Trust Me

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After all that had happened with Taylor and Laura, Natasha was happy if anything. But when she left Taylor's house and began walking to the nearest bus stop, she felt a knot in her stomach. A knot that you get when horrible realization sinks in. This whole thing with Yael had been great, but would it really last forever? She wanted to marry this woman and spend the rest of her life with her, but Natasha wasn't sure if she was what Yael deserved.

She paced back and fourth in the small bus stop booth, biting nervously at her nails. Natasha was about to have a breakdown when she heard a familiar voice behind her.
"Hey Natash. Long time no see huh?" The blonde whipped around to see none other than Clea Duvall, a long time friend who she'd been incredibly close to for years. Clea had played her love interest in two seperate films and stuck by her since they were both teenagers.
"Well well well if it isn't Clea, come here!" She smiled, wrapping her friend into a tight hug. "What're you doing here?" Natasha asked as she let go.
"Oh, I'm just here while I wait for some new roles, my schedule's been pretty dry so I figured I'd take some time off. Of course I had to see my best friend!" Clea grinned widely, putting a hand on Natasha's shoulder.
"I'm glad you're here, there's a lot we need to talk about."
"Yael?" The blonde simply nodded, causing a small smile to appear on Clea's face. "Let's go to my apartment, we can talk there." Natasha agreed, taking a sigh of relief. She was elated that Clea was here, finally someone she could tell everything to. Laura and the others were very close to her of course, but Clea had been in her life much longer than any of them. The brunette had always joked that Yael and Natasha would end up together, even before the blonde realized she was falling for her.

The bus ride seemed extremely short, shorter than Natasha had anticipated considering her mood. She texted Yael where she was, saying she would be home soon. Once inside Clea's apartment, the younger of the two flopped down onto the couch face first, groaning.
"What am I gonna do?" Her voice was muffled, but Clea giggled anyways.
"You're gonna have to turn over and let me sit down you know." She teased, making Natasha roll her eyes and do as she was told. "So, what's the issue? I thought you two were happy."
"We are, very happy. But I'm just..." Natasha trailed off, a lump forming in her throat. Clea sensed her tension and put an arm around her, rubbing a calming thumb on her shoulder. This relaxed Natasha enough to continue. "I don't know if I'm what she really deserves, you know? We're thinking about having a baby and I haven't even proposed yet!" She began to rub her temples in frustration, but Clea just sighed.
"I know you don't have much self confidence, I know you never have. But Natash, I'm gonna be straight forward with you. What you and Yael have is something people could only find in books, fairytales. This is where you're destined to be, right here with her. You'll have a huge wedding with all your friends, the cake will be bomb, and you'll be together until you're old." Hearing another person say it out loud formed so many visions in Natasha's head, it became more and more possible as Clea talked. She didn't know why, but anything coming from the older one always seemed to stick with her.

Yael stared blankly at the floor, losing herself in thought when a buzz shocked her back to reality. Seeing Natasha's name on the screen made her smile immediately, but frowned when she read the message.

"At Clea's for a bit, I'll be home soon. I love you baby."

Yael didn't know why, but she suddenly felt...jealous? Clea had always been a huge threat to the brunette, in every single way. Clea was out and proud about being gay, and she had been in Natasha's life a lot longer than her. On top of that, she always felt that Clea was prettier than she was. Without realizing it, Yael felt a tear fall down her face. Why was she crying? She knew Natasha would never cheat, right? The mere thought of it shattered the brunette's heart into tiny pieces. If Natasha wasn't back by dusk, she would call. She had to.

Natasha had no idea how much time had passed, talking with Clea made everything seem at peace. At first they caught up with what eachother was doing, but that didn't take long as they texted at least once a day. Of course Yael didn't know that, she would get extremely jealous. The blonde worried how her girlfriend felt about her being with Clea, a lot actually. Yael seemed very secure in their relationship, but even after knowing her for five years she was extremely difficult to read at times. They then went on to talk about Clea's love life, which wasn't sounding too amazing. Apparently the girl she had been seeing cheated on her with some guy. When Natasha heard this, the memories flooded back. Seeing Yael in that bed with that man, it sent shivers up her spine and daggers through her chest.
"I hated that guy she was with..." Natasha grumbled. "He wasn't even hot. Thank god he's gone now."
"I'm glad he is too, he seemed like a dick anyway. Hey, this sounds crazy but, what if you propose tonight?" Clea suggested, making Natasha sit straight up.
"What? I can't just throw that on her!"
"Why not? You know you want to be with her forever don't you?" This made Natasha think. Yes, she did want to be with her forever, but was it too soon? She didn't want to overwhelm Yael in any way, but somehow she knew Yael would say yes. They were in love, and she smiled at the realization. She stood abruptly from the couch, her mind was made up.
"Let's go, I need you to help me pick out the ring." Clea squealed excitedly.
"I'll get the car!!"

Natasha stared at the small piece of jewelry that held so much significance as it sparkled brightly. It was perfect. Yael always said how the ring her husband got her was much too extravagant, and that she wanted something more simple. So Natasha got just that. It was a rose gold ring with three diamonds, one large one in the middle of them. It was simple, just like Yael liked, she grinned, proud of herself.

The brunette suddenly awoke, realizing the sky was dark. She'd fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Natasha, and slowly the reality set in. She wasn't back yet. She should've known she wasn't good enough. How could she have been so stupid? Feeling her heart break into pieces, she stared at the floor. She wanted to throw up, scream, do anything, but nothing was happening. All she could do was stare as her world fell apart around her. She checked her phone, no texts. She must have stayed the night with her. But Natasha loved her, she knew she did. Something inside her however kept poking at her heart suggesting she wasn't worth it. The clicking of the door brought Yael out of her internal war with herself, and she stared at the living room doorway. Natasha had the ring in her purse, a giant smile on her face. That smile was gone though when she saw the look on her girlfriend's face. She ran to her, putting her hands on Yael's shoulders.
"Babe? Are you okay?! Did someone hurt you what happened?" Yael shoved her off, an angry look in her eyes as they filled with tears. "Oh no...babe, I—"
"SAVE IT!" She screamed, making Clea nearly fall over. "I should've known I wasn't worth it, what the hell was I thinking?!"
"Yael!" Natasha tried to start talking but was cut off again.
"No! I'm leaving, I don't want to deal with this."
"Deal with what?! We didn't do anything!" Natasha retorted, a bit angry now. "I'd never cheat on you what the fuck??!"
"Yes you would! Anybody would!! I mean look at me!"
"I AM looking at you, and I think you're perfect! Yael please, calm down and listen to me."
"Leave me alone!!"
"Seriously what the hell's your problem? How do you think I felt when you slept with that guy!!" Realizing what she said, she put a hand over her mouth. "Yael, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that." But without another word, the brunette stood and ran from the room and out of the house. Natasha tried to catch her but to no avail. The woman of her dreams fled, and she had no idea where she'd went. The blonde began to cry, slowly falling to her knees. Clea caught her, hugging her close to her as she sobbed. She couldn't believe what had just happened.

Yael was gone.

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