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While Yael's mom was set on ignoring Natasha and giving her death glares, the blonde had other plans. During breakfast, Judy left to go to the bathroom, and Tasho saw her chance. She excused herself and waited outside the bathroom until the woman came out. She tried to get past, but Natasha blocked her way. She was taller than the older woman and could easily overpower her so she wasn't afraid. When she saw she wasn't getting away, she sighed and looked up at Natasha.
"What do you want?"
"Listen, I know you don't accept Yael and me, but maybe if you talk to me we can get to know eachother. You know, be friends? Maybe you'll see me differently, I don't know. What I do know is, I want to marry your daughter some day, and I can't do that if her mother hates me. So please." The blonde took in a deep nervous breath, acting normal. But on the inside she was freaking out, her heat racing. It took a few seconds, but Judy finally responded.
"We'll see. Can I please go back to the table now?" Natasha stepped out of the way, allowing Yael's mother to disappear down the hallway. She'd made some progress, and that was good. When the family was finished and they exited the dining room, Natasha pulled Harry aside.
"I didn't know who else to ask, but I'm trying to get on your wife's good side. She kind of agreed to let me try, and I need advice. What do I do?" Harry smiled widely, putting a hand on the top of Natasha's head.
"No one's ever even cared about us in her previous relationships, and you seem to genuinely want to impress us. I like you, I think you're the one for our daughter." He removed his hand, Natasha smiling back at him. "As for my wife, she's very stubborn as you've probably guessed. But there is one way you can get to her."

Judy sat on a chair on the large porch, reflecting on what Natasha had said to her. Maybe she had been too rough on her. In reality, she was just afraid her daughter would receive hate, because that life can be hard. It was gonna take her some time, but she wanted to understand. However her thoughts were interrupted by Natasha's voice, who was suddenly standing near her with two beers in her hands.
"Mind if I join you?" The blonde smiled and Judy nodded, patting the chair beside her. She took the beer from Natasha's hand and popped the cap off, taking one large sip. "If anything I say pisses you off just tell me and I'll shut up. But I wanted to say, I know you're worried for her. I am too, I know it's hard to get used to. But I'm not like her past relationships. Not only is my gender different but, so are my intentions. I genuinely care about you and her family. I promise you I'm not the girlfriend who just runs away at the first sign of difficulty." Judy took another drink, not looking at the girl beside her.
"It's not your gender. It's the punch that comes from society when it comes to your gender. I don't want my daughter to be shamed, I want her to be.." she paused "Normal, according to everyone else. I don't know how she would handle it." Natasha nodded, taking a drink of her own beverage.
"I get that, but we've already had some weird experiences, and we both got through them easily. She's stronger than you think Mrs. Stone, she really is." The older woman set her drink down, turning to face Natasha. She looked directly into her eyes, making the blonde quite nervous.
"If you prove to me that you can protect her, I'll be okay. But not until this has gone on for more time. If anything bad happens to her regarding this, I'm holding you responsible."
"Understood, Miss." Natasha nodded, swallowing.
"You should get on back to her, I know she hates being apart from you." As Natasha opened the door about to go back inside, Judy spoke up. "Hey." The blonde stopped in her tracks, looking back at her.
"Call me Judy." She grinned, and Natasha chuckled, going back into the house.

