Getting away

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When morning came, Yael didn't say anything about the previous night, so Natasha just assumed she'd let it go. However, the whole time they were preparing to go to the airport, Yael seemed very distant. She would only reply with the shortest answers possible and refused to make eye contact. Natasha was worried, but she decided she'd just ask about it at the airport. When they arrived they found Taylor, Laura and the others waiting for them. Uzo had a cast on her hand but that didn't stop her from smiling big as usual. They all embraced in a group hug and got seated where they'd be waiting to board. Natasha turned to Yael and almost didn't say anything, but she forced herself.
"You okay? I feel like you're kinda avoiding me." Yael seemed to stiffen up at this, and she replied very blankly.
"I'm fine."
"Come on, you can—" she was cut off
"I said I'm fine." Yael opened her phone and stopped paying attention to her altogether. Natasha figured it was just nerves as Yael had just done something very hard the day before. She was never allowed to leave the city when she was married unless it was for work. When they finally boarded the plane, Natasha sat at the window seat so Yael wouldn't get nervous. Almost instantly after they took off, Yael curled up in her seat and rested her head on Natasha's shoulder, closing her eyes. 'Okay, so she's not mad at me, that's good.' Natasha sighed in relief and took out her phone and realized she got a text from Laura. The plane WiFi wasn't that good but it was there, so she decided to look.
Is Yael okay?

                   Yeah she's fine. Just nerves.

Oh, good. She texted me
something last night I
think you should see.

                               When we land?


Natasha gulped, what could it be about? Had she told Laura what happened last night? She decided to try and forget about it for the remainder of the flight. However, that proved to be impossible. She was still thinking about it so much she couldn't believe it when she heard they were landing shortly. After they exited she immediately went to find Laura, since Yael had strayed to Taylor. When she found the certain dark haired girl, she knew what she wanted to see. Laura pulled out her phone and what Natasha read made her heart sink.

I tried to kiss her, why would I do that? We're best friends, what the hell's wrong with me?!

So she really didn't mean it. Natasha had hoped that somehow she wanted her, it would've made this coming clean thing a whole lot easier. She wasn't even sure if she could do it now, it sounded like Yael was disgusted at even the thought of them being together. She didn't say anything and gave the phone back to Laura, who put an arm around her. The wait at the airport was very tedious, since Uzo Taylor and Lea wanted to get something to eat. Yael wouldn't even touch any food, no matter how hard Natasha tried to get her to eat. She said she didn't want to because she'd just gotten off the plane and didn't want to throw it up from anxiety. But she changed her mind when Natasha brought her a small muffin, saying if she ate it she'd let her have first dibs on a bed. The six gathered their luggage and made their way to the hotel. They'd made sure to book one that wasn't too popular, to avoid a lot of paparazzi. It would be three people in each room, to avoid arguments. Taylor insisted on staying with Uzo, thus Laura decided to room with Yael and Natasha. Yael picked the bed closest to the window, and wanted to sleep on the side next to it. Natasha happily agreed and put her blanket on her side of the bed, making Yael squeal like a little kid.
"I can't believe I'm stuck in a room with you two for a week. Someone save me." Laura groaned, falling onto her bed.
"Aw come on Prepon, we aren't that bad." Natasha teased. Laura smirked and sat up to face them.
"I know, but if you two keep me up all night with your antics I'm sleeping in the other room."
"Fair enough." Natasha replied, pulling out her hairbrush and running it through her 'blonde mane', as she called it. They had just gotten unpacked and settled when they heard a rapid knock at the door. Fearing it may be fans, Laura peeked out the peephole cautiously. Luckily it was just the other three and she opened the door for them.
"Come on whores it's beach time!" Lea yelled, already in her swimming attire.
"I need a fuckin nap, I got jet lag." Natasha kicked her shoes off and got into the bed.
"Come on Lyonne don't be a downer." Lea hit her playfully with a pillow.
"I'll meet you down there in thirty, okay?" Lea rolled her eyes and agreed, Yael and Laura going to the bathroom to change. Before they all left Yael stopped and turned to Natasha with her puppy eyes.
"Don't be long okay?" Natasha smiled at her and nodded.
"I promise kid." Immediately when the door clicked shut, Natasha's head began spinning. She promised Laura she'd tell Yael how she felt, but what if Yael didn't want to be around her anymore? Even though she knew Yael would never leave her, it still crept it's way into her head. The thought of losing her best friend had been what scared her since day one that she realized she was falling for her. But now that Yael was single again, she was free for anyone to just take her away, and Natasha wasn't about to go through that again. She made a promise to herself right then and there, before this week was over, she was going to confess. She didn't know how, but she would. Natasha looked at the clock and decided she should get to the beach, she needed to feel some water on her skin anyway.

The blonde found a spot right next to Laura, who was tanning and listening to music in her headphones. Natasha laid out her towel and rested her head. The soft sand shaped her body and it felt incredibly comfortable, she could definitely fall asleep here. The other girls were messing around in the water, playing chicken. Yael sat on top of Taylor's shoulders trying to knock Uzo off of Lea's. Their laughter could be heard all the way back to shore as Natasha shook her head and smiled.
"Dorks." Laura took out one of her earbuds and turned her head.
"You know, you don't have to tell her. As much as I want you to, I don't want to force you."
"No, I promised myself I'd tell her before this week was over. I have to, I can't let someone take her away again." Laura just sighed.
"Okay. I'm here to support you, alright?" Natasha grabbed Laura's hand and slightly squeezed it, saying thank you. Laura smiled and put her earbud back in, the sun reflecting brightly off her shades. When Yael noticed Natasha had made it, she nearly knocked Lea over as she ran to the shore. She jumped onto the blonde and attacked her in a big hug, making her let out a grunt from being slightly winded but she hugged her back.
"Good to see you too." She grinned widely at Yael, who was staring directly into her eyes. Yael's brown orbs glittered with happiness, their faces inches apart, both trying their hardest not to kiss. Natasha just acted as if it was normal and gently ran her hand through Yael's wet hair, keeping eye contact. She thought to herself how beautiful Yael was, how breathtaking she really could be. The brunette adjusted herself so she was more comfortable and rested her head on Natasha's chest. "I think I might get a weird tan if you stay there." Yael didn't move, so she gave in. She starting drawing patterns on Yael's back with her finger, and suddenly she got an idea.
"Hey, there's something important I wanna tell you. But not now, there's this party on the beach tonight apparently, and I want to tell you then. We can't drink much because I want you to remember this." Yael remained still but Natasha could feel her smile.
"Okay." She replied quietly.
"Can I get up now? I'd like to actually enjoy the water with you." She giggled and Yael rolled off her body. Natasha immediately shot up and started to run. "Last one in has herpes!" Laura perked up and started to run too but Yael and Natasha were already too close, and she lost.
"Ha ha Laura has herpes, Laura has herpes!" Yael sang in a taunting manner making Laura splash water at her.
"Hey, no one makes her wet except me." Natasha laughed and splashed Laura back, starting a full on splash war which Taylor Uzo and Lea quickly joined. It was moments like this that made Natasha realize, she really did have the best friends in the world, and she wouldn't trade them for anything.

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