Life isn't a walk in the park

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Orange Is The New Black. A TV show that had changed many lives for the better and inspired others to be who they are. Natasha Lyonne was a part of this show and it's where she met her best friend, Yael Stone. They met during their steamy scene in the shower at the beginning of season one, needless to say it was less than comfortable at first for the two. But regardless, Stone described it in interviews to be 'a great experience' because of the way Lyonne treated her. She made it feel comfortable and natural for her even if she wasn't actually eating her out in a prison shower stall. They'd now done more than one scene like that and it was just another scene to them. However, deep down Natasha always felt something when they kissed on screen or appeared to be having sex. She refused to think too much into it, but really she wished it was real. She wished that Yael would kiss her the way Lorna kissed Nicky. The show had changed a lot over the years and so had the cast, creating a great fan base filled with supportive and loving people. Natasha and Yael had grown close as ever and there was nothing in the world they'd trade for it. In June 2017, season five had just debuted and the stars were getting ready for a viewing party with the rest of the cast. Natasha scurried around upstairs in her house looking for her phone, the party was being held there and she was supposed to start the show. Everyone had shown up in comfy clothes and sat in Natasha's spacious living room as they awaited the certain blonde's arrival. Yael knew something was up, so she discreetly exited the room and headed upstairs.
"Natasha? Tasho??" She called out for her friend with no response. "Lyonne this isn't funny, where are you?" A faint yell could be heard from down the hall.
"I can't find my fucking phone!" Yael giggled in amusement and made her way to Natasha's bedroom. Inside she found her frantic and nearly tearing her room apart.
"Want me to call it?" Yael asked from the doorway.
"Yes, please." Natasha looked at her friend with desperation, so Yael happily obliged. Vibrations rose over the noise of Natasha's rustling around in the closet and she immediately rushed toward the sound. She groaned in disbelief and annoyance as she saw her phone was at the top of her tall dresser. "Why the fuck is it up there? Yael can you push that chair over here?" She pointed to a small white plush chair about two feet away from Yael and the brunette nodded. Natasha climbed onto it and snatched her cell up. "Well that was annoying. Is everyone doin okay? Hope they're not too mad."
"They seemed fine when I left, just catching up I think." Natasha smiled and curved her arm at her side, offering it to Yael.
"Well then, shall we?" She smirked at her short friend. Yael giggled and linked her arm with Natasha's.
"Lead the way." Yael replied with a seductive tone. This caused Natasha to blush furiously but she was good at keeping her cool around Yael after having so much practice. The two made their way downstairs and to the living room where everyone cheered and greeted Natasha. Taylor and Laura got up at the same time and hugged the blonde, which Yael wormed her way into as they laughed.
"Alright, lets get this shit started!" The hostess yelled as she put on their show. Everyone erupted in whoops and yays as the theme song started. Natasha turned around and found Yael patting a spot next to her that she'd saved, she blushed slightly and scooted next to her friend. Yael smiled brightly as she threw a large blanket over them and rested her head on Natasha's shoulder. Natasha could feel her face heating up but put her arm around Yael's shoulders anyway, trying to seem as confident as possible. The whole time Natasha couldn't focus on the show, all she could do was stare at the screen while her real attention was on a certain brunette snuggled very close to her. As she was zoned out, she felt a hand on her thigh. Yael's fingers were dangerously close to her core and this made her heat up even more. She had to get out of there. "I uh, h-have to go to the bathroom." Natasha suddenly stood up and walked away. What was wrong with her? She was usually so composed with Yael, what was so different about tonight? She closed the bathroom door and splashed cold water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror. "Pull yourself together Lyonne, you can do this stop being a baby. She just touched you, why are you freaking out?" She put her face in her hands trying not to cry or lose her cool, but then there was a knock at the door, it was Laura.
"Hey Tash, you okay? You didn't look so good when you left..just checking on you." She sounded very worried and this snapped Natasha out of her little funk and she opened the door.
"I'm fine, nothin to worry about." She put on a fake smile which Laura quickly saw past.
"Bullshit, what's really going on?" The raven haired woman placed her hands on her friend's shoulders in concern.
"It's nothing, really. I'm gonna be fine.."
"You looked off to the side. That means you're lying."
"Does not. Look, Prepon I appreciate your worry but I'm fine." The blonde was not having it and Laura got the hint.
"Fine, but you're telling me later." She walked away and left Natasha standing there in the doorway. She shook her head and made her way back to Yael, who gave her a look of concern when she returned.
"I'm okay, kid." She placed a kiss on the top of Yael's head and she nodded, snuggling up to her once again. Once they were about three episodes in a lot of people had to head out because of their busy schedules. Now that filming for Orange wouldn't start again for another few weeks, they could work on their other projects more freely. Laura, Taylor, and Yael decided to stay the night and have a little girl time.
"I'm ordering pizza because fuck cooking." Laura stated as she picked up the phone.
"Classy, Prepon." Natasha laughed as Laura flipped her off. Yael's phone buzzed and as she read what was on the screen, she frowned. "Everything okay babe?" Natasha put a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah it's just my husband. You know how he is about me spending time with you."
"What's his problem? Doesn't he trust you?"
"It's not me he doesn't trust, it's you. It makes me angry and he knows that, but that won't stop him." She threw her phone down on the cough angrily.
"Hey, tonight's about us, forget about him, you've got us now." Taylor scoffed. "Fuck that guy anyway, how do you stand him?" Yael just shook her head. Laura got irritated and piped in.
"Guys, enough with the middle school boyfriend talk, let's put on a movie while we wait for the pizza." She scrolled through the different films on Netflix and Taylor pointed to the screen suddenly.
"Oh that one! We should watch that one."
