Mother Dearest

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The rest of the week went by fast, quite frankly too fast. Before the couple knew it they were packing their bags once again to go back to their home in New York. Judy had come around, though she was still skeptical, as a mother should be. Speaking of mothers, Natasha had forgotten all about hers until she came to Australia with Yael. Something about seeing her mom protect her daughter seemed to bring back memories for her. Memories that stabbed her through the heart like a shining silver blade. Her mother was never there for her, none of her family ever was. The only person that ever took decent care of her was her dad, and he died years ago. Not having your parents to teach you how to handle the world is never easy, you need that kind of life skill. Natasha never had that, and it always held her back from putting herself out there sometimes, in fear of what would come next.

The Stone family drove the few minutes to the airport, wanting to see Yael off. When the couple exited the car and were getting ready to board, Yael had said her goodbyes and the two began to walk away. However, Natasha was wrapped in an unexpected hug.
"Thank you." Elana's small voice could be heard from behind her, Natasha chuckled. She turned herself around, looking tenderly at Elana who clearly seemed nervous.
"No need to thank me. I promise I'll take care of her." That seemed to calm her down, because her shoulders relaxed. She sighed.
"I know you will." The brunette grinned shifting her glasses.

Home sweet home is usually a term one uses to refer to a place they feel safe and at home. Natasha never had a place that she felt this way, except when she was with Yael. This house they had together, it was finally a place where she was safe, and not alone. Not like one of her hookups, but with the woman of her dreams. She hoped to God she'd never be alone again. The two began their routine of putting their clothes and belongings away after unpacking, both changing their clothes into more comfortable ones. They knew they should get plenty of rest tonight, never know when there'll be an early call time.

It grew darker by the minute, yet Natasha couldn't sleep. Despite how hard she tried to squeeze her eyes shut, she couldn't drift over the fine line between awake and asleep. The line where your breathing slows, your body relaxes, and you feel as if you're floating on air. Something was eating away at the blonde, but no matter what she was refusing to acknowledge it. Yael could feel her lover's tossing and turning, and her eyes fluttered open.
"What's the matter?" She put a reassuring hand on her girlfriend's cheek, who smiled at the gesture.
"It's nothin kid, I'm just having a hard time sleeping is all. Kinda stressed about my mom." Yael kissed her lovingly on the cheek.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Nah, not right now. Thanks babe." Natasha grinned softly as her eyes twinkled in the moonlight streaming through the window. Yael felt saddened, but decided not to force Natasha to talk. Instead, she stroked her hair, her eyes moving slowly as if to examine every part of her blonde girlfriend's face. They were so not ready to go back to work, the two of them just wanted to stay in bed together forever.

As the dreaded sunlight seeped through the curtains, Natasha stretched and let out a long yawn. Once fully conscious, she rubbed her eyes and looked over at the brunette sleeping next to her. Checking her clock, it was still a bit early so she decided to let Yael sleep. The blonde picked up her phone and made her way to the couch, where upon opening her phone she was met with a very unexpected suprise. A text, the same old green icon on the side with a white message bubble appeared. It was an unknown number, so she tapped the notification to see what they had sent.

Hey Tash. It's mom, sorry I've been so distant these past few years. With your recent success I thought I should congratulate you and tell you I miss you. Keep your head up darling, your father would have wanted it that way.

All Natasha could do was stare in utter disbelief. It took a few moments, but suprise turned into anger. She thought of everything that was wrong with that text. One, her success with Orange had started five years ago, and her mom only just decides to congratulate her now? Two, the whole 'I miss you' was bullshit, and she knew it. Despite everything in her telling her not to reply, she did.

Hey mom, thanks for the message. Don't really know why you would have a reason to contact me since you've never needed me but this is a start. What do you want, my money?

She hit send. A million thoughts were racing through her mind, both nervous and mad. She stared at the screen until the small grey bubble appeared, indicating her mother was typing.

Come on don't be like that. I said I was sorry. I know I was never a good mother but I'd like to try.

How could she do this?! Over fucking text?? Oh hell no, Natasha was not having this.

Do yourself a favor and forget about me like you always did. There's nothing you can do to make up for what you've done.

At this point tears were threatening to spill out of her eyes but she wouldn't let them, she wasn't going to let herself cry.

I see, since you're not ready to forgive me I understand. But I'd like to see you again. Even if it's just one more time, please.

She couldn't stop them now, large warm tears fell down the blonde's face as she replied. Her hands were shaking furiously, and she could hardly see.

Fine. Meet me at the café on 23rd after I get off work.

She held her breath, was she really agreeing to this?

Okay. I'll be there. I love you sweetie.

Now she was full on sobbing. She shut her phone off and slammed it onto the table, curling up into a ball on her couch. To try and muffle her sobs, she put a pillow on her face. But it was too late, Yael had already heard and came running down the stairs to her side.
"Baby?? Natasha are you okay? What happened?" She knelt down by Natasha and put a hand on her arm, moving the pillow away from her face. She could barely talk but she tried as hard as she could to speak for her.
"My..m-mom. She texted me..." Yael gasped and grabbed Natasha's phone, looking at her with worry.
"May I see..?" She asked, the blonde nodded. Yael unlocked her phone and went to the texts, when she finished reading them she enveloped Natasha in a hug. Yael left small kisses on her girlfriend's cheek, speaking softly to her. "'s okay, I'm here." The blonde clung onto Yael for dear life. This hurt so bad, but why? She'd pushed it deep inside of her heart for all those years, but now it decided to be a weakness. No, it was always a weakness, but she never acknowledged it until her mother actually talked to her. She hated her, but she missed her. She was her mother after all, and deep deep down she still loved her. This was going to be one of the hardest things she'd ever had to do. But she would do it, for Yael, and for herself.

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