he looks at me and laughs, giving me a nod.

He gets out of the car and I do to, "I won't hurt her." He says to me.
"You better not." I say to him firmly, I close the car door before giving him a smile and then going towards my house. I get out my keys from hand bag and proceed to open the door, I then hear Noah say, "I'm going to be out here, Luca said to me he should be home in an hour or so."

"Okay, thank you." I get into my house and close the door behind me.

I have nothing else to do except worry about what Luca is going to do. I just sit down on the sofa, and lie my head down, I bite my lips and just think about what Luca is going to do; the man is driving me crazy.

I grab the remote and switch the TV on, when you literally have nothing better to do Netflix comes in handy. I scroll through movies that I could watch, what should I watch? Comedy, action, romance..? Ugh I don't know.

Actually yeah I do. I need to laugh so let's find a comedic movie to watch. 13 going on 30? Yeah okay, I put that on and wait for it to load.

I try to concentrate on watching the movie but I can't, I can't help but to worry about Luca. I would call him but what's the point? He isn't going to give me an answer over the phone, I have to just wait here on this very comfy sofa for him.

Ten minutes into the movie and I am just not really that interested. I hear the keys jingle and look back at the door, Luca walks in with an emotionless expression displayed on his face. I walk over to him and embrace him into a hug, I look at him and ask, "Are you okay?" He doesn't answer me, I furrow my eyebrows before seeing his face, there's blood dripping down the side of his lips. "Oh my god, Luca? What the heck happened, are you okay?" I ask him, I kiss his cheek just waiting for an answer.

He looks at me and sighs, he closes his eyes for a second before hugging me again. "I'm fine... Don't worry."

"Come on, sit down." I say to him softly as I hold his hand and take him to the sofa, he sits down and I sit down next to him.

"What happened, Luca?" I ask, demanding an answer.

He looks at me and says, "Nothing."

"Luca, please just don't piss me off right now." I take a deep breath, "Just tell me."

"I just got into a fight with Henry." He says to me in a mumble, "This is nothing compared what he got, a broken jaw and a broken nose." He tells me, he chuckles and then smirks at me. I shake my head, always being cocky.

"You're crazy." I state.

"You love me." He responds back with a smirk across his face.

"Well you are right about that." I say to him and smile, I place a kiss on his forehead, I then get up and whisper, "Stay, let me just clean that lip up." I go to the kitchen and get out a clean cloth as well as an antiseptic, I go back to the living room and go to Luca.

I put some of the antiseptic on the cloth and begin to wipe his lip, he hisses and I just have to end up saying, "You're not a snake."

"Well it hurts." He groans as he rolls his eyes.

"Well you shouldn't have got into a fight." I tell him firmly.

"No I should have just killed him." He says in a mumble, I look at him with a serious look and shake my head.

"That's not going to solve anything." I say to him, "Besides, I need you here, with me, with our baby, I don't want you to be locked up."

He nods his head and sighs, "I'm sorry." He whispers, "I do some dumb stuff, I know, I just let my anger take control of me."

I put my arm around him and look at him, I kiss him on the lips and he kisses me back, I then let go and say, "Ew, I can taste the antiseptic."

"Again, sorry." He chuckles as he shrugs his shoulders.

Oh God, I love him so much...

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