"Cult of Chucky? You sure Tay?" Natasha laughed at this sudden change of heart. Taylor crossed her arms like a small child and pouted.
"Yes! I'm an adult I can watch scary things." The three giggled in amusement as Laura put a hand on her shoulder.
"Okay Tay, we'll watch that one." The ocean eyed girl jumped up in happiness and put a blanket over herself as she curled up on the couch.
"You gonna be alright Yael? I know this stuff's not really your thing." Natasha asked, worried.
"I'll be just fine hon, no need to worry. Besides, I got you." She winked. Natasha looked away quickly and cleared her throat as her face heated up again. Was Yael doing this on purpose? Did she know how Natasha felt or was she flirting? Before she could think too much about it, the doorbell rang and she ran to get it. Instead of it being the pizza guy like she presumed, it was Yael's husband.
"Um, hi?" Natasha raised an eyebrow at the man standing before her.
"Move." He pushed past her and into the house.
"Um excuse me?!" She chased after him as one of her security guards came inside.
"Is there a problem Ms. Lyonne?" The guard asked, one hand on his tazer.
"Not yet Bruce." She growled at Yael's husband who was yelling at her friend fiercely.
"You said you'd only be here for the viewing party, what the fuck Yael?! You're coming home right now!" He grabbed onto the brunette's arm with force and she tugged against him.
"No I'm not! She's my best friend and I can do whatever I want!!" The shorter woman struggled to get away and the guard stepped forward.
"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to remove your hand from Mrs. Stone." He pulled out his tazer and pointed it at the man.
"She's my wife I can touch her when I very well please asswipe." The guard grunted and stepped even closer.
"He's not gonna ask you again. Let. Go." Natasha said through gritted teeth. "Or I'll chop off your balls and hang them on the mantle." Reluctantly, he released her arm.
"There happy now? Can I leave with MY wife now?!"
"I'm afraid not sir. You don't decide the choices she makes even if you are her husband. Need I remind you she's a TV star and I wouldn't recommend pissing off a body guard." Her husband scowled and walked away in defeat.
"You'll learn your lesson when you get home!" He yelled as he slammed the large front door.
"Thanks, Bruce.." Yael said softly, clearly about to cry.
"It's not a problem, ma'am. I'll be outside if you need me." He returned to his post without another word and Yael's three friends crowded around her as she started to cry.
"Why is he so mean to me...? What did I do wrong?" She put her face in her hands as Laura rubbed her back.
"You didn't do anything wrong. He did for pretending he was the sweetest guy in the world until he got what he wanted."
"Yael, baby, does he hit you?" Natasha cupped Yael's face in her hands forcing her to look at her. Yael didn't respond. "Does he, hit you." Natasha asked more firmly this time.
"N-not really now that I have the baby, but..y-yes, sometimes." She managed to say through tears. The three girls were baffled, they knew he was bad, but they never imagined this. Taylor grabbed her hand reassuringly.
"We're gonna get you out of this."
"No! The baby, h-he needs his father, or hers, I-I can't just leave!" She sobbed.
"You can't raise a child around that guy. He's a monster. Dad or not that baby should not have him in it's life." Laura chimed in.
"Why don't you stay here until we figure out what to do kid?" Natasha wiped away her tears with her thumb gently. Yael nodded. The night went on as normal, once Yael cheered up they shared plenty of laughs and hugs while acting like they were 17 again. When morning came, Natasha awoke to find Yael laying next to her, sleeping peacefully. Her face was bare of makeup and completely relaxed, breathing evenly as she slept. Natasha didn't want to wake her, not yet. She stared at this beautiful woman before her, not saying a word. Her lips looked so kissable, and god did Natasha know that was true. She fought every urge in her body to lock their mouths together, so instead she grabbed her hand. Without thinking, she made small circles on Yael's hand with her thumb, gently caressing it. Yael's eyes fluttered open and she looked down at their intertwined hands, she didn't pull away but instead laced her fingers with Natasha's. The brunette smiled sleepily at her friend. "Morning sunshine." Natasha spoke softly, still trying to wake up herself.
"Morning gorgeous." Yael smirked slightly.
"Want some breakfast? I can make you those pancakes you love." She poked Yael's nose playfully as the two giggled.
"Yeah, I'd like that. But...stay. In bed, just for a little longer. Please?" Yael looked at Natasha with soft eyes that were silently pleading for her to stay in the bed with her. Natasha sighed and lifted her arm signaling Yael that she wanted to cuddle. Yael happily agreed and turned so her back was facing Natasha and scooted herself into her arms. Yael took one of Natasha's hands in hers again and closed her eyes. They laid there for what felt like years to Natasha until Laura and Taylor walked in.
"Tash, you really need to get better at hiding your porn." She said as she flipped through an erotic magazine.
"Gimme that!" Natasha reluctantly broke away from Yael to snatch it from Laura's hands. "Where'd you get this anyway?"
"In that chest in the other room. I was curious." She laughed.
"Well it ain't funny, and sorry to disappoint, there's no dicks in any of them."
"I gathered that. It's alright, tits are nice to look at too."
"Will you two stop acting like 13 year old boys and come downstairs? I'm starving." Taylor interrupted.
"Yeah yeah let's go." Natasha groaned and got up, walking downstairs to her kitchen. Yael told her husband she'd be spending a bit of time there, a week at least. She added that if he came over there again that the police would be called on him, so he stayed away. Laura and Taylor left around noon, so the two had the whole day to theirselves.
"We should watch a movie together." Yael sat on the couch excitedly and grabbed a blanket. "Pleaaaaase?" She whined.
"Fine, let me just get some popcorn okay?" Natasha patted her friend's head and minutes later came back with the salty treat. She put the bowl between them and chose a random movie that looked interesting. Today was gonna be a long one for Natasha.

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