Yael Natasha and Jake sat at the local bar, Elana's band up on the stage. She invited the three to come watch and of course, they agreed. Natasha had shot Ruby a text to meet them there, so she'd shown up too.
"You never told me your sister was in a band!" Ruby nudged Yael, who was intently watching her sister, smiling.
"They're pretty great aren't they?" The brunette bounced a little in her seat, not taking her gaze off of her sister.
"Hell yeah!" The tattooed Australian turned to Natasha "You landed yourself a keeper Lyonne."
"Thanks Rose." She gave her signature smirk, Ruby doing the same back. "I'm well aware of that, Yael's perfect." This made Yael blush, elbowing her girlfriend.
"Am not!"
"Are too." She kissed her to shut her up, which worked.
"Hello did you forget I'm right here? I don't really want to watch my sister make out with her girlfriend." The couple broke away, laughing.
"Sorry Jake." Natasha winked at him. Ruby chuckled loudly and tapped Jake's arm.
"I dunno, I'd imagine what they do behind closed doors is worth watching."
"Shut the hell up, pervert." Natasha laughed, making Ruby laugh along with her. Yael pulled Natasha back and wrapped her arms around her, pressing her own chest against her back. Natasha smiled widely and kissed one of Yael's hands, looking up at Elana and the band. After a few minutes of bullshitting with Ruby, Natasha was interrupted when Yael moved her hands to Natasha's bare thighs. She was wearing a short skirt exposing her long legs, which Yael loved. The brunette began to trace patters on her girlfriend's legs, carrying her fingers higher by the second. Natasha pretended she didn't notice however, and continued talking to Ruby. The booth they were in prevented anyone from seeing, and it was pretty dark in there, so she just let it go on. Her breath hitches suddenly when Yael's hand was centimeters away from the growing heat between her legs. She bit her lip, not wanting to accidentally moan and ruin it.
"You okay Lyonne?" Ruby waved a hand in front of her face to get her attention.
"Yeah Natasha, you okay?" Yael smirked playfully as she slid her hand inside Natasha's skirt, beginning to touch her. Natasha wasn't going to let her win.
"Yeah, I just zoned out for a second." She moved her hand behind her, touching under Yael's dress. This made the brunette flinch, and she smiled a little to herself. "Hey Ruby, do you mind going and getting some fries for us?" The blonde asked.
"Oh! No not at all, I'll be right back." The other Australian got up from the table, and Yael's brother stood up as well, saying he had to go to the bathroom. Once the two were out of sight, she dove under the table cloth and pushed Yael's legs open, pulling on her underwear.
"Natasha! What're you doing?!" Yael blushed profusely, trying to pull her dress down.
"Come on, I know you want me." Natasha growled huskily, turning Yael on even more. Without saying anything else, the brunette raised her behind, allowing her girlfriend to pull her underwear down. Wasting no time Natasha applied her mouth to her girlfriend, making her squirm slightly. As if on cue, Ruby had returned with the fries and sat down. She scanned the area for Natasha but obviously didn't see her.
"Where'd Tasho go? She asked the brunette who was keeping it together suprisingly well. However when she had to talk that proved to be a much harder challenge than she thought, and only a small noise came out. Trying to cover it up she shrugged. Ruby was confused but decided not to say anything. Natasha's tounge was moving rapidly against her clit, and Yael wasn't sure how much more she could take before she lost all control. God it felt good, and the fact that they were in public made it all the more exhilarating. Natasha knew she was getting close so she sped up, making it even harder for Yael to contain herself. Suddenly the blonde felt a shoe hit her back as Ruby was crossing her legs, but before she could ask, Yael panicked. She knew she was going to come soon and she didn't think she could keep it together.
"Ruby, b-be a dear and get me another drink?" The tattooed woman smirked.
"I know she's under there, I'll be back in a little." Without giving Yael a chance to respond she walked off, leaving her utterly shocked. She didn't have much time to think about it however because the wave of an orgasm hit her almost immediately. Natasha didn't stop, letting her ride it out, that was the riskiest thing she'd ever done. The now horribly embarassed brunette quickly put her underwear back on as her girlfriend joined her on the seat.
"She knew!" Yael swatted Natasha's arm.
"Ow. No thank you? Or 'that was hot baby'?" She laughed, but the brunette was clearly not amused.
"It's not funny. Yes, I loved that, but Ruby knew it was happening and oh god." She put her face in her hands, ashamed of herself.
"So? Baby, it's not a big deal. She was cool about it." The girl in question returned along with Jake, who had his arm around Elana. The group decided since Elana was finished they should leave, but standing after an orgasm like that ended up not going well for Yael. She stumbled and nearly fell completely on her face when Tasho caught her.
"Jeez Yael, you really are a lightweight." Her brother laughed.
"Shut up." She blushed and held onto Natasha's arm who was chuckling as well. The brunette let a smile fall across her face, she was happy. She knew this is what she wanted, a fun and wild relationship, and she wouldn't have it with anyone else. Natasha was exactly what she wanted and more, that wasn't going to change. When the group arrived back at Yael's, Ruby had gone on her way, and they were all tired. The couple walked upstairs to see Judy walking out of her room. The older woman shook her head when she saw Natasha going to the guest room.
"No, go on." She smiled, making the blonde smile back. She nodded her head.
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me, just go. But please,"
"I get it no intercourse that is understood." Natasha giggled, making Judy blush.
"Good. Goodnight, Natasha."
"Night Judy."